ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by Lazy B

It's not worth it arguing with NT. Most of you are idiots when it comes to this. You are blinded by pure hate for the Republican party to see what is going on. There are only a few peoples opinions I respect when it comes to politics and they make up less than 5% of this thread.

Like I give a damn about what you think.
awwwww . =[
I gotta say though, until all of this is official, I can't really rest easy. Too much room for potential trickery.
LMAO @ "Mathematically, Mccain is not out yet."

This is over. Who gonna hop on COD4 and push some wigs back?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by Lazy B

It's not worth it arguing with NT. Most of you are idiots when it comes to this. You are blinded by pure hate for the Republican party to see what is going on. There are only a few peoples opinions I respect when it comes to politics and they make up less than 5% of this thread.

Like I give a damn about what you think.
Dude, relax.

Some people, hell a lot of people, disagree with you. A lot of people think Obama is the man for the job. Not all of us can be under Obama's spell...someagree with where he stands on the issues. It's called an opinion. We all have one, and right now you're in the minority.

Go to the corner.

Originally Posted by MrBigBusiness

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I'm just soaking this in right, now, I can't even express how I feel. To ALL minorities in this country, especially blacks this is a great day:

Um your forgetting one thing. with out white peoples votes Barak would not even be elected to office. So I think you should edit that and say for all who voted this is a great day. No need to single out whites, in which a lot of them voted for Obama and will be the main reason he is in office.
I'm not singling them out, I know that without this they wouldn't be possible. But this day wouldn't have been possible 40, hell maybeeven 20 years ago. Blacks have been through so much in this country and as my grandma and grandad told me yesterday, they lived through the Civil Rightsmovement, and never dreamed that this day would be possible. So we as a people have a lot to rejoice about as we have come far as a people, but yet still havefar to go.
Originally Posted by overtime626

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Just remember, you guys put him in office....
And YOU GUYS put Bush in office. Go have a seat somewhere.

WOW! If the irony is short on you, the education system has truly failed

Irony? I'm specifically talking to all the Obama voters and he is assuming I'm a republican and voted for Bush, just as I'm assuminghe voted for Obama because he's black. Now go text your brother my response.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

It's not worth it arguing with NT. Most of you are idiots when it comes to this. You are blinded by pure hate for the Republican party to see what is going on. There are only a few peoples opinions I respect when it comes to politics and they make up less than 5% of this thread.

So whats really going on here?
Obama is half white...too many people forget that. He's got his white supporters too. I think he represents ALL people not just blacks. Btw, I'mbi-racial as well blk/wht so I'm not playin a race card here just bein truthful.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

I cannot believe this.... I voted for Obama

But damn it feels great to be part of history. Like damn a Black man in the White House!!!

Think of all tyhe possibilities now. It's all game now. Hispanics, Blacks, Asians etc,. etc

U.S is trully turning into the place it has claimed to be for many years.

Here in Cali we got these props which make Cali the greates state evar!!!! LOLz
When Barack wins it's best not to mention any race stuff
i think thats the best time to let it all out.

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Like damn a PART-Black man in the White House!!!
It's not even like that. Its just the way dude looks.

If you look a little dark or a little brown YOU ARE CONSIDERED FULL BLACK/BROWN

Its just the way it looks to me. A non-white looking guy is gonna make it! Like REALLY A NON WHITE MADE IT TO THE ULTIMATE AMERICAN DREAM SON!!
Expect an increase in sales for The Recession. Jeezy moving units purely on this victory.
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