Easy things you can't do

snap my fingers with my right hand (even though im a righty, i can snap with my left perfectly)
kick a ball with my right foot (about the same reason as above)
blow bubble gum at least to an average size
cut a paper in half with scissors perfectly (one side will be like 1-2cm longer than the other)
parallel park on the right side of the street (takes me at least 2-3 tries to get in perfectly)
shatterkneesinc wrote:
get girls
at my self

LMAO, but I cant whistle, and refuse to dance, not that I cant haha. I really hate dancing!

but yo I can moonwalk, its mad easy Im so good at that $!!, combine it with the C Walk and it be lookin real fresh
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Swallow a pill.
Seriously, I couldn't do this for the longest time, I have no idea why.

For me, I can't juggle. That's easy right?
ride a bike (never learned when I was a kid, tried riding one over the summer and was shaky. I could probably ride fluidly if I got a little more practice in)
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