Eagle almost flies away with a little kid

f dat. im scared of birds now. pigeons dont even run no more when i stomp my feet. Skeed Daddddddddddddddle with that BS. Ppl feeding birds out in public i'll smack them to sleep. Next thing we know pigeons gon be picking us up and bringing us to our destination. they dont fear us no more. Dey know nobdoy wanna touch they dirty ***. I'll never bring my nephew to park. f dat.
Damn, if that kid was injured, the father would look like the illest child abuser with the worst excuses.
"See, ummm, there's a perfect explanation for these injuries! An eagle grabbed my kid, lifted him up, and dropped him from a substantial height, I swear!"
and to think there were even LARGER eagles that are now extinct that used to fly away wit even larger prey.
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even though the worse almost happened, that was 

going to make a legen - wait for it - dary story and the fact its on tape. kid will be pulling all the honies. 
This almost happened to me one time but I had my machete and I cut the eagle's head off plus the eagle that tried to get me was way bigger.

Did you eat the eagle? I'm serious. :nerd:

Lowkey would have been cool to see the eagle successfully take the child away just to see something "amazing" like that happen would be insane :x :pimp:
Dead @ the unnecessary bird call and hero music like it wasn't a potential tragedy.

Reminds me of a time my brother and I were throwing bread at birds in the park...turned into a all-out riot.
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Lil homie probably weighs like 20 pounds. The eagle could definately have lifted it up at least 50 feet in the air and dropped him. That was extremely close to a freak tragedy. How you gon explain that to your wife?

But that video was funny as hell. He was just slappin grass and it comes down and swoops him up. Pops didnt even see it coming. Lol

Anyone got any info on eagle related deaths in human history? Srs.
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