Aug 18, 2003
I know yall had to woken up by the Earthquake this morning.. felt like a jet drove by my house and shook it.
They said it was a 3.7 magnitude that struck near Rockville, MD at 5:04 a.m.

I'm located in Riverdale and it was definitely surreal. My first thoughts to be honest were someone blew up the school next to my house and the mushroom cloud effect just happened to hit my house. 
I was too sleepy for it to set in  my mind that it was an earthquake. I woke up, felt weird shaking, looked out the window, stared at my wall confused, then went back to bed.
I felt it all the way here in woodbridge. At first I thought it was just a big a** truck passing by...

Spoiler [+]
im from cali btw...we get theses on the regular
i had just got back in the house from seeing Inception...i thought i was trippin...a n' was baked...i thought a plane flew by overhead...!%$? since when we get earthquakes?
Felt it round 5:06. I thought I was trippin since we dont get earthquakes here but turned the news on and thats wat they were talking bout
I'm in Baltimore and no one in my household said they felt it *shrug* Still when was the last time there was an earthquake in MD?
Originally Posted by gumsoul410

I'm in Baltimore and no one in my household said they felt it *shrug* Still when was the last time there was an earthquake in MD?

3 years ago.

Originally Posted by DJMano34

I felt it all the way here in woodbridge. At first I thought it was just a big a** truck passing by...
men *%* i live in dumfries i didn't feel %+$% smh... what time this %+$% occured
i was in DC at work and i felt it. i thought it was a train passing through. it only lasted about 5-10 seconds. i was so tired i really didnt pay it any attention until i heard about it on the radio and i was like oh, thats what that was.
Originally Posted by DJMano34

I felt it all the way here in woodbridge. At first I thought it was just a big a** truck passing by...

ducktales. i work in rockville and was still at work at that time and didnt feel a thing
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