ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Is it just me or does looking at McCain's face creep you out? It bothers me every time I have to look at him. Imagine having to listen to this man inyour living room for the next 8 years.



Bob Dole anyone?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Morning after articles....

Dean, Pelosi, Reid push Friday deadline for superdelegates; force end of Clinton bid...

DOWD: She's Still Here!
Milbank: She Graciously Pretends to Win...
'I won't believe it till Denver'...

Obama Wins Historic Presidential Bid - Balz & Kornblut, Washington Post
Clinton's Road to Second Place - Jackie Calmes, Wall Street Journal
Obama: Calm in the Swirl of History - Michael Powell, New York Times
Hillary's Not Backing Down - Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard
Clinton's Speech Was Abrasive and Selfish - Michael Tomasky, Guardian
It's Now All About Respect - Sheri and Allan Rivlin, RealClearPolitics
The General Election Begins - Susan Page and Jill Lawrence, USA Today
Is Obama Al Smith or John F. Kennedy? - John Judis, The New Republic
Democrats Are Taking a Leap of Faith with Obama - Wall Street Journal
McCain Sells His Kind of Change - James Carney, Time
Obama Turns His Back on Trinity - Ruben Navarrette, SD Union-Tribune
McCain Should Pick Sarah Palin for VP - Jack Kelly, RealClearPolitics
Obama Can't Let Clintons on the Ticket - Dlck Morris, The Hill

I just got home from work and you're still at it
...Props for keepin this thread up to date..

OT - Hillary seems salty as hell. She's acting like some 15 year old girl on her period.
I try/love politics

But yeah it's interesting the way Clinton is acting... where is she trying to go with this?
1. Leverage for trying to get the Vice Prez spot
2. She still thinks she should be the Presidential nominee.... and has her heart set on 2012 (no VP this year)
3. She's just upset about not winning... and really will in the end take the VP spot.
Originally Posted by hannah nc

So you libs can compare Bush and Hitler constantly, but he can't even say Obama and Hitler in the same sentence without an outrage?
Good point.
The things I've heard said about Bush
and continue to hear said

(That's not to say that NEITHER sides should be saying these things... because they SHOULDN'T be)

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

" When you have terrorist organizations endorsing you, that's a problem."

This is a ridiculous line of reasoning.

Hate to break it to you but there is a reason why they want Obama elected... they've seen how hard Bush has been on fighting againstterrorists and know Obama would be MUCH easier on them. (already evident by him wanting to pull out immediately in Iraq.... creating chaos)
" When you have terrorist organizations endorsing you, that's a problem."

This is a ridiculous line of reasoning. There was also a recent poll from Europe which stated that the people of every one of our allies, and every one of theother imporant democracies in the world, and every other major western nation overwhelmingly want Barack Obama to be the next U.S. President instead of JohnMc.Cain. By your line of reasoning the fact that most of our allies and most democratic nations don't want John Mc.Cain as President must be a problem,lol.

And DaJoka how come your not voting for Obama? Weren't you a Hillary supporter?
No I fully understand why they would want somebody like Obama who they perceive as being softer but in my opinion when trying to argue against anothercandidate this "endorsement" from a terrorist group is a poor subsitute for other, possibly more important talking points. Like I also mentioned ifone wants to use Hamas' support as a way to reason against an Obama Presidency one would also have to be willing to acknowledge the fact that all othermajor Western democracies do not want to see John Mc.Cain in office. Since I don't think either is a real talking point and since I don't really expecta real response from the person who originally posted about the Hamas endorsement I guess none of it really matters.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by hannah nc

So you libs can compare Bush and Hitler constantly, but he can't even say Obama and Hitler in the same sentence without an outrage?
Good point.
The things I've heard said about Bush
and continue to hear said

(That's not to say that NEITHER sides should be saying these things... because they SHOULDN'T be)

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

" When you have terrorist organizations endorsing you, that's a problem."

This is a ridiculous line of reasoning.

Hate to break it to you but there is a reason why they want Obama elected... they've seen how hard Bush has been on fighting against terrorists and know Obama would be MUCH easier on them. (already evident by him wanting to pull out immediately in Iraq.... creating chaos)

Whose they? You want to post a direct link and quote who "THEY" are.
Again with the FEAR propaganda and its only been one day. I love it. But heyObama already stated the obvious yesterday.
"What you don't deserve is another election that's governed by fear, and innuendo, and division. What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge, and patriotism as a bludgeon - that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to demonise," he said.

