Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

you're still not addressing da fact that people in other states have LAX gun laws and nothing happens over there.

da NYPD walks around wit hammers that are in plain sight and no one panics, you know why? because they're used to seeing cops wit guns, same

way other states are used to seeing armed citizens roaming around.

if it pops off, i rather have da toast on me then not, my grand father took me shooting in DR when i was 7-8 years old (RIP) i know how to shoot.

firearms dont scare me, matter fact, im pursuing my armed security gun license so i can moonlight as those "scary 6+ feet private guards packing"

and when i finally take my piece and attach it to my cuban, im going to every hood like i was doing when i was rocking out with my st. Michael.

Lmao @ you using NYPD as an example, fam there will always be crime and criminals dot follow laws and criminals have guns, picture a world where criminals have guns and law enforcers don't...lulz

A lot of those states with LAX gun control have a 3rd of the population a city like NY does, not to mention half as paranoid, I rather a couple of hillbillies walk around with Assault Rifles in their small suburban communities, than a bunch of NationalTruckerDaves and Pollorico's walking around NYC with guns, NO THANK YOU.
As I stated above, gun control is not a panacea, and should not be treated as such.

It's obvious you know nothing about current gun laws in our country.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 heavily regulates automatic weapons. The Hughes Amendment of the Firearm Owners Protection Act bans civilian possession of automatic weapons made after 1986. There have been only 2 crimes in almost 80 years committed with a legal NFA weapon and one of them was by a police officer.

More people are beat to death with hands and feet than killed by rifles.
Well apparently the pro gunners think loosening the knot on gun control is the answer...those who want guns get them one way or the other now...changin the law to make them more accessible will do what exactly?...put more guns out on the streets....in a state of paranoia that the US lives in, this will be a catastrophe. How none of you can grasp this is mind blowing.
Lets make something clear before we go any further, there isn't a chance in Hell that loosening the knot is even a reality. You keep arguing an extreme point of view that has no chance of happening. With the events that have recently happened in Colorado, Oregon & Conneticut; I can see some changes are invetiable. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Federal Law passed accross the board that makes the strictest law applicable to every state.
People in here discussing gun control to help prevent future mass murders and gun related deaths, my dude Ninja just concern about flossing jewelry in east New York.

I can't with him :lol:
Lets make something clear before we go any further, there isn't a chance in Hell that loosening the knot is even a reality. You keep arguing an extreme point of view that has no chance of happening. With the events that have recently happened in Colorado, Oregon & Conneticut; I can see some changes are invetiable. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Federal Law passed accross the board that makes the strictest law applicable to every state.

I'm merely opposing to those in here who say everyone should be allowed to pack, I'm not discussing what steps our nations leaders will take, because obviously they won't allow ransoms to roam the streets of a city like NY with guns, my argument is with the NTers pointing out that LAX gun laws is the best answer.
firearms dont scare me, matter fact, im pursuing my armed security gun license so i can moonlight as those "scary 6+ feet private guards packing"

and when i finally take my piece and attach it to my cuban, im going to every hood like i was doing when i was rocking out with my st. Michael.
ha. Ooooooh, you're THAT guy. No one would be scared of you, dude. Sorry.
umm, im doing doing it to scare nobody....relax champ.

im doing it because it makes $sense

thanks to da draconian gun laws in NYC, any LEGAL gun owners that are looking for work are paid HANDSOMELY because they legal gun owners.

for example, da good folks who empty out da MTA vending machines are escorted by armed guards who work for da MTA, if you peep what they do its a whole lotta nada,

but since they legally own firearms and are licensed armed guards, da limited pool of em and high demand for their services, mean they are paid WELL.
you're still not addressing da fact that people in other states have LAX gun laws and nothing happens over there.

da NYPD walks around wit hammers that are in plain sight and no one panics, you know why? because they're used to seeing cops wit guns, same

way other states are used to seeing armed citizens roaming around.

if it pops off, i rather have da toast on me then not, my grand father took me shooting in DR when i was 7-8 years old (RIP) i know how to shoot.

firearms dont scare me, matter fact, im pursuing my armed security gun license so i can moonlight as those "scary 6+ feet private guards packing"

and when i finally take my piece and attach it to my cuban, im going to every hood like i was doing when i was rocking out with my st. Michael.

