England takes an L


Jun 29, 2007
[h2]saw this on Engadget

[/h2][h2]Padded lampposts for distracted texters being tested in London[/h2]
Posted Mar 6th 2008 5:39AM by Joshua Topolsky
Filed under: Cellphones

According to a recent report, human beings are becoming so incredibly stupid that they require cushioned lamppost bases so that when they run into themthey don't mess up their idiotic faces. Apparently, a study in the UK found that one in ten people actually managed to hurt themselves by walking into apost while peering down at their mobile phone screen. The mishaps -- called "walking and texting" injuries -- have spurred the charity Living Streetsto launch the padded-post-pilot scheme in Brick Lane, London. It seems that if all goes well, there are plans to roll out the idiot-proof system in Birmingam,Manchester, and Stupidton.
Wow that is incredibly stupid... seems fake actually.

Hey, that's my exact car at 0:51
Wow...people do that on the reg? That's crazy...I'm a SK fiend and I neva done that...I propose it be made a law that when any @!#%$@@ is inattentiveenough 2 walk n2 a lamppost while texting, every pedestrian on the street should be required 2 stop, point, demean, and laugh obnoxiously at them 4 a periodnot less than 17 seconds...
Ain't nothing funny about that, wish I had one of those back in jr high school. I ran into a poll knocked out my two front teeth.
that was a guerrilla(sp) marketing campaign by some cell phone company...
got stitches on my forehead back in kindergarten cuz i ran into a stupid brick post thing.
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