Engineering Majors?

Guys, how much does a BSMET vs a BSME affect you career and salary wise?
My best friend got his BSMET. From what i understand, an MET would be a drafter/technician. I guess an example would be an MET would design and draft things in CAD based on an ME's vision. I believe career advancement and salary wise, MET's are lower than ME's. 
Looking into mechanical/computer engineer and computer science right now.

I'm on algebra 2 for review, but I need that calculus, i hope i do good on my placement exam to get bumped up to calculus rathern than pre-cal lol
I got a GREAT job offer last week. The work put into getting an engineering degree definitely paid off when I saw the offer..

I'm 23, 1st job out of college and I feel like the sky is the limit when it comes to $$, I'm still studying for the FE tho

If you're struggling in the early level courses you simply have to check yourself. It's going to get A LOT harder. KEEP A 3.0 minimum and CO-OP!

Imo, bsmet isn't respected or coveted the same as bsme. I'd recommend putting in the extra work for bsme
I got a GREAT job offer last week. The work put into getting an engineering degree definitely paid off when I saw the offer..

I'm 23, 1st job out of college and I feel like the sky is the limit when it comes to $$, I'm still studying for the FE tho

If you're struggling in the early level courses you simply have to check yourself. It's going to get A LOT harder. KEEP A 3.0 minimum and CO-OP!

Imo, bsmet isn't respected or coveted the same as bsme. I'd recommend putting in the extra work for bsme

My situation is, I initially went to school for a 2 year degree as a auto mechanic. The way the program is set up, if you wish to, you can continue on for a BSMET with two more years of school. Its the path of least resistance and would be much cheaper for me to go this route but im concerned with where it would leave me as far as job placement and long term salary. I would almost have to start over and get an associates in ME then go onto a BSME which would cost more and take longer.
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I got a GREAT job offer last week. The work put into getting an engineering degree definitely paid off when I saw the offer..

I'm 23, 1st job out of college and I feel like the sky is the limit when it comes to $$, I'm still studying for the FE tho

If you're struggling in the early level courses you simply have to check yourself. It's going to get A LOT harder. KEEP A 3.0 minimum and CO-OP!

Imo, bsmet isn't respected or coveted the same as bsme. I'd recommend putting in the extra work for bsme
what school you went to? what field? congrats man i hope to land a job that young

Physics two and differentia are stressing me but its nothing i can't handle

My current goal: Get my Associates in engineering science at my current CC, and transferring to Penn for Mining Engineering, even though I'm going to have to take pre req classes and would take me 3 yrs to finish my BA. I hope my associates looks good on my resume OR any advice should i just go the Mechanical Eng route and i would finish it in 2 years because a few schools have that signed contract that would let me transfer in as a junior.
Pros and cons on automotive engineering?

Anybody? Thanks in advance
I'm not familiar enough to give any advise on that. My school only offered civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and then engr technology programs. Nobody in my region offers automotive. That being said, I chose mechanical because I dreamed of working for General Motors and I personally wouldn't do automotive even if it was offered here. Once again, I can't advise you on the outlook for automotive but I PERSONALLY would stick to something less specific. You can definitely work in the auto industry with as an electrical or mechanical, but i'd assume it'd be just a tad tougher working in other industries with automotive.  Do your research, try to find some people with automotive degrees to give some real advise and mentor you, look at the current job market, try to find growth predictions, talk to your potential college dean about it... Follow your heart.
My situation is, I initially went to school for a 2 year degree as a auto mechanic. The way the program is set up, if you wish to, you can continue on for a BSMET with two more years of school. Its the path of least resistance and would be much cheaper for me to go this route but im concerned with where it would leave me as far as job placement and long term salary. I would almost have to start over and get an associates in ME then go onto a BSME which would cost more and take longer.
That's definitely tough, school isn't cheap and nobody wants to be in school forever. I think you can have a great career with bsmet, it just may be a little harder initially. I'm sure you'd like the path of least resistance.. So here's what I'd say. Find out if your state or a close by state allows people with bsmet to take the FE/PE, each state is different.

