Entourage (final season 8 ) thread Vol. The End (9/11 10:30PM EST) SERIES FINALE =[

Thought the final 2 episodes were sufficient, the first 6 were horrible though in my opinion.

Will obviously watch the movie since I stayed with the series since day one.

Overall, a great series and just fun to watch.
Can't believe it's over, it was a great run!
...And I have no idea what I'd choose if I were in Ari's shoes, that's got to be the hardest decision ever!
Just to clarify, Is season 8 available to any tom, richard, or lawrence like myself without HBO or any kind of access to HBO CURRENTLY, or do I have to wait for this to release on DVD/Netflix/Itunes.  If anyone has a usable link to the last two episodes, it seems thats about all I need based on most peoples reviews of season 8 so far.

Thanks in advance.
I am disappoint as well but it's always tough to end a series. Just felt way too fake. Still will remain one of my favourite shows ever.
With the way they put all that out there for Ari I'm thinking not only a movie but perhaps also an Ari-centric spin-off.
Decent ending but there should've been more build up to the Paris trip. Not realistic or logical at all for Sophia to turn the way she did as quickly as she did.
I would've liked them to have an hour long episode cause everything felt so rushed but it was a good ending. Can't wait for the movie
I think the one cool thing about the series & especially this season is the friendship these guys have. Through thick & thin, these guys had each others back. We should all be so lucky to have friends like this dudes & need to learn from these characters about being a good, trustworthy, & loyal friend. Too many cats out here are backstabbing dudes and a lot on NT too.
I can't believe people say it was way too real. Really?

Spoiler [+]
- Sophia and Vince deciding to get married after a 24 hour date seems a bit much. Actually, no, it doesn't seem. It is much. That doesn't happen. Ever.
- How would Sloan forgive E like that? I know she doesn't know for sure herself if E *+*#*% Melinda or not but really, she'd be hella pissed off either way.
- When Ari threw it all away for his wife, how did his wife just say okay right on the spot? That doesn't happen. There would have to be a smoother transition.
- Sucks that nothing really happened with Turtle and Drama in that last episode. If Jamie-Lynn Sigler or Alex came back for Turtle or some +!@%, that would've been dope.
- They just gonna do Scott dirty like that and not bring him to Paris?

It just seemed like it was all too rushed. Like I said before, it's hard to finish off a series strong, I can't remember the last show that did it right. Nevertheless, I'm quite certain there's gonna be a movie, hopefully that makes up for the ending.
Originally Posted by psk2310

I think the one cool thing about the series & especially this season is the friendship these guys have. Through thick & thin, these guys had each others back. We should all be so lucky to have friends like this dudes & need to learn from these characters about being a good, trustworthy, & loyal friend. Too many cats out here are backstabbing dudes and a lot on NT too.
That last part made me chuckled but I agree with the rest for sure, that's a brotherhood they got going on.

Oh well, looks like I gotta start watching How To Make It In America.
"Everything always works out in the end." -Vinny Chase
I truly enjoyed this series and am terribly sad that it's actually over.  Glad they ended it the way they did, it would have been very un-Entourage like had they ended it any other way.

Can't wait for the movie though.  Hope they don't pull a Queens Blvd, Smoke Jumpers or Medellin though.
My predictions:

Turtle starts to prepare for the Don Pepe's launch....aka, his story is over.
Drama is a hit with critics and starts getting real movie offers (emmy nod maybe?)...his story is also over.
Vince gets Sophia (Hell, he'll probably ask her to marry him), Airwalkers, and whatever else he wants....his story was over last year. However, as someone else said, he was clutch this year.
The final episode will focus on the resolution of E and Ari's stories.
Ari....this one is tough. I think it's pretty obvious that he is going to get back together with his wife....however, I would not put it past Doug Ellin to put Ari with Dana Gordon and just as he's about to lose half of the company, Vince swoops in with his newly earned $15 mil from Avion and helps his "family" member out.
E....we know how this is going to end, but how they get to the resolution will be the interesting part. I say E gets back with Sloan after Ari goes to Terrance and convinces him that E is a good guy and he and Sloan decide they do not need a prenup and Drama, Turtle, and Vince go to Sloan and try to convince her to give him another chance. She will be on the plane ready to take off for New York when E shows up at the airport to stop her. She gets off the plane, jumps into his arms, everybody is there...we get a group hug...and the credits roll.....the end of entourage...

......until the movie.
Could I write this or what? I did miss a few things, but for the most part, I had it.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

one other thing, did anyone else LOL when Ari pulled up and Drama asks Turtle "Who's the broad?"

Drama cut the tension at every scene. When Turtle was like "I'm getting a little emotional" and Drama's like "Yeah me too...better find someone to +$## in Paris."
Well hopefully the foreshadowing scene at the end of the credits makes at least a decent movie.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Originally Posted by spacerace

 that deal!
"want to know what heaven feels like? try being God" 
Such a great ending imo...

....Money or happiness, which would you choose, you cant have both.
Man, i dunno whatt i'd do if i were in his shoes

i mean for real.
Spoiler [+]
rekindled marriage with the love of your life in a luxurious vila or take a job that makes you so rich you can buy a different maybach to match your suits...

im not even 100% on this, but i would pass. true love isn't on this discount bin at Costco, and they're already living large. When dude hit him with the "you want to know what heaven feels like? try being God"
, i was like that was coldblooded.
I thought the episode was a little rushed, but still really good. I'm going to miss this show, it was definitely one of my all time favourites

I agree that Vince getting married seems unlikely, he barely knows her and she doesn't seem like someone to get married that quickly.

It will be interesting to see what they do for a movie specifically Ari. In the end I think he'll choose family because clearly he can't have both and he realized that family to him is more important
We all the ending was going to be rushed no need to act surprised or mad.

They could of had a lot more guess appearances these season. It brought so much more laughter when they would include random celebs,
so what was that "spoiler picture" people were talking about at the beginning of season? was it actually true or just bs?
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