I told myself I wouldn't buy any until December so I don't get sick of it before Christmas...

But you better believe that when I get some, I will be mixing it with rum!
Oh damn, I never knew they have Egg Nog already in stores!

Time to stock up!
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

never had egg nog. Is it good?
Never liked egg nog. But everyone seems to love it spiked. Must try it again this year.
personally, I prefer it not-spiked and I'm borderline alcoholic.
dairy and alcohol is a no-no in my book...
I saw it last week at the store. And honestly, my eyes lit up and I smiled. Right there in the dairy section of Vons.
Thought to myself, "the holidays are finally here"

JBug88 wrote:
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

carlosdapaperboy wrote:
never had egg nog. Is it good?
Never liked egg nog. But everyone seems to love it spiked. Must try it again this year.

personally, I prefer it not-spiked and I'm borderline alcoholic.
dairy and alcohol is a no-no in my book...
I saw it last week at the store. And honestly, my eyes lit up and I smiled. Right there in the dairy section of Vons.
Thought to myself, "the holidays are finally here"


Fom one borderline alcoholic to another, this truly surprises me JBug.
I'm tryna have to try this eggnog spiked with my neighbors sometime.
Originally Posted by solesavage

You might as well drink Better off drinking melted butter.

Seriously, look at the labels.

It's like 250 calories per serving..but a serving is like HALF a cup.

Moderation I guess.
I have sugar cookie egg nog in my fridge. I'm a bartender try this its pretty good

1/2 cup egg nog
2oz amaretto
1oz Kalua

Whip cream the top and dash some Red and green sugar crystals
Perfect for the ladies as well as the gents.
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