Hopefully you can continue on the bsmet path and be admitted to the FE. Passing it definitely isn't a must, but it will solidify your career and says a lot about your drive and competence. (think of it as law, anyone can get a jd but until you pass the bar you're just another buster with a degree ) If you have PE behind your name I doubt anybody would care what kind of degree you have. 
what school you went to? what field? congrats man i hope to land a job that young

Physics two and differentia are stressing me but its nothing i can't handle

My current goal: Get my Associates in engineering science at my current CC, and transferring to Penn for Mining Engineering, even though I'm going to have to take pre req classes and would take me 3 yrs to finish my BA. I hope my associates looks good on my resume OR any advice should i just go the Mechanical Eng route and i would finish it in 2 years because a few schools have that signed contract that would let me transfer in as a junior.
got a bs in mechanical @ Southern University and A&M, small hbcu in Louisiana. I stayed in state because of TOPS, our scholarship program. Chose SU over the LSU tigers because i think the engr program is better, a few of our teachers are at both schools and they say the same. Smaller class sizes (25ish in engr courses), better labs/facilities, we're just not as big as LSU obviously. You'll be good, keep >3.0 and co-op!! I can't emphasize that enough.

First off, follow your heart. I'm honestly just a stranger on the web. You can't really go wrong either way, but mining don't interest me AT ALL lol. Choose what interests you most, it'll make college more tolerable and it's easier when you're actually interested. 2yrs vs 3yrs isn't a long time when making a life long decision
I hear you man I'm out in ny and I also want to stay in state because out of state tuition is double tuition apparently. But I will def look into co op u got any tips on looking for some?
Good look. Homie

I wana. Be able to work for gm too

I'd like to build engines for corvettes an stuff I'm just lookn for the majors that help me out in that area
im interested in environmental or water resource anybody with any experience in the field or knowledge of it?
Like to see this thread going, I'm in materials science and about to start major courses next semester. Finishing up my last math course which is a combination of calc 3, linear algebra, & differential equations. Fourier series makes no sense at all to me, but learning how the wave equation works is pretty cool.

Mechanics of materials is probably the worst class i've ever taken. statics is manageable, but doing combined loading problems right now is ridiculous. I'm so thankful the class is just about done after this semester because it is not fun. I have to take a thermodynamics class next semester so I'm not sure how that's going to turn out...

also, at OSU, we have one of the only offered welding engineering B.S. degrees in the country. Many companies, especially automotive, look to hire graduates from this program. I had the chance to see this guy who got his M.S. in Welding Engineering talk a while ago and he is a high-level manager for ExxonMobil or Halliburton, I forget. Very interesting program whenever I get a chance to talk to some of my classmates in that major.

I'm not sure what sort of industry I want to go into out of college, but I'm probably gonna take a few training/certification courses in welding to add to my degree.
Taking linear algebra right now. Gettin roasted right now smh :/

Cant be overcome by self pity and doubt

Matrices is something you either get or don't . Don't sweat it if you don't understand it. Just grind through and concentrate on passing.

YouTube patrickjmt. He got me through all my math courses. Especially calc 2,3 and diff eqs.
Also the hardest thing with matrices isn't the math itself but it's knowing when to apply the math to certain theorems. So I would focus on that as well
im interested in environmental or water resource anybody with any experience in the field or knowledge of it?
::raises hand::

I regulate wastewater treatment discharges to waters of the US in CA, so i deal with a little of both, more environmental though.
I hear you man I'm out in ny and I also want to stay in state because out of state tuition is double tuition apparently. But I will def look into co op u got any tips on looking for some?

The only tip is keep your gpa up and go to EVERY career fair. (And go PREPARED). That starts with getting a list of companies that'll attend, just write a small note about the ones you're not familiar with so you can start a better convo with recruiters. Tell them something you've seen on their site so they know you've done homework. ie: "I saw on your company website that you all are developing/consultants blah blah blah _______. Can you tell me more about that?)

