Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I really hope that you or anyone you care for is never in a situation where a gun would be needed to save your life, but if it ever does happen best believe you'd be singing a different tune.

A situation such as...? How many of us have been in a situation where we would have needed a firearm to save our life or the life of someone else? I'm guessing it's rare man. Even when someone is the victim of a typical crime, I doubt deadly force is justified in the majority of cases. I'd prefer not to have a bunch of vigilantes walking the street thinking they're adequately prepared to use deadly force in public.

"You are sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves"
A situation such as...? How many of us have been in a situation where we would have needed a firearm to save our life or the life of someone else? I'm guessing it's rare man. Even when someone is the victim of a typical crime, I doubt deadly force is justified in the majority of cases. I'd prefer not to have a bunch of vigilantes walking the street thinking they're adequately prepared to use deadly force in public.
"You are sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves"
It most likely is rare, but having the right to bare an arm and protect yourself is a right every American should always have. I am not an advocate of possessing a semi-automatic weapon, but I do think taking guns away from Americans would be a huge mistake.
As i stated earlier, if you aren't responsible to keep your gun in a safe AND have the trigger locked than you shouldn't have the right to bear arms. We can't afford to have irresponsible gun owners leaving loaded guns on their night table, underneath their mattress, hanged on the wall, or hidden in your dresser. Irresponsible gun owners costs us too many innocent lives.
Guaranteed all you gun slingers won't know what to do when someone pulls out on you even I you are armed, chances are you won't even get your weapon out the holster in time and if you do, chance are you'll just fire shots randomly....ya swear this **** is a video game, the second you feel that first slug...we will see how your cat like reflexes and weapons mastery saves you.
Guaranteed all you gun slingers won't know what to do when someone pulls out on you even I you are armed, chances are you won't even get your weapon out the holster in time and if you do, chance are you'll just fire shots randomly....ya swear this **** is a video game, the second you feel that first slug...we will see how your cat like reflexes and weapons mastery saves you.
Who are you even addressing with a comment like this?
Who are you even addressing with a comment like this?

Majority of the civilian population who feels a couple of hundred hours at the range = being in a situation where a psychopath kicks in the door of your room and starts letting off shots from an automatic rifle.

GOOD LUCK defending yourself against that.
Still waiting on someone to tell me a situation where somebody would need a AR-15 or any other Semi-Automatic rifle......
Most shootings happen at relatively close distances. Whether someone uses a rifle or a handgun doesn't matter. 

There's an argument to be made for full auto v semi auto but there's no rational argument to be made for the style of gun. 

When someone is shooting point blank, it doesn't matter if they're carrying a rifle or a handgun.  At close range a semi auto rifle doesn't have any advantages over a handgun other than the magazine size ( you can buy or custom build extended magazines for most handguns as well). 

The only people a ban on rifles would hurt are hunters and gun enthusiasts. Semi auto rifles make for good TV but other than that, handguns cause more deaths. 
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Majority of the civilian population who feels a couple of hundred hours at the range = being in a situation where a psychopath kicks in the door of your room and starts letting off shots from an automatic rifle.
GOOD LUCK defending yourself against that.
I find almost everything you have posted in this thread comedy; I can't even take you serious with all of the outlandish things and situations you have created.
Most shootings happen at relatively close distances. Whether someone uses a rifle or a handgun doesn't matter. 

There's an argument to be made for full auto v semi auto but there's no rational argument to be made for the style of gun. 
When someone is shooting point blank, it doesn't matter if they're carrying a rifle or a handgun.  At close range a semi auto rifle doesn't have any advantages over a handgun other than the magazine size ( you can buy or custom build extended magazines for most handguns as well). 

The only people a ban on rifles would hurt are hunters and gun enthusiasts. Semi auto rifles make for good TV but other than that, handguns cause more deaths. 

Do you know how incredibly easy it is to take a gun away from somebody who's pointing at you at point blank rage? Now that's self defense.
No freaking way bruh!!!!!! That IS freaky.

take a look at this too. There was a father of the victims called Robbie Parker that gave an statement to the media. This was it.

now this video has Robbie a few seconds BEFORE the statement occurred.

How does a dude go from smiling and laughing to holding back tears.
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No freaking way bruh!!!!!! That IS freaky.

take a look at this too. There was a father of the victims called Robbie Parker that gave an statement to the media. This was it.

now this video has Robbie a few seconds BEFORE the statement occurred.

How does a dude go from smiling and laughing to holding back tears.
Do you know how incredibly easy it is to take a gun away from somebody who's pointing at you at point blank rage? Now that's self defense.
Taking a piss in the shower? Incredibly easy.

Getting a hard on in anticipation of sex? Incredibly easy (for most, let's hope)

Deciding whether or not to watch an M. Knight Shyamalan movie? Incredibly easy.

Staring death in the face via the barrel of a gun and taking said gun away? I can't imagine it too be incredibly easy. 
Taking a piss in the shower? Incredibly easy.
Getting a hard on in anticipation of sex? Incredibly easy (for most, let's hope)
Deciding whether or not to watch an M. Knight Shyamalan movie? Incredibly easy.

Staring death in the face via the barrel of a gun and taking said gun away? I can't imagine it too be incredibly easy. 
Taking gun a away from somebody at close range is is easier than getting a hard on, believe dat. The moment somebody holds a gun to my head, i'm 99% it's mine. Within a second his trigger finger is broken and i'de be the new proud owner of his gun. Look into it, you'll be bamboozled.

Just to add insult too injury. It's harder to disarm a knife from someone than it is to take a gun away from somebody at close range. I'm telling you, read up.
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Still waiting on someone to tell me a situation where somebody would need a AR-15 or any other Semi-Automatic rifle......

You know semi-auto means one round per trigger pull right?

As far as the AR15, well it's a great weapon. Lightweight, accurate, low recoil, modular, and ergonomic. Great for home defense too.

The 5.56 round will penetrate less drywall than almost any handgun round or shotgun shell. The reason for this is handgun rounds are heavy and slow. The 5.56 is light and fast so when it his a barrier it bleeds energy fast. Besides, it's what the best use so why not use the best to protect my family?
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Taking gun a away from somebody at close range is is easier than getting a hard on, believe dat. The moment somebody holds a gun to my head, i'm 99% it's mine. Within a second his trigger finger is broken and i'de be the new proud owner of his gun. Look into it, you'll be bamboozled.
Ok. I'm just a chump then. 
You can reach up take the gun from him, breaking his finger, and direct it away from yourself all faster than he can just move his finger a fraction of an inch to pull the trigger?
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