Entourage (final season 8 ) thread Vol. The End (9/11 10:30PM EST) SERIES FINALE =[

any ep 7 info would be great...
@ not having hbo go

episode 6 was ehhh

but i like how ari handled himself ... after 20 years i don't even know you ... and he just walked out
I have this to say for those who have watched ep. 7...
Spoiler [+]
After sleeping on it...wow that episode just had me feeling all good inside. I don't know what's going to happen to Ari. If he gets back with his wife, great. If not, remember who just came in to about $15 mil and would probably help his friend out at the drop of a hat.
Just watched episode 7...it was good, but not the best in the series like some of y'all were saying. Kinda wish this wasn't the second to last episode, though, since for once they actually had a couple of pretty good developments.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Has the season been amazing? No.
Were the last 2 episodes money outside of being a tad bit short last week? IMO, Yes.

I like reading NT because it assures me that in america, 80% of people will be negative/critics when it comes to any or everything due to a prior event.

Obviously this season has left a lot to be desired...especially the first few episodes. But damn, people with the "I can't wait for this season to be over" comments....why the hell you even still watching/in the thread if that's how you feel?

Ari Gold swag......."G...T...F....O..."
most the people in this thread been watching since the beginning...it's almost over, so dudes ain't just gonna opt out in the last couple of episodes...doesn't mean we're watching it because it's an amazing show anymore...we just wanna ride it out...
The crying and complaining constantly in the thread is unnecessary though.....
Like when a baby is screaming in a restaurant.

I understand children cry sometimes, but take the damn baby outside. Nobody's trying to hear that iiiiish.
lol ...nice metaphor.
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

very disappointed there has been no sex scenes whatsoever in this season.

cmon mann...everybody on there tryna get this money this season... theres no time for p***y lol
Originally Posted by thinkinFRESH

Episode 7 was one of the best in the series

Absolutely.  Kevin Connolly did a great job directing it.
Glad to have been a part of the episode/series as well.

It's going to be very interesting to see how everything wraps up for the guys.  Can't believe it's almost over 
episode 7 is on comcast/xfinity also. Great episode. I could feel Turtle's pain right before Vince was like I kept my shares and bought yours too. Real friends FTW
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Time Warner sucks.

If you have Time Warner, and HBO, you should have HBO On Demand.

And Ep. 7 been on there since last night.

Cool, thanks.  I had just check hbogo.com and TW wasn't listed, didn't even think to check OD.  Do they have on the HBO HD section as well?
Damn! sounds like episode 7 was epic. I'll wait till Sunday to watch it, only 2 Entourage Sundays left forever! I'm outta this thread till then
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