Besides that, make sure your resume is PRINTED ON RESUME PAPER and go early enough to visit each and every booth. I always tried to be at the career fair when it starts

Also. Apply online

Good look. Homie

I wana. Be able to work for gm too

I'd like to build engines for corvettes an stuff I'm just lookn for the majors that help me out in that area

I actually flew to Warren and interviewed with GM the week after I graduated. Didn't get the job, but the experience was cool. I wish you nothing but the best though!!

When you look to co-op do all the automotive companies, and their suppliers as well. GM,
Honda, Ford, etc don't make everything. Delphi comes to mind

And I had a teacher who used to work on the corvette motor, but that was at least 8yrs ago
Applied for the April 2014 PE, hopefully I get approved and get an oppurtunity to take the test this April.

I graduated in June 2011 and started work about a week after. Still at the same company, time flies once you are done with school. :lol:
Applied for the April 2014 PE, hopefully I get approved and get an oppurtunity to take the test this April.

I graduated in June 2011 and started work about a week after. Still at the same company, time flies once you are done with school.
Good luck man. I'm waiting on notification too. They cashed my check so that has to mean something haha
computer engineer here.. graduated from UF in 04/ masters degree in systems engineering ucf 2012.  and been working as a software engineer/systems engineering on simulation systems (kinda like a video games) since 06.. great job, great benefits, and great pay.. s

stick with engineering much better major then  no offense to sociology majors :smile: 
Good luck man. I'm waiting on notification too. They cashed my check so that has to mean something haha

You too bro.

Are you really located in Sacramento? I am and the board is literally done the street from my house. :lol:

I received the self addressed postcard which confirmed my application is under review recently.
Industrial over here. Taking statics now. Tired of hearing bout these beams and trusses when I'm taking all senior courses right now lol. But it is true you have to be dedicated to make a high gpa. SQUAD!!!! Lol
You too bro.

Are you really located in Sacramento? I am and the board is literally done the street from my house.

I received the self addressed postcard which confirmed my application is under review recently.
Yea i am. I didn't send in any postcards. I figured if they cashed my check then they got it haha.

The lady i talked to a few weeks ago said we wont know until early December sometime.
I'm graduating in a year and I have no idea the difference between the FE, PE or any other exams/certifications. When do you take them?
correct me if im wrong, but if you pass the FE you become an engineer in training, if you pass PE you become a license engineer.FE usually last 3 semesters before you get bachlors. PE you have to wait (each state is different) in california is i think 2 years after you graduate with bachlors. 
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I'm graduating in a year and I have no idea the difference between the FE, PE or any other exams/certifications. When do you take them?
FE is the Fundamental Exam (Engineer-in-Training as it was previously called). For many engineers, this is the first step to taking the PE. Usually, the FE will be taken while in your last year or so in school because it covers many of the fundamental classes (Math, statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluids, science, etc) you took early on in your college career. Some people wait until after graduating to take the FE exam. Depending on what you want to do, it is typically best to have the EIT certificate before graduation as many employers like to see that on resume's.

The PE is the big daddy. A few years after graduating (could be longer if your school isn't ABET accredited), you can take a subject specific test (Civil, Mechanical, Nuclear, Industrial, etc) to show bredth and depth knowledge on engineering principles relating to your career choice. Once you pass the exam and get your license, your set. Advancement opportunities, salary, respect, all of that comes along with the license. 

This site will have all the valuable information regarding all exams:
bros....I just finished last fall with a BSCE. I have no idea what to do now, can't seem to land any interviews and I regret not finding an internship in school. Still need to pass the FE exam which I plan on taking soon (they did switch up the FE exam which is now computer based and is offered throughout the year instead of only twice).
My question is, with no "job experience", how can one still look appealing on a resume? :x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x
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