Oh and Obama wants to pull out immediately? I don't know who you are or if you know any military personnel or how things work but there is no way in hell Obama will be able to pull out 200,000 Americans out of Iraq "immediately." Again he stated what his plans were yesterday:
We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in - but start leaving we must. It's time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their future. It's time to rebuild our military and give our veterans the care they need and the benefits they deserve when they come home.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by hannah nc

So you libs can compare Bush and Hitler constantly, but he can't even say Obama and Hitler in the same sentence without an outrage?
Good point.
The things I've heard said about Bush
and continue to hear said

(That's not to say that NEITHER sides should be saying these things... because they SHOULDN'T be)

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

" When you have terrorist organizations endorsing you, that's a problem."

This is a ridiculous line of reasoning.

Hate to break it to you but there is a reason why they want Obama elected... they've seen how hard Bush has been on fighting against terrorists and know Obama would be MUCH easier on them. (already evident by him wanting to pull out immediately in Iraq.... creating chaos)

Whose they? You want to post a direct link and quote who "THEY" are.
Again with the FEAR propaganda and its only been one day. I love it. But hey Obama already stated the obvious yesterday.

I'm at college right now in the library trying to finish a paper due in 3 hours, so no I'm not hunting down a link right now.
The "they" you ask?
How about what happened on September 11th, 2001 to the greatest city in America?

You can have the last word... I don't feel like debating foreign policy. It's too much of a touchy subject for me coming from a familywith a long military history & a brother who is a Marine. Also with seeing what happened on 9/11
Alot of people thought it couldn't be done, there were even some people that said Obama shouldn't even try to run for office. Well just like thetitle of his book.........THE AUDACITY OF HOPE!! Sig check.
My family lost a close friend on Sept 11, 2001 so don't lecture me on what happen that day.

Are you're saying OBL and AQ are endorsing Obama? Again with the FEAR propaganda and I don't even understand how 9/11 has to do with Obama. Ifyou're wondering who "they" were, let me help you out it was Hamas.

A couple months ago, Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas' top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said
"We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections," "I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. ... I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance,"
I look at the above quote and go WOW, diplomacy and peace between Israel and Palestinians may finally be achieved with Obama as President becausethose fools may actually be willing to compromise now. But ohhh NO not Fox News, McCain and the GOP base who jumped up and down screaming like mad men that anorganization like Hamas would endorse Obama even though they were elected in Jan 2006 by their PEOPLE and hold a majority of seats in the legislative councilof the Palestinian Authority. Nothing new... the Republicans have always linked Democrats to terrorist organizations which is part of their campaign. Fearpropaganda worked in 2004, so obviously they will do all they can to put that horror of the terrorist boogey man wanting to eat our children's brains intovoters minds in 2008. So let me a brainwashed voter and go to Home Depot and buy those duct tapes because after all Cheney said we must prepare for thebiological or chemical attacks, right?

Lastly is diplomacy a bad thing? Someone clue me in because didn't the US and the Iraqis held talks to end the violence in Sadr city with the Mahdimilitia just last month? From what I read the Madhi militia is being sponsored by Iran and whom have murdered US troops by the dozens so why are we having acease fire and not destroying Sadr city where these insurgents are residing? Diplomacy and talks actually worked? Hmmmmm
Originally Posted by hannah nc

So you libs can compare Bush and Hitler constantly, but he can't even say Obama and Hitler in the same sentence without an outrage?

Hold on. Wanna tell me when I did that or even agreed with that? Not all liberals compare Bush to Hitler.

Lets look at the matter at hand and stop with the "but y'all do this". It's dumb to compare either Bush or Obama to Hitler. It's alsodumb to say "you libs can do ___". That's a pretty wide generalization.
I just ran into a lil white child about the age of 6 or 7 and his cohort a little Spanish child. They were tryna convince me to go to an Obama rally in BristowVA. So i asked him if he was of age to vote who would he vote for this how the dialogue went:

Him: Would you like to go to an obama rally?
Me: no not really kid, but what you got there?
Him: Were informing voters that there will be an obama rally in Bristow
Me: oh wow, so tell me if you could vote...who would you vote for?
Him: Well I'm gong for McCain but he (pointing to Spanish cohort) likes obama. You know minorities tend to stick together...

-needless to say I was speechless thereafter...The kid was very articulate.
Him: Would you like to go to an obama rally?
Me: no not really kid, but what you got there?
Him: Were informing voters that there will be an obama rally in Bristow
Me: oh wow, so tell me if you could vote...who would you vote for?
Him: Well I'm gong for McCain but he (pointing to Spanish cohort) likes obama. You know minorities tend to stick together...