Lmao @ you using NYPD as an example, fam there will always be crime and criminals dot follow laws and criminals have guns, picture a world where criminals have guns and law enforcers don't...lulz

A lot of those states with LAX gun control have a 3rd of the population a city like NY does, not to mention half as paranoid, I rather a couple of hillbillies walk around with Assault Rifles in their small suburban communities, than a bunch of NationalTruckerDaves and Pollorico's walking around NYC with guns, NO THANK YOU.
polo rico owns hammers in TX, he aint blowing no body's heads off...what seems to be da problem there?
You cannot be serious....so when you see one civilian on who probably has a permit to carry a weapon walks around, you wouldn't be even get a little nervous or somewhat apprehensive in the slightest? Let alone EVERYBODY having a gun.
Do you realize how many arguments turn in to fist fights outside with drunk people leaving a bar, nightclub, or in domestic disputes, or problems arising at work w/ disgruntled employees or customers, or, since this is NT....a sneaker release?!?! Now imagine all those people were carrying....the number of senseless homicides would increase almost exponentially when people are upset and make spontaneous decisions in the heat of the moment if they had weapons that easily accesible. smh

This right here, most logical post in the entire damn thread. Pple r really advocating MORE guns for people in the U.S.? Can't be that ******g dumb. WAKE THE **** UP! All these mass killings the past few years were carried out WITH GUNS. Yeah, I understand guns don't kill people, people kill people, but this concept is simple; stricter gun laws or hell, even a removal of guns entirely = one less easily accessible way for these crazies to impulsively shoot up a movie theater/mall/school. Why do people even need guns anyway? Why does this kid's single mother need THREE GUNS LIVING IN A SAFE, AFFLUENT NEIGHBORHOOD? Please spare me the "freedom to bare arms" or the second amendment rebuttal. Some Americans are so ******g ******ed.

Look at Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia. Mass killings happen everywhere from not as frequently as it does in the U.S. All these atrocities were done and carried out by lunatics WITH GUNS.
:lol: umm, im doing doing it to scare nobody....relax champ.

im doing it because it makes $sense

thanks to da draconian gun laws in NYC, any LEGAL gun owners that are looking for work are paid HANDSOMELY because they legal gun owners.

for example, da good folks who empty out da MTA vending machines are escorted by armed guards who work for da MTA, if you peep what they do its a whole lotta nada,

but since they legally own firearms and are licensed armed guards, da limited pool of em and high demand for their services, mean they are paid WELL.

That's a logical and smart reason to have a liscence, but lettuce be cereal, you want a sense of safety walking through the streets of BK when you visit Henzo and have your Jesus piece hanging from your neck, itchin for someone to test you.
they're still part of da United States Of America, and under that jurisdiction, we both have da 2nd amendment rights.

so explain it.

Explain what?

Obviously different states enforce gun control different for a reason....having everyone in NYC armed to their teeth, not the answer, wanna shine with da hammer on your hip, move to Virginia or Texas, NYC has enough to deal with.
shook my head reading this...

i really really think the majority of these kids dont have problems. they just know that they can get away w/ this kind of stuff.. homey knows what he's doing, being apologetic about it..

i'm not saying there arent some mentally unstable people out there... but i foresee a lot of kids using this as a way to get what they want...

still think solid physical reprehension at a young age fixes things..... in the words of tariq nasheed...

"a good *** whoopin might have just saved your life"...
What the f*** is going on in this thread!?


Mass shooting thread turns into inevitable Gun Control thread, some saying we will turn into a dictatorship if we have any gun control laws, Ninjahood wants to wear his Jesus Piece, and those pro-control think there should be more regulations, but the Anti-Gun Control people think that means we either have all the guns we can or no guns at all.
What the f*** is going on in this thread!?


Mass shooting thread turns into inevitable Gun Control thread, some saying we will turn into a dictatorship if we have any gun control laws, Ninjahood wants to wear his Jesus Piece, and those pro-control think there should be more regulations, but the Anti-Gun Control people think that means we either have all the guns we can or no guns at all.

they're still part of da United States Of America, and under that jurisdiction, we both have da 2nd amendment rights.

so explain it.

Ever stop to think that the second amendment might be....dare I say it....OUTDATED?

Those were different times. Society was different. State of mind was different. People live on the edge now a days. The difference between a genius and a psychopath is a mass shooting these days.

Your right to bear guns means nothing. And I laugh at people who feel this right keeps government from turning into a dictatorship.
Ever stop to think that the second amendment might be....dare I say it....OUTDATED?
Those were different times. Society was different. State of mind was different. People live on the edge now a days. The difference between a genius and a psychopath is a mass shooting these days.
Your right to bear guns means nothing. And I laugh at people who feel this right keeps government from turning into a dictatorship.
it is... like the bible.

They interviewed the first responders, they were crying, trying to explain how they saw the bodies and knew they couldn't save them. :smh:

I am very familiar with this topic and it is true that our nation has no plan to deal with people with mental illness who do not belong in general society. There are facilities for juveniles but a lot of them are insurance scams that do little to nothing to actually benefit the child and just house them until they are 18, collecting the insurance money, and then release them back out into society. Gun control does need to be addressed.. Yeah people kill people, not guns.. got that.. but regardless there needs to be more. But the big threat to our nation is mental illness. People need to not be afraid to talk about it
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