Employers Refusing To Take Employees Off Payroll

no, she hasnt been paid since she worked her last shift. she also walked off the job without giving any prior notice.


Maybe she should resign formally, oh wait, she doesn't want to resign. She purposely wants to get fired to collect an unemployment check, :lol:.

She needs to resign. That's what the restaurant wants her to do, they don't have to "fire" her.

I know in California, if you resign you can't collect unemployment. It's only for those that get fired or laid off.

She walked off the job... she quit... point blank.
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It might be a scam if the company is doing contract work. Government pays the contractor a fee assuming a certain number of employees, if less employees and the work still gets done...general contractor pockets the profit.
dont think its a contract job, its a local restaurant.

(not directed at sumrndumdude)

so how can she go about officially quitting this job? aside from anything else, what would be the proper procedure for getting her removed from the payroll?
Send a certified letter to the restaruant stating she would like to resign as of xx/xx/xxxx date.  They will have to sign for the letter upon receival.

Doubt she gets unemployment though. Hopefully she doesn't. She doesn't deserve it
this isnt about any unemployment thing.

Maybe she should resign formally, oh wait, she doesn't want to resign. She purposely wants to get fired to collect an unemployment check,

She needs to resign. That's what the restaurant wants her to do, they don't have to "fire" her.

I know in California, if you resign you can't collect unemployment. It's only for those that get fired or laid off.

She walked off the job... she quit... point blank.
as stated earlier, this is in no effort to collect any type of unemployment benefits. no efforts to "purposely" get fired. 
Tell her to go to work, clock in, sit around and do nothing.

She'll either get paid for doing nothing or fired, then paid to do nothing.:D
Send a certified letter to the restaruant stating she would like to resign as of xx/xx/xxxx date.  They will have to sign for the letter upon receival.

Doubt she gets unemployment though. Hopefully she doesn't. She doesn't deserve it
thank you. this is alll i was looking for. again, this is in no efforts to receive any unemployment. idk where you all got that idea from, nowhere did i state anything about any unemployment in my OP.
Doesnt make sense, if the company fires her, they dont have to pay unrmployment.

If the company fires her they will most likely be required to pay the enemployment unless she has had prior documented discrepancies.

Hence leaving her on the payroll (they probably didn't document her probelms with signed warnings)

I'd leave her on the payroll too.  Trying to play the system
  she outdid herself on this one
that's not true. If a company fires you, for say...walking off the job...they aren't liable to pay unemployment as you voided the contract of employment. If they let you go however, for say, lack of work to be completed or less hours to go around, then they are on the hook.

but being fired and being let go...two completely different things in the corporate world
I beg to differ.

They would most likely have to pay unemployment unless they have documented warnings or a resignation letter.

the ex-employee could just make something up, and they will take her word w/o written documentation.
I know in California, if you resign you can't collect unemployment. It's only for those that get fired or laid off.

the rules may vary in every state. Last time I collected years ago (for both NJ and PA), you were allowed to collect unemployment benefits regardless if terminated or laid off. If fired / terminated, you just had to wait a few weeks before being eligible to collect.
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My job keeps people that absolutely suck. My boss is stingy and refuses to hire more people so he keeps wack *** people here. He doesn't want to give them unemployment
Lol @ how yall draw these conclusions...

I thought nters were better than this.
OP edited one of his posts which alluded to her trying to collect unemployment.

Then he started with the I don't know how you came to that conclusion

It doesn't always show when you edit a post.....i've edited posts which didn't have the "edited on xx/xx/xxxx" on the bottom.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo  

I know in California, if you resign you can't collect unemployment. It's only for those that get fired or laid off.
the rules may vary in every state. Last time I collected years ago (for both NJ and PA), you were allowed to collect unemployment benefits  regardless if terminated or laid off. If fired / terminated, you just had to wait a few weeks before being eligible to collect.

what was quoted under my name was not said by me. the sentences above are from another post are also not mine. only these last three sentences are my words.
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So she's trying to game the system?


I surmise that your friend, based of what you've revealed thus far, is that one person that makes it difficult for those who are legitimately disenfranchised from an economic-jobs standpoint.


yes bro, ur exactly right my friend. how u drew that conclusion is beyond me. 
Disregard my previous post about him editing his posts.....LOL....i couldn't find this when I went back and looked. My bad OP

The above correspondance is why ppl are hating

She's playing the system
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OP edited one of his posts which alluded to her trying to collect unemployment.

Then he started with the I don't know how you came to that conclusion

It doesn't always show when you edit a post.....i've edited posts which didn't have the "edited on xx/xx/xxxx" on the bottom.
lie. post #45 explains my edit. i was incorrectly quoted.
Well then show up for work and report to the supervisor so they can fire you for the mother of all attendance issues. Or they'll be slick and keep you on. Second works in your favor, I don't think she'll get it once they get the details on why she was fired.

Or i guess it depends on the state.
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Wait so she cant collect food stamps because shes still technically employed by that company
so why dosnt she just walk into the place and yell out obscenities followed by an I Quit?


She cant collect Food Stamps if she quits but only when she gets fired, IDK how food stamps work im fortunate
enough to not be in that situation

If thats the case shes playing the system. She walked out on her job is what I recalled you posting
which IMO is the same thing as quitting just not officially quitting, just walking out .
Is she still getting a paycheck
no, she hasnt been paid since she worked her last shift. she also walked off the job without giving any prior notice.

yeah, i've seen this happen in some places. instead of terminating you, you're still an employee on paper, BUT in this case, they don't schedule her any hours / shifts.

Which is stupid b/c then you could at least get partial unemployment due to lack of hours
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