they said earlier in the playoffs that he was a late season or post season good luck charm for the team. I wondered the same when lil' dude almost got ranover on a loose ball and tirico or someone explained
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

So you followed your pops to work everyday when you was young?
WOW. You wouldn't go to every basketball game if you could? I swear some of y'all will find anything to hate on
. That is one lucky +%+kid.
i hope he gets trampled get ya lil punk @%* off the court there has to be some kinda rule against this
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

i hope he gets trampled get ya lil punk @%* off the court there has to be some kinda rule against this

word to the 2002 world series
He had his son at the games in Jersey as well. He brought him and he would sit with TJ during the home games in the playoffs last year.
if Stern wants to keep this "professional," it's only a matter of time before he rules against something like this.
Why would this even bother anybody.

It has nothing to do the game nor does it effect it.
it's not even that big a deal. but it definitely seems weird, but hey, if i'm a kid and i have the chance to sit with my pop's team and sitthat close to the action, why not?
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