Apr 5, 2003
Whats up everyone,
We are back in the OC with our 2 year anniversary show. We have some great suprises in store for you on june 30th. Times are tba but make sure you get there early because there will be benifits to coming early. We want to thank you for all the support that has been shown over the past 2 years and we looking forward to the future with all of you. We will have the flyer posted as soon as we get everything locked down. Be patient this is going to be a special show!!!!!!!!!!!!
Club Incahoots/Rio Fullerton
what up well we have taken your suggestions and def will turn on the AC and also turn down the music, also the westcoast music will be in full swing. We will tell the dj to spin some more, but the biggest thing is that we will have gifts for the first 200 people and they are great gift, trust it will be worth it at least 100 bucks in each giveaway for the first 200. We also have great news THE PHARCYDE or TALIB KWELI WILL BE PERFORMING A FULL CONCERT FOR THE TWO YEAR SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THEM IS FOR SURE!!!! WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST TO OPEN THEM UP AS WELL BUT THAT IS ON LOCK. Tickets will be $15 bucks for the entire event, concert and all plus the giveaways, tables are still 100 bucks and it is a great deal if you get 4 people to pitch in on a table because it really makes the table cost 40 bucks because you get in free!!!! hit us up if you would like to sponsor the event also hit us up with some suggestion. The twinz will be in the house displaying there special world best collection LOL> see you all on the 30th flyers will be out wed. all over LA AND OC>
[email protected]
everyone the flyer will be up tom. morning so peep it. Let us know if anyone needs a table for the show they are 100 bucks and we have a few spots open still. With a table you get 4 people in with the price of the table, you can bring as many shoes as you want to sell, and we will have a great performance to watch. Hit us up at [email protected] for all info and question
can wait till the flyer drops im a big dunkxchange head and im only 15 go there mounthly with my people then hit up sonic if incahoots or burgerking if 330
we def do need something because he is laggin man but its coming i promise we have to have it tonight so it will be up tonight
ing to piss me off :smh:
ok sorry for the long wait our flyer dude was all messed up but here it is
IT is OFFICIAL we have a few more sponsors to add but this will do. We will have the limited edition posters at the show and there will be some around the city on sat -thursday of this upcoming week.
Again this is an all age event looking forward to this one a lot and we hope to see everyone there
we have more sponsors on the way so the logos will be added
more sponsors will be
frank 151
yo if anyone wants to help us out we will break em off with a little cash, we need some people to hit melrose, fairfax and some other LA spots please hit us up
714 809 2006
the concerts were cool but all before there was an annoying @#%$ dude going 1 for 20 2 for 3oor 3 for 40 buy 4 get 2 free 2year dunkxchange i wanna f'n hook u up it was like god dam but other than that it was tight
LOL...that dude was wack....he was wearing outlet AF1s. Pharcyde was cool and all, got Imani's graph but they were at their best back in the 90s. god never seen so many beasts under one roof.
the place is much much bigger but sure was hot as hell ...
there for less than an hour .. dude that i was supposed to meet up with flaked ....

Nice Eminem's Garry ...

some of y'all probably seen me too because i was the only one there with my 3 year old ...

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