empty liquor bottles on display at your crib??

I just give my friend my empty bottles and they keep it on display.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I used to have a drawer filled woth bottles in my old dorm and i'd have a jar filled w. condomwrappers....just to keep track[/color]
one of my friends made a coffee table out of empty bottles. he had a bunch of them and laid some glass on top. i wish i had a picture of it.
We did this in college every year to see how many bottles of alcohol we finished at the end of the year. Then we would make a graveyard shot
. However, ifyour not in college this is really tacky.
I have all my liquor bottles on display in my linen closet, odnt care what others think.
yea when my bachelor pad in La Jolla was poppin back in the day i had empty bottles of Dom P, Cris, Moet, Veuve, all kinds of crap plastered on top of thecupboards in the kitchen.

now a days if they are on display, there better be something in them
I think its wack. Why would someone want to prove to everyone how much of an alcoholic they are?
Im in college so its straight for right now, no way in hell i would do this *!@% after i graduate tho unless it had some special meaning
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