ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

How old were you in 2000? I remember staying up til midnight seeing the dude with the gray colors (Nader).

I remember going to bed thinking that Gore had won and then waking up to the whole FLorida "hanging chads" debacle and all that ensued.
I feel like I'm being set up to be bamboozled with all these pundits predicting not only an Obama win, but a very convincing one. Something tells meI'm going to be disappointed come Tuesday night.

I'm going to be super stressed out all day Tuesday.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I've learned from the GOP and their polling that Pennsylvania and Iowa are now in play and McCain has a very legit chance at winning either or both. Both have been considered locks for Obama up until the past week or two. Just letting everyone know so when all the major television news organizations are like "I can't believe Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Colorado are this close" (even if Obama does win each state)

Tuesday is going to be very interesting.

Here are pretty much the toss up states you're going to need to watch for come Tuesday

Only 11 states, all the tan states.
McCain has no chance at all of winning both.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

SFN 155 wrote:

TBONE95860 wrote:

I've learned from the GOP and their polling that Pennsylvania and Iowa are now in play and
McCain has a very legit chance at winning either or both. Both have been considered locks for Obama up until the past week or two. Just letting
everyone know so when all the major television news organizations are like "I can't believe Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Colorado are this close"
(even if Obama does win each state)

Tuesday is going to be very interesting.

Here are pretty much the toss up states you're going to need to watch for come Tuesday

Only 11 states, all the tan states.

McCain has no chance at all of winning both.

McCain's Campaign Strategy is HALARIOUS!

T-Bone talkin bout, "I've learned from the GOP."

What the heck are they gonna tell you? Were gonna lose! Don't vote.

McCain has run an awful campaign from the jump. Wait until Wednesday. These Republicans are gonnacrucify him.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

The GOP are brilliant. Fear tactics at the last second, it never fails.

Hillary tried it.

McCain Has tried it several times.

Palin has tried it several times.

It has not worked to date.

So what makes you think it will work now?

Oh no!


Here are the numbers for Virginia.
Ohio is McCain 59-40

Florida McCain 59-41

You can say only white people use AOL, but that won't fly. You can say young people use AOL a lot more than older folks, and that does fly, and yet, Obama is looking at a landslide defeat of historic proportions. All of the blacks in the country could vote for Obama and he still couldn't overcome this kind of deficit.

Have you seen this poll on MSNBC today?

I didn't think so.

H/T Rose
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I've learned from the GOP and their polling that Pennsylvania and Iowa are now in play and McCain has a very legit chance at winning either or both. Both have been considered locks for Obama up until the past week or two. Just letting everyone know so when all the major television news organizations are like "I can't believe Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Colorado are this close" (even if Obama does win each state)

Tuesday is going to be very interesting.

Here are pretty much the toss up states you're going to need to watch for come Tuesday

Only 11 states, all the tan states.
McCain has no chance at all of winning both.
That kind of thinking leads to tears & rioting on Tuesday.
At least I'm realistic with my approaches and am open to literally anything happening.
I could see Obama winning by a wide margin in both and I could see McCain sqeaking out both.
I could see Obama getting 350+ electoral votes.
I could see McCain getting 285+ electoral votes.

I honestly don't know what's going to happen.... and neither do you.
I know that using a GOP poll to say McCain has a very legit chance at winning both states is dumb. Of course they want voters to think they have a chance. Whywould he concede already? McCain has a very small chance in PA, and no chance in IA. I would bet anything on that.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

The GOP are brilliant. Fear tactics at the last second, it never fails.

Hillary tried it.

McCain Has tried it several times.

Palin has tried it several times.

It has not worked to date.

So what makes you think it will work now?

Er... I meant that applying fear tactics never fails as a last-gasp attack, not that the action is infallible.
Oh Iowa happens to be play really? check RealClearPolitics, Obama is up by 15.4%...

Taking a GOP poll or a Democrat poll seriously is dumb.. Thats like taking T.O. serious if he is saying the cowboys are fine of course he will say that butdoes he think it hell no.

Oh yeah..Then check RCP and see that Arizona and Georgia are in play too..

Party line polls are %!##+%+#
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

The GOP are brilliant. Fear tactics at the last second, it never fails.
Hillary tried it.
McCain Has tried it several times.
Palin has tried it several times.
It has not worked to date.
So what makes you think it will work now?
Hillary won 8 out of the 9 primaries AFTER Rev. Wright came out and Obama had a large lead.... which he then was able to hang onto because of the lead he hadcreated.

