Entourage actor posts controversial Instagram

Jul 18, 2012
Dude got a lot of backlash for it and thus deleted it. Thoughts?

I can see how posting it on 9/11 would be viewed as tasteless, but the sentiment isn't one that would go over well with the American public, as many of them believe that those one million+ people wouldn't have died if terrorists didnt attack first (allegedly).

But loss of life is loss of life. No need to argue over who got it worse.
i actually just watched Flight 93 for the first time last night...

...lets just say im still in the moment of it and my opinion on this would be skewed.

however as i got older (was about 12) when 9/11 happened, i learned that the terrorists were not the same as the Iraqi public

but there are shared beliefs between the two.
The Saudis and their funding of Wahhabism were responsible for 9/11 not Iraq, but this was extremely tasteless and couldn't have been done at a worst time. Thousands of people were affected directly that day and are still affected as first responders and others who were down there are dropping dead because of cancers developed in the aftermath. This reeks of narcissism and the lack of awareness and tact shared by celebrities throughout entertainment.
The Saudis and their funding of Wahhabism were responsible for 9/11 not Iraq, but this was extremely tasteless and couldn't have been done at a worst time. Thousands of people were affected directly that day and are still affected as first responders and others who were down there are dropping dead because of cancers developed in the aftermath. This reeks of narcissism and the lack of awareness and tact shared by celebrities throughout entertainment.

While I would agree with you in your sentiment it's tough to say that in this case because the dude has a reputation for being somewhat of an activist.
This isn't one of those internet social warriors that thinks posting a pic on Instagram is enough to raise awareness.
He has other philanthropy efforts under his belt which shows he actually cares more than the average celebrity.

I'm going to weigh his actions more than I would a post on Instagram. Through his actions he should somewhat have earned some type of credibility.
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I have actually tasted white tears.

I too have tasted white tears
I was at Starbucks in Manhattan one day, and I bought the last iced pumpkin spice latte right before the machine broke. This white woman behind me was crying her eyes out. I told her I'd give her mines and she jumped up and gave me a hug and a drop went on my lip. Tasted disgusting. Needless to say I asked the barista for an extra cup and poured her about 1/2 ounce of my drink in the empty cup and walked away and laughed
I too have tasted white tears
I was at Starbucks in Manhattan one day, and I bought the last iced pumpkin spice latte right before the machine broke. This white woman behind me was crying her eyes out. I told her I'd give her mines and she jumped up and gave me a hug and a drop went on my lip. Tasted disgusting. Needless to say I asked the barista for an extra cup and poured her about 1/2 ounce of my drink in the empty cup and walked away and laughed
I would've been fine if it was a young hot white girl wearing yoga pants and uggs
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