ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Guess whose getting the nest Palin interview

[h2]Hannity On Deck For Palin Interview[/h2]
Sean Hannity took issue with Charlie Gibson's interview with Gov. Sarah Palin yesterday, calling his question on her religious comments "out of context" and "totally misconstrued."

Now, he'll get the chance to conduct his own interview.

Hannity will interview Palin on Tuesday in Cincinnati on the campaign trail. The interview will air in two parts on Hannity & Colmes on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9pmET. It will be Palin's first cable news interview, and second after Gibson's.

we know SEAN HANNITY will asks the tough questions, how do you feel about Obamaassociating himself with Ayers an unrepentant terrorist? would you have stayed in Rev Wright's church? The media tries to bash your experience how do youfeel about Obama being a community organizer.....??.

McCain obviously has not faith in his candidate allowing her to be interviewed by a clueless commentator that already proclaimed Palin reminds him of RonaldReagan

Debates? We will see, but Obama has been historically horrible at debating

In comparison to McCain, Obama is alot sharper than McCain ever has or ever will be. Besides, I doubt McCain will have his little stack of note cards to readoff of for the debates
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by back1ntheday

I am typing in extra-large font in the off chance that TBONE95860, may actually read a post that calls into question his fervent support of the McCain/Palin ticket and his denial of all relevant issues in this election. Now, this might seem crazy to some but I have concluded that said NT member may actually be a closet Obama supporter for the following reasons-

1.First and foremost, he himself has said that he hopes Obama wins the election because of the change and direction our country needs.
2.His refusal of answering fellow NT'ers questions about his views on issues relevant to this election, and uncanny ability to pop in and out of threads when youtube videos demand republican defending.
3.His blatant declaration that yes, he is in fact a McCain/Palin supporter by way of his avy (further concealing his support for Obama).
4.He is using his own election thread to reach NT legend status by sparking furious political debate by continually updating us with various polls and empty commentary, thus increasing page count, and more obviously, keeping his thread alive and not allowing another election thread to take over.

If this is infact the case, I commend you, TBONE95860, for playing devil's advocate this entire time, and for making it apparent to more NT'ers (who may have been undecided before) that yes, in fact, Obama should be president. If this is not the case, however, I expect you and your henchmen; tylerdub, lilstar, and more recently mr delorean (and any others i may have missed) to at some point entertain us by indulging in the issues that this election is actually about. If by chance, you don't know what these issues are and/or do not know your party's stances on them - you will be given a grace period of 15 days (thanks for the update on that as well) when the first presidential debate has convened.

**ai voice** we talkin bout issues???ISSUES?!?!?no,not the polls,not the polls - we talkin bout issues??psshhh **ai voice**

basically. i just ignore him. im about to start a new post myself.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Guess whose getting the nest Palin interview

[h2]Hannity On Deck For Palin Interview[/h2]
Sean Hannity took issue with Charlie Gibson's interview with Gov. Sarah Palin yesterday, calling his question on her religious comments "out of context" and "totally misconstrued."

Now, he'll get the chance to conduct his own interview.

Hannity will interview Palin on Tuesday in Cincinnati on the campaign trail. The interview will air in two parts on Hannity & Colmes on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9pmET. It will be Palin's first cable news interview, and second after Gibson's.

we know SEAN HANNITY will asks the tough questions, how do you feel about Obama associating himself with Ayers an unrepentant terrorist? would you have stayed in Rev Wright's church? The media tries to bash your experience how do you feel about Obama being a community organizer.....??.

McCain obviously has not faith in his candidate allowing her to be interviewed by a clueless commentator that already proclaimed Palin reminds him of Ronald Reagan


Yup. Just like Olberman grilled Obama the other night, right?

Debates? We will see, but Obama has been historically horrible at debating. Last night on the "Service in America" interviews, he stuttered, stammered, and danced his way around every question. How someone can be asked about the importance of the size of government in America and respond by talking about AIDS and Malaria in Africa is beyond me. In a timed response debate the "uhhhh, welll, you see....I, uh, I, uh," will be all the policy he has time to get out. If Barry fails, maybe Biden will ask another parapalegic, wheel chair bound state senator to stand up when he debates Palin, or, perhaps demand that she grow a penis before she may considered vice presidential material.

What's funny is that we have patients who are Obama supporters and even said "He didnt look to well with O'Reilly.", like they didn't getanything out of the interview, he danced around questions like "What if Hezbollah got a hold of Nukes?"

We'll see how he does without a teleprompter.
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

for the first time in my life I like the view. Pretty good stuff.

