ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I don't know if Hillary still would have been a great VP. I think that this allowed the Repubs to pick Palin and we don't know if October 3rd peoplewould be happy with Palin. So the repubs actually have more of a chance that they shot themselves in the foot than made the most genius pick ever.
This special comment by Olbermann is making me sick. No Olbermann is not making me sick but what THE REPUBLICANS have done is hurting my conscious for them,they don't have a soul at all.
matt damon had me rolling w/ this one.
@ a bad disney movie, i coulddefinitely see it.
Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

matt damon had me rolling w/ this one.
@ a bad disney movie, i could definitely see it.

I don't understand how cats can even vote for McCain....its already been a proven fact that son is a DUPLICATE of President Bush.....that alone should beenough for Obama to win? Some people really are just mind fu**ed and have no common sense
hilarious especially on the "does she think dinosaur were here 4 thousand years ago, cuz she's going to have to nuclear codes"
Originally Posted by Essential1

This special comment by Olbermann is making me sick. No Olbermann is not making me sick but what THE REPUBLICANS have done is hurting my conscious for them, they don't have a soul at all.
sums up my feelings.
bunch of thugs trying to win an election by pushing a national tragedy. country first my %@+.
In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support theRepublican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do thiscountry?
Originally Posted by Essential1

In case people didn't see it . If you are voting for McCain and watch this and still support the Republican party. God help you. and have you no heart? No balls? No courage? No compassion or just?is it that You care more about yourself than you do this country?

That was incredible. I'm so fired up right now. I really wish I could see the face of any Republican (especially that roach Giuliani) as he watches thatspeech. Damn.
I do agree that the use of finger mongering is terrible and I hate the fact Giuliani warns there will be another terrorist attack worse than 9/11 if thedemocratic ticket wins out.

But even as a democrat recognized extreme biased in that oration. I'm not saying he's wrong, but it was def. a skewed perspective.
The funny thing is Olbermann doesn't try to be balanced nor should he it is his show. If he was only a correspondant for MSNBC then he should be balanced.The reason he isn't balance is because he tells the news the way he sees it and if it is wrong regardless of who does it he will get on them. That is news.I praise CNN because they are very fair, and fox news is so unbalanced based on supposed morals, if they took their stance and it was what is right (that is amatter of opinion but by right i mean whats good for this country) i would have no problem with it but they attack everything that is NEW, so I would actuallysay that Olbermann is just telling what is right as human beings.
Matt Damon is dead on.

I can't believe some Americans would really be happy with this Hockey Mom as president. I just don't get it. Mccain could be gone within two years ofbeing elected for all we know and the best we would have to offer is Palin.

Good lord. I can't imagine it. I don't want to imagine it.
Olbermann went off..
, but it was a sincere message that I felt wasn'tall about the politics. I 100% cosign with him about Guiliani though, and the way it was handled. What I hate most about the Republicans' way of politicsis the way they're using fear to get people's votes.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

I do agree that the use of finger mongering is terrible and I hate the fact Giuliani warns there will be another terrorist attack worse than 9/11 if the democratic ticket wins out.

But even as a democrat recognized extreme biased in that oration. I'm not saying he's wrong, but it was def. a skewed perspective.

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