I don't get it.
i love to generalize like most of the republicans in here, so i am going to go ahead and generalize too...All republicans are morons, and especially the NTrepublicans that are not even old enough to vote. Bill Maher is right about you tools.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Him: Would you like to go to an obama rally?
Me: no not really kid, but what you got there?
Him: Were informing voters that there will be an obama rally in Bristow
Me: oh wow, so tell me if you could vote...who would you vote for?
Him: Well I'm gong for McCain but he (pointing to Spanish cohort) likes obama. You know minorities tend to stick together...
I don't get it.

I posted it...because I didn't expect that type of answer from a kid who was 6 or 7. let alon passing out obama flyers. If you still don't getit...maybe i just shouldnt have posted it.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

I just ran into a lil white child about the age of 6 or 7 and his cohort a little Spanish child. They were tryna convince me to go to an Obama rally in Bristow VA. So i asked him if he was of age to vote who would he vote for this how the dialogue went:

Him: Would you like to go to an obama rally?
Me: no not really kid, but what you got there?
Him: Were informing voters that there will be an obama rally in Bristow
Me: oh wow, so tell me if you could vote...who would you vote for?
Him: Well I'm gong for McCain but he (pointing to Spanish cohort) likes obama. You know minorities tend to stick together...

-needless to say I was speechless thereafter...The kid was very articulate.
Kids are so dumb. Spanish and blacks hate each other.
I posted it...because I didn't expect that type of answer from a kid who was 6 or 7. let alon passing out obama flyers.
Well, right, but why was he canvassing for Obama if he supported McCain? Was he just helping his friend?
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I posted it...because I didn't expect that type of answer from a kid who was 6 or 7. let alon passing out obama flyers.
Well, right, but why was he canvassing for Obama if he supported McCain? Was he just helping his friend?

No, I think his guardian was nearby and she told him to walk down to the cleaners and solicit. She was at the grocery store...It inda bothered me because itwas like at 1pm and I would think he would be in school at the time...but
Hate to break it to you but there is a reason why they want Obama elected... they've seen how hard Bush has been on fighting against terrorists and know Obama would be MUCH easier on them. (already evident by him wanting to pull out immediately in Iraq.... creating chaos)
You think the people that are fighting in Iraq are all terrorists? Because they aren't.
Hate to break it to you but there is a reason why they want Obama elected... they've seen how hard Bush has been on fighting against terrorists and know Obama would be MUCH easier on them.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Hussein Obama wont win in November.

This guy wants to talk with terrorist organizations. When you have terrorist organizations endorsing you, that's a problem.

I think it's funny that most of you are basing your opinion on the way he delivers speeches? You know, Hitler was a powerful speaker as well.

If there was EVER a time in the existence of NT that the stoneface isappropriate, this is it. Wow. I can't even begin to think about a response to this ignorant, racist, nonsensical argument. YES, it's his middle name, Iknow. But anyone who refers to him as "Hussein Obama" or "Barack Hussein Obama" is doing it because it sparks a response in most peoplethat links this common middle eastern name to Saddam Hussein. Yeah Hitler was a powerful speaker, so what? So was Abe Lincoln. This kind of thinking (or lackof) is bringing the country backwards. Maybe this guy wants to talk because we're tired of seeing our men and women dying and we want to explore other waysof operating.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Him: Would you like to go to an obama rally?
Me: no not really kid, but what you got there?
Him: Were informing voters that there will be an obama rally in Bristow
Me: oh wow, so tell me if you could vote...who would you vote for?
Him: Well I'm gong for McCain but he (pointing to Spanish cohort) likes obama. You know minorities tend to stick together...
I don't get it.
I posted it...because I didn't expect that type of answer from a kid who was 6 or 7. let alon passing out obama flyers. If you still don't get it...maybe i just shouldnt have posted it.
Inherited predjudices FTMFL
If there was EVER a time in the existence of NT that the stoneface is appropriate, this is it. Wow. I can't even begin to think about a response to this ignorant, racist, nonsensical argument. YES, it's his middle name, I know. But anyone who refers to him as "Hussein Obama" or "Barack Hussein Obama" is doing it because it sparks a response in most people that links this common middle eastern name to Saddam Hussein. Yeah Hitler was a powerful speaker, so what? So was Abe Lincoln. This kind of thinking (or lack of) is bringing the country backwards.
No doubt, I couldn't agree more. Don't worry though, Fede DPT is going to become a believer soon enough. He just a bitlost right now, we'll help him find his way back on track. Sig check!!
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