This is the first time I heard of the view.

I was like. "what the hell is the view? ooohhhh............now I know... and I LIKE."
Something that isn't being brought up by the media that I think EVERYONE should know right now is the absolutely sickeningtactics the GOP is taking to PREVENT AMERICANS FROM VOTING.

First off the GOP is mailing FAKE absentee ballots to Democrats in swing states. These mailers are meant to have voters signup to be eligible to vote as an absentee, however the return address goes no NOWHERE, meaning those who signed up will not get their voting materials when theyare away from home expecting to receive it.

http://current.com/items/89293206_misleading_absentee_ballots_being_sent_to_citizens_by_john_mccain http://current.com/items/...o_citizens_by_john_mccain

SECOND is the absolutely most dirty, underhanded (wish I could swear on NT) BS that they could pull. The GOP is trying toinstate a law that states if your home was foreclosed on, you are not allowed to vote. This is the most slimy, sickening, and out right F'd up thing Ihave seen thus far and it is absolutely despicable for the GOP to pull this shady crap as they KNOW that those who were foreclosed on need to vote for Obama toreceive any help for their horrible situation that the banks have gotten them into.


Originally Posted by Chronos1296

The McCain Tax Increases--Continued

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former Director of the Congressional Budget Office and current chief McCain economic advisor, is an honest man--which means he's something of a liability on the Straight Talk Express. A few months ago, he admitted to my colleague, Michael Scherer, that Barack Obama's economic plan would reduce taxes for most people. And now, in a forthcoming book by Fortune columnist Matt Miller, he makes it clear that the next President is going to have to raise taxes.

"If you do nothing on the spending side, you're going to have to raise taxes whether you're a Republican, a Democrat or a Martian," he tells Miller...and then he immediately makes it clear that the "spending side" part of the argument is nothing more than a political fig-leaf.

"It's arithmetic." Federal revenue today is 18.8 percent of GDP and federal spending is 20 percent. Holtz-Eakin observes that "the pressure are there" to lift spending [on entitlement programs, mostly] and taxes to 23 or 24 percent of GDP by around 2020, and to as much as 27 percent if health costs remain out of control.

Miller does the arithmetic: that's an annual tax hike of $550 to $700 billion, well beyond the range of any spending cuts that McCain has or might propose. (Those vaunted earmarks cost about $20 billion per year.)

It should be noted that Obama's proposed middle class tax cuts are nearly as foolish--and unlikely, in the long term--as McCain's, although Obama claims to pay for them by closing corporate loopholes and raising the top marginal tax rates to Clinton-era levels.

But it's John McCain who has opposed any and all tax increases, sort of--as I reported yesterday, McCain would tax employer-provided health care benefits. (He would also raise energy costs significantly with his cap-and-trade carbon emissions reduction program.)

Miller concludes:

So why does tax-cutting mania persist among Republicans, I asked Holtz-Eakin, the McCain adviser--given...that, as Holtz-Eakin himself explain to me, taxes soon have to go up substantially in any event?
"It's the brand," he said, "and you don't dilute the brand."

Miller's book, The Tyranny of Dead Ideas, will be published by Holt in January 2009. I'm about halfway through reading an advance copy and, as is always the case with Miller, this is a smart, sane and extremely well-written account of our current economic mess.

Update: What Holtz-Eakin admitted to Scherer was that the Obama's plan represented a net tax reduction over ten years.
For all of you who think Mccain is going to lower your taxes (which is just a bald face lie for 95% of America), this is straight from the mouthof Mccains top economic advisor...

I just watched The View off my DVR. I was so surprised by how they asked him some pretty tough questions.


"Should I worry about being a slave?"

Al in all, good interview. Although I don't agree with McCain on 98% of the issues, I know he has good intentions. I think both candidates have goodintentions. During an election, I think we get all wrapped up in what the media gives us, and we don't take a step back and see it for what it is: twopeople looking to gain the position of President of the United States, in an attempt to better the country the way they see fit.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I just watched The View off my DVR. I was so surprised by how they asked him some pretty tough questions.


"Should I worry about being a slave?"

Al in all, good interview. Although I don't agree with McCain on 98% of the issues, I know he has good intentions. I think both candidates have good intentions. During an election, I think we get all wrapped up in what the media gives us, and we don't take a step back and see it for what it is: two people looking to gain the position of President of the United States, in an attempt to better the country the way they see fit.

Come on man, you know that sensibility and maturity like that have no place in this thread
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