Engineering Majors?

Thinking about switching from Computer Engineering to either EE or Civil. Im kind of interested in the energy field
Originally Posted by Dman22193

Thinking about switching from Computer Engineering to either EE or Civil. Im kind of interested in the energy field

research the job market for alternative energy (unless you mean power?). i find the market small as money is slow to be invested in the industry...very slow, even tho its called our future. if anything civil isn't the way to go if you want to do anything energy related. an EE degree will yield more opportunity career wise.
Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Majored in Mechanical..
I should of did civil
made 40K out of college, was with an engineering frim doing purchasing (I learned a lot however)
There is a direct correlation to how well you do in school and the amount of money you make afterwards.
Many companies higher based on GPA.  I currently work in Mechanical sales....I should of got into real estate.

If Math isn't your strong suit, try another major
justified grammar to salary ratio is justified
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Majored in Mechanical..
I should of did civil
made 40K out of college, was with an engineering frim doing purchasing (I learned a lot however)
There is a direct correlation to how well you do in school and the amount of money you make afterwards.
Many companies higher based on GPA.  I currently work in Mechanical sales....I should of got into real estate.

If Math isn't your strong suit, try another major
justified grammar to salary ratio is justified

want to get into mech engineering but my math skills are the math courses you take really that hard? i dont mind putting the work in
Graduated with a Civil Engineering Degree in May '06 and I now work in energy industry. I started interviewing as early as October '05 though for a full time position. I only interviewed with 3 or 4 companies. My first choice company offered me a position in early January and the rest is history. It was a very good feeling already having a position lined up after graduating. Been w/ the same company for almost 6 years now and couldn't be happier. They've definitely treated me right (Opportunity and salary wise). My salary increased significantly (200% +) over the past few years. I've already relocated cross country twice. (Houston to Salt Lake and now Salt Lake to WA State)

Some advice (like others have said):

Interview early and often
Get in touch with your college career center and go to career fairs
Join Engineering Organizations (NSBE, ASCE, ASME, etc.)
Pass the FE (and PE eventually)
Once your working (depending on the culture within your company) definitely let them know what your interests are and what you would like to do career wise.
I'm actually trying to become a Civil Engineer and transferring from my local community college. It's application season right now and I was wondering what schools did everyone apply to? What schools did y'all get denied to and get into?  
any environmental engineers in here(sorry i just checked the first page). i currently taking AP Courses and trying to get in either columbia or manhattan college. When u guys say math is the key and is hard did u guys take AP or just regular math so it was hard for u.I am tryna become an environmental engineer so any starting wages what are they lookin like and is it and easy or hard couse in college?
I'm majoring in Bioengineering right now, and my school groups us with Chemical Engineers and Environmental Engineers.

It's insanely tough, I've had my fair share of all nighters, but at the same time I'm in a fraternity and in several clubs around campus.

The key thing I'd say is to just stay motivated through the whole term.
im in mechanical but im not really feeling it, but im in too deep to change majors. im thinking about law school or trying to break into finance. i just want a more exciting career.
I work as a Machinist thus I work with a lot of Mechanical Engineers and some of these dudes don't know what the hell are doing when it comes to making/producing of the parts they design. haha
I'm currently doing the general requirements (last couple of classes to get my A.S) and calc 2 is killing me for the moment. I recently upped my studying for calc 2 and physics to make sure i don;'t continue to seem lost in the subject but my questions is, is the math only going to get harder from here? I still have to take calc 3 and differential equations and the way it seems i would be lucky to limp my way through calc 2 with a C... i did heard calc 2 is the hardest of the 3(can anyone confirm? but what about differential equations and thereafter)
-Get At Me...
Originally Posted by desent

I'm currently doing the general requirements (last couple of classes to get my A.S) and calc 2 is killing me for the moment. I recently upped my studying for calc 2 and physics to make sure i don;'t continue to seem lost in the subject but my questions is, is the math only going to get harder from here? I still have to take calc 3 and differential equations and the way it seems i would be lucky to limp my way through calc 2 with a C... i did heard calc 2 is the hardest of the 3(can anyone confirm? but what about differential equations and thereafter)
-Get At Me...
limp thru cal 2 , yes the hardest,  if you can....but make sure you understand everything done in class since you have to use it again in cal 3
its nothing new in cal 3 really 
Aside from Calc 1, 2, and 3 along with Linear Algebra what classes do Civil Engineers have to take?
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Aside from Calc 1, 2, and 3 along with Linear Algebra what classes do Civil Engineers have to take?

calc based physics 1 and 2, chem 1 with lab, statics...cant remember the other stuff (im ee lol just going based on what my ce friends took)
Originally Posted by desent

I'm currently doing the general requirements (last couple of classes to get my A.S) and calc 2 is killing me for the moment. I recently upped my studying for calc 2 and physics to make sure i don;'t continue to seem lost in the subject but my questions is, is the math only going to get harder from here? I still have to take calc 3 and differential equations and the way it seems i would be lucky to limp my way through calc 2 with a C... i did heard calc 2 is the hardest of the 3(can anyone confirm? but what about differential equations and thereafter)
-Get At Me...
calc 3 is when you get into 3D vector stuff....i haven't gotten to the harder stuff yet, but it does get harder. 
For some reason, the school let me enroll in University Physics without taking Calculus. 
The class was the most challenging class ive ever taken. I made a B and am now enrolled in Physics II and Pre-Cal.

It would be a lot easier if the teacher actually knew how to teach. 
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Aside from Calc 1, 2, and 3 along with Linear Algebra what classes do Civil Engineers have to take?

calc based physics 1 and 2, chem 1 with lab, statics...cant remember the other stuff (im ee lol just going based on what my ce friends took)

The best thing to do is to just go to a school's undergraduate catalog and just check out what they have listed for the major. 
Here is a link to my school's catalog:
bump love this thread, what initially attracted you guys to your engineering field? I have had it in my mind for a while i wanted to be in the field, just as I'm getting started with school i find myself questioning the decision
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by desent

I'm currently doing the general requirements (last couple of classes to get my A.S) and calc 2 is killing me for the moment. I recently upped my studying for calc 2 and physics to make sure i don;'t continue to seem lost in the subject but my questions is, is the math only going to get harder from here? I still have to take calc 3 and differential equations and the way it seems i would be lucky to limp my way through calc 2 with a C... i did heard calc 2 is the hardest of the 3(can anyone confirm? but what about differential equations and thereafter)
-Get At Me...
calc 3 is when you get into 3D vector stuff....i haven't gotten to the harder stuff yet, but it does get harder. 

Well I passed physics with a c and failed calc 2 by 6 questions on the final. 6 @!##+*! questions man. Feels batmanI am trying to retake it in summer as a 10 week course. Man I feel like I know it and I study on avg 30+ hrs for each test this teacher just specifically tries to throw us curve balls that we don't study or simply is not emphasized. That class is setting me back man.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Aside from Calc 1, 2, and 3 along with Linear Algebra what classes do Civil Engineers have to take?
I'm finishing up my last semester at a JC and I'm transferring in the Fall for Civil. I had to take everything that you listed, but add in Differential Equations for math. For the lower division engineering courses, I took plane surveying, statics, circuits, and properties of engineering materials.

If your attending as a transfer student, the requirements sometimes differ depending on the university.
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