Energy Drinks Vol Who else is addicted?

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Used to be. But that stuff is really, really bad for you.

Worse than soda.

i got addicted to fruit punch flavored rockstar. when i stopped drinking it i swear i went through some sort of withdrawal problems
5 hour energy is pretty good, gets my hand shaking like crazy when i take my finals

i'm not addicted to them, but i drink them before i take a midterm or final.
Ya'll know that Energy drinks are nothing but basically high caffeine soda right?

Taurine doesn't do anything, and Guarana gets metabolized to caffeine in your system.
how i know it works is when i gotta pee....but just start drinking those green veggie/fruit juice drinks instead.

there is also that energy drink by Hansens which doesn't have high fructose corn syrup called RUMBA - orange juice w vitamins and caffeine. last place i saw it was the 99 cent store. not sure where else they sell it retail

FTW, I was drping a lot of cash on energy drinks before I disovered this stuff.

...True caffine addcict, btw.
not gonna lie. i had legit caffine withdraws freshman year after i went thru a 24 pack of red bull during finals week. has the WORST headache. but then i found out the wonders of aderall.
I used to drink monsters like water back in the day. But it got a little too expensive so i stopped. Ill still cop a 4 pack every now and then but never a case like i used to.
--I been drinkin Red Bull all week.
--Fiending it then having it is appreciated. A cold Red Bull...

--The crash is unappreciated though.
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