Eminem Retro 2: Flight Club Exclusive

Glade most guys on here are passing , That leaves me with a 1 / 1,000,000,000,000 chance to cop a pair (1/312) .
hmm.. we need a release date confirmed.
they are looking like pretty decent, the price sounds good
damn limited tho.. good look for FC tho
How is Eminem even relevant enough to warrant a collaboration anymore. He's been out of the music scene for at least 3 years with no signs of "comingout of retirement." I'm not hating, just curious as to why JB would do this for him at this point in time.
everybody is saying they'll pass now...then on release day it'll be madness. smh. i'm not an em fan, but i like the shoes. if i can get forretail or less, copped.
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