Nice try.

Originally Posted by Essential1

Oh Iowa happens to be play really? check RealClearPolitics, Obama is up by 15.4%...

Taking a GOP poll or a Democrat poll seriously is dumb.. Thats like taking T.O. serious if he is saying the cowboys are fine of course he will say that but does he think it hell no.

Oh yeah..Then check RCP and see that Arizona and Georgia are in play too..

Party line polls are %!##+%+#
Keep thinking that.
If he's up by 15%
Why is your man Obama going BACK TO IOWA in the last 3 remaining days.
Makes a lot of sense to waste time in a state you are up 15% in

And why would McCain/Palin be going back to Iowa wasting THEIR time if it was a 15% race
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Oh no!


Here are the numbers for Virginia.
Ohio is McCain 59-40

Florida McCain 59-41

You can say only white people use AOL, but that won't fly. You can say young people use AOL a lot more than older folks, and that does fly, and yet, Obama is looking at a landslide defeat of historic proportions. All of the blacks in the country could vote for Obama and he still couldn't overcome this kind of deficit.

Have you seen this poll on MSNBC today?

I didn't think so.

H/T Rose

I support John McCain but I'd be a complete idiot thinking this poll had any sort of legitamacy. I wonder what they did to have a such adisrepancy. California=McCain hahaha
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Keep thinking that.
If he's up by 15%
Why is your man Obama going BACK TO IOWA in the last 3 remaining days.
Makes a lot of sense to waste time in a state you are up 15% in

And why would McCain/Palin be going back to Iowa wasting THEIR time if it was a 15% race
You've gotta be smarter than this. Why would he go there? Because he can. Why shouldn't he? Where else should he go? Why areMcCain/Palin going? Because if they don't go to places they have no chance in, they would essentially be conceding.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Keep thinking that.
If he's up by 15%
Why is your man Obama going BACK TO IOWA in the last 3 remaining days.
Makes a lot of sense to waste time in a state you are up 15% in

And why would McCain/Palin be going back to Iowa wasting THEIR time if it was a 15% race
You've gotta be smarter than this.
1. Why would he go there? Because he can. Why shouldn't he? Where else should he go?

Why are McCain/Palin going? Because if they don't go to places they have no chance in, they would essentially be conceding.
What are you talking about? You apparently don't know much about politics.

1. Because he can?! Where else should he go?!..... how about states that he's not up "15%"
How about states like North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana.... traditional redstates that are DEAD HEATS. How about Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Florida... the list goes on. ANYWHERE but a place you're up "15%"
Time is VERY important this late in the game. You only go places that are the big time battlegrounds.

2. That is absolutely not true
Why would they go to places that theyare 100% going to lose to WASTE their time. According to you they might as well go to New York, New Jersey, Washington, Oregon

You go places that you DO have a chance in. You go places where the race is still tight. You go to battlegrounds. You go to the swing states that are going todecide this election. You go to places that might tip you over the top.

Honestly with your last comments you made yourself sound like you don't know much about politics so I'll let it slide.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Keep thinking that.
If he's up by 15%
Why is your man Obama going BACK TO IOWA in the last 3 remaining days.
Makes a lot of sense to waste time in a state you are up 15% in

And why would McCain/Palin be going back to Iowa wasting THEIR time if it was a 15% race
You've gotta be smarter than this.
1. Why would he go there? Because he can. Why shouldn't he? Where else should he go?

Why are McCain/Palin going? Because if they don't go to places they have no chance in, they would essentially be conceding.
What are you talking about? You apparently don't know much about politics.

1. Because he can?! Where else should he go?!..... how about states that he's not up "15%"
How about states like North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana.... traditional red states that are DEAD HEATS. How about Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Florida... the list goes on. ANYWHERE but a place you're up "15%"
Time is VERY important this late in the game. You only go places that are the big time battlegrounds.

2. That is absolutely not true
Why would they go to places that they are 100% going to lose to WASTE their time. According to you they might as well go to New York, New Jersey, Washington, Oregon

You go places that you DO have a chance in. You go places where the race is still tight. You go to battlegrounds. You go to the swing states that are going to decide this election. You go to places that might tip you over the top.

Honestly with your last comments you made yourself sound like you don't know much about politics so I'll let it slide.

give it up TBONE, its a wrap for mcain...
I hope people will keep their minds open and remember this may be a close race on tuesday
note - im an undecided voter
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