"ENTER MY MIND" Pt. 1 VoL. Secret Species 3/18/08


Jan 10, 2008
Here's what I'm thinking NT. I believe there's a possibility that we do not roam the earth alone. There is an invisible race of aliens that cohabitthis planet with us. They're here amongst us, one may be sitting right next to you as you read this post. Once they have watch us evolve, as we watch labrats, they will do away with us. I'm telling you this so that you can be ready, we have to fight. We have to advance in technology, we have to buildawareness. The time starts now!

Disclaimer: these are all my inner thoughts. i am not saying that this information is even the least bit true, i'm just voicing random thoughts in myhead...
Slooowly put that joint down, back away from your computer, log off and think about what you just said, by yourself.
I feel where you coming from, but the weed woulda stopped me right here:

"Here's what I'm thinking NT. I believe there's a possibility that we do not roam the earth alone."

The rest is pookie status.
What exactly gives you this impression? You seem to have a well developed set of events planned out. You sure you're not just telling yourself that youbelieve this so that you can tell other people for shock value?
Originally Posted by PREM092

Here's what I'm thinking NT. I believe there's a possibility that we do not roam the earth alone. There is an invisible race of aliens that cohabit this planet with us. They're here amongst us, one may be sitting right next to you as you read this post. Once they have watch us evolve, as we watch lab rats, they will do away with us. I'm telling you this so that you can be ready, we have to fight. We have to advance in technology, we have to build awareness. The time starts now!

Disclaimer: these are all my inner thoughts. i am not saying that this information is even the least bit true, i'm just voicing random thoughts in my head...
AND you just made this up for attention
put the joint down is right.

how about theres a race of people on different dimensions that contact me and scare the %%+@ out of me. The reason being I believe they are violent because Imyself am scared ****tt-less....
is this one of those things like, when you close your eyes what do you see? darkness or the back of your eyelids?
im going to sign on to xbl and murk you on cod4 for wasting my time with your posts.
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