Entourage (final season 8 ) thread Vol. The End (9/11 10:30PM EST) SERIES FINALE =[

I was satisfied with the ending. It was obvious they were going to go the safe route with all of the characters so I dont see how anyone could complain with what they did. We all knew what was coming, hell even Vince getting married was obvious with 2-3 episodes left.

Sidenote: Some dude on twitter said after the credits Nick Fury calls Ari Gold to join the Avengers. %#$+ had me weak
Man how much money ya'll think Vince has spent total over the years?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Ugh. I came into this season hopeful for some reason... and part of me was still hoping they wouldn't totally @*%$ the bed for this finale, but man... that sucked.

Really? A marriage in the series finale? Did Doug Elin write this from a "how to end a show" mad lib or something? I love how the guys flat out lied to Sloan about Eric sleeping with Melinda, always a good start. That awful ending with Sophia saying how amazing Vince is... is that the lesson of the show? The movie star is awesome? The marriage makes no sense, even for Entourage.

Clearly setting up/planning for a movie. Terrance swearing to kill Eric was unresolved (or just a dumb plot point), the pregnancy, and Ari with his job offer. Ari's storyline was the best thing from this season, and while the conclusion should have been obvious to everyone, it was still the right thing to do for him to quit his job for the family, that was the only answer.

I'm sure people who liked the finale or those who think all criticism is bad and that makes me "salty" or a hater will just say "it's not that serious, it's just a entertaining show" to which I'll reply "duh". But the show had moments of good television and potential to be both an entertaining look into guys living the life and provide a satire regarding Hollywood life with the occasional strong dramatic storyline. The biggest complaint I have for the show is it just stopped being funny. Then add the fact that the writing/acting is awful so the "drama" was force fed and there was never any real threat of Vince failing/dying, the guys bottoming out, etc. It always worked out in the end.

In the end, Entourage is like a lot of shows that started strong, hit their prime, then dropped off dramatically in the final seasons. Where it's different is not many shows have such a huge following while continually putting out subpar material. I probably expected too much from the writers/actors to deliver something of value in the finale and last season. I'll just black out the last couple seasons and only rewatch the earlier stuff.
my main gripe, this show turned into Sex & The City this season with all the love and romance
and went away from it's comedy

sad to