EL CHAPO escapes from prison

Well 5 months ago Mexico already said they'll extradite him to the US if he's caught again. We'll see if they keep their word....
Bruh what? Their decisions have killed hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the border.

Darth Sidious would blush.

You don't have to pull the trigger or give the order to be responsible for the deaths of people.

We spend more than $51 billion annually to fight this war on drugs. You have any idea how many jobs that is?

Since 2006 over 100,000 people in Mexico alone have died due to the war on drugs.

And it's our policymakers and bureaucrats that make sure things do not change.

Our banks are laundering this drug money, HSBC, Bank of America, JP Morgan to name a few.

They operate with impunity, I don't see anyone going after them.

Our former DEA Admin, Michele Leonhard called the death toll a "a sign of success in the war against drugs".

While she openly lobbies against marijuana legalization. We could punch these cartels right in the gut if we decriminalized narcotics and instead of incarceration focused on rehabilitation and treatment.

We don't want that, our politicians don't want that, their biggest constituents ranging from law enforcement to banking and big pharma would pull their support.

And you don't see how they're not directly responsible for all this death? Chapo's personal body count is a ******* drop in the bucket compared to the deaths for which our government is responsible.

Don't miss the big picture by focusing on the happy trees.

Chapo is a ******* pawn in all of this, he goes down Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada takes his place. And he's reportedly even more cerebral and elusive than Chapo.

And Juan "El Azul" Jose right after him.

This is not a war meant to be won.
All I read was basically this world is doomed

All you need to know is that his capture don't mean ish
Dude is gonna be a god in US prison.
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Not even close to the dumbest thing said on nt. Chapo might have no morals but he's good at what he does. He's also entitled to his own opinion.
one of El Chapo's customized guns, only a real G would have a gun like this
Folks are just trained to think small. Chapo is responsible for some terrible things but how did those circumstances come about? As stated before he's just a pawn in a larger game. Someone will replace him as long as the game is still being played. If you wanna blame somebody so bad blame the white guys involved for even creating a stupid war on drugs (minorities)
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That's why the war on drugs is so stupid. Besides all the corruption. People love drugs. People will always love drugs no one is going to stop it ever.

If all the corruption went away tomorrow it would still be a waste of resources, lives and time.

The us needs to get off it's high horse and realize they can't stop it. How long have people being doing Coke? A few hundred years or so? they aren't stopping it anytime soon and it's just laughable at this point.

I don't know why they can't learn from the prohibition.

I'm saying everyone should wear a coke vial on their neck and bang heroin before bed but the war on drugs isn't stopping anyone from using drugs. In any major city you can have all that delivered like dominos from some hipster, it's not like the movies and drug use is only rising and easier than ever to grab a sack.

They should spend their billions on something way more productive, like maybe universal healthcare...
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^Also, the narcs won't like it if the war on drugs ended, because that would eliminate their jobs
Yeah that too. But once a government employee always an employee. They just wouldn't be making 500k a year off seizing money and pocketing it.
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