Dwyane Wade, what part of the game is that!!!!??? UPDATE, WRONG GROUPIE!!!

If you honestly believe that "break" stuff then we cant even get through to you. It has nothing to do with being holy, your in the public eye so your business is in the streets. If my boy did the same thing Id still come at him the same way! He isn't famous so a thread wouldn't be worthy.

Plus D-wade paints this picture of a true family man, puts out his "good daddy book", paints his ex to be some crazed person and acts like his "s" don't stink. We just found out it does

So people dont take breaks while dating? What was goin on in their situation then? Explain it to me...

I've taken a break while in a relationship and dip in something else.
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Gabby Union is pretty plain, IMO.

Some folks just like whoever the TV tells them to.
Thats part of shorty appeal i think...she always had that good looking broad that could be in you school/ around your way type vibe to me
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Whats a break? Bang anything the walks for a week? IMO if you want to take a break you shouldn't be together in the first place. All that does is prolong the inevitable.
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Keel u feel me

Cats love to **** on the next man knowing damn well they are scumbag themselves

same goes with music as well..cats dropping mad gross faces n smoking emoticons to some trap music then when somethin happens they turn into Jesse Jackson lol

i wouldnt have raw sex knowing im worth a lot of money to these females. Knowing i'm just on a break with a woman.

And of course gabby is gonna stick by him because she's 41, she's not looking to start over with another man.

I hear you, but let's be real. DWade has been messing with this broad for a while. He's prolly been hitting her for years.
nothing wrong with smashing other women when you're on a break

its the knocking her up part thats the issue 
Sit down lil homie.

You make a statement about me as if you know the details of my life.

I ask you to explain what exactly it is you know.

You use a typical condescending reply.

Yeah you just talking. Move around if you can't take me

telling you your response was naive so you have to fake like you

really know me instead of explaining yourself like a grown *** man.

like i said: lame.
Whats a break? Bang anything the walks for a week? IMO if you want to take a break you shouldn't be together in the first place. All that does is prolong the inevitable.

Which is why I always thought breaks were an odd thing to do. In the literal sense, it's supposed to be time apart but really it's like some pass that allows you to do whatever since you are on a break. I am just more of a firm believer in break ups more so than breaks.
Whats a break? Bang anything the walks for a week? IMO if you want to take a break you shouldn't be together in the first place. All that does is prolong the inevitable.

Pretty much my feelings on it. If nothing happens on that "break" both parties will still be wondering if something did, which isn't a good look.
nothing wrong with smashing other women when you're on a break

its the knocking her up part thats the issue 

I totally agree he takes a L for this but my main thing is it happens. That's the risk of sex, hell half the people on NT are accidents and weren't planned.
you can tell that this chick let him "get the freak out". They've been stories about Wade being wild for a minute i believe so this news didn't really shock me. I just thought he'd have better judgement. Still kinda surprising that Tiger was able to finesse his way around his poon field without laying any seeds
whats sad is he looks christian, ful of morals and principals. so is gabriel union gonna be baby moma number 5

Sounds a lot like Dwight Howard, and I believe wade threw some shots at him as well. You can disagree with the scumbag comments with Wade, but at the very least he's a hypocrite.
She's losing though (probably in the average woman's eyes) for staying with a man who has "baby momma drama" but he gets a pass because he's rich and famous

Not at all, many women will stick around when the money is good. That ring he gave her has "oops" written all over it. I personally know a few grown women that said "I ain't even mad" they know their time is coming. You just have to play the part.
Probably why they're engaged.. She wants the be "rewarded" for holding him down. If he pulls this again she can skate off with some change.

Bingo. God forbid if he does have a kid with Gabrielle. This chick has 10+ years of experience, and been in "Hollywood" for a minute.
Lol at all these cats coming to gabby defense

she's a grown woman I'm sure if she wanted to leave wade she would have by now...this thread soundin like a hair salon right now lmao
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