Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Gamefly copy shipped earlier today. Can't wait
Just started. Currently a level 2 Wood Elf
Normally try to work on my stealth, alchemy, and range weapon skills first. Never really had a full on mage though on any of my games on Morrowind or Oblivion, thinking of starting a second game on this as either a High Elf or Breton Mage.
Man you just have to play it to understand. If you aren't looking to drop $60 on Skyrim I would suggest picking up Morrowind over Oblivion. If you can get past the older graphics on Morrowind it is a much better game than Oblivion, harder but has a better story.
just got my first contract from the Dark Brotherhood. Some punk %*+ kid is the listener
i'll waste him later in the game.

I'm a ruthless killer
Went and picked this up at 9am this morning. If it weren't for my boy's birthday, I would have still been playing.
lvl 5 now. Where are you dudes storing items? Right now I haven't even made it to Whiterun, just storing things in a barrel in Ravenwood. Going to be putting in work tomorrow morning before the football games I want to watch come on.
Originally Posted by tml09

Getting my angus prepared by frost trolls

There are noticeable improvements from the old engine. The level of detail is mind bottling. They made a freaking language for a video game, with it's own alphabet and words that you use in-game. I think that's so
 [astro nerd]They even put circumpolar stars in the sky
[/astro nerd]. The dudes at Bethesda are $@$*$$* insane. There's just a metric #%$! ton of stuff to see and do. The world is huge. Everything is pretty streamlined and I haven't encounter a single bug/glitch yet. I played about 4 hours so far and I've barely scratched the surface. 

 Good bye social life. It was nice knowing you.
Theres literally no end to what someone can do in this game. It's incredible. I said it on twitter (@AlexF_92 
) and I'll say it again. Best game I've ever played on Xbox 360. Thid is coming for a guy who plays predominately sports games, and blockbuster shooters (2k, madden, NCAA, CoD, GoW, Halo, GTA). 
I'm a level ten... getting better. Just took down my second dragon and finishing up with the Companion's guild. There's a lot of stuff to do right now. Bye.

P.S. - How do I refill my Staff of Flames? 
game is sweet. love the way leveling up and experience work in this game. it comes naturally as you use and do things specific to that trait. still figuring out how to smith and stuff. I didn't collect @+# in Oblivion (save for sweet armor/weapons). Just killed my first dragon; still trying to meet up with the Brotherhood and start murkin folk
This thread is like softcore porn for me until I have the expendable cash to purchase this game. I have tuition bills to pay
should i cop? wat kinda game is this i have no idea about it. it seems like a lot of you are hyped to get it tho
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