Entourage actor posts controversial Instagram

I can see how posting it on 9/11 would be viewed as tasteless, but the sentiment isn't one that would go over well with the American public, as many of them believe that those one million+ people wouldn't have died if terrorists didnt attack first (allegedly).

But loss of life is loss of life. No need to argue over who got it worse.

This. Even though Vinny has a good point, it's the equivalent of saying "all lives matter" at a black lives matter rally.
Controversial because he spoke the truth? I mean we all can agree Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So what's the problem? Did they find those WMDs yet?

Umm, yeah, everyone knows and acknowledges that though

Even at the time Americans knew that.

Bush basically used people's fear and anger from 9/11 and lied to the country to get us into a war with Iraq. No one blames Iraq for 9/11

So he looks like a douche trying "school" folk

How you look though?

How do I look Mr. Mathews?

I'm not trying to school anyone. I'm just giving my opinion on dude's comments. Me and homeboy have chopped in up in plenty threads nicely. Always having good back and forth.

If you want to pick another pointless argument with someone, I'm not in the mood.

Yes, very moody. That's how you look. Nailed it.
Controversial because he spoke the truth? I mean we all can agree Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So what's the problem? Did they find those WMDs yet?

Umm, yeah, everyone knows and acknowledges that though

Even at the time Americans knew that.

Bush basically used people's fear and anger from 9/11 and lied to the country to get us into a war with Iraq. No one blames Iraq for 9/11

So he looks like a douche trying "school" folk

How you look though?

How do I look Mr. Mathews?

I'm not trying to school anyone. I'm just giving my opinion on dude's comments. Me and homeboy have chopped in up in plenty threads nicely. Always having good back and forth.

If you want to pick another pointless argument with someone, I'm not in the mood.

Yes, very moody. That's how you look. Nailed it.

9/11 is so 14 years ago. Until someone in the administration comes out with names and numbers it's just gonna be another social split
I too have tasted white tears
I was at Starbucks in Manhattan one day, and I bought the last iced pumpkin spice latte right before the machine broke. This white woman behind me was crying her eyes out. I told her I'd give her mines and she jumped up and gave me a hug and a drop went on my lip. Tasted disgusting. Needless to say I asked the barista for an extra cup and poured her about 1/2 ounce of my drink in the empty cup and walked away and laughed
I tasted Chinese tears. was sweet. my ex though, no awkward story included.
Not really aware of this dude nor did I watch his show but there really isn't no other time to make a point like that. So it has to be attached to something like 9/11.

There is no anniversary of Bush's invasion of Iraq that'd be recognized or end date that'd even be slightly acknowledged given that country is still reeling from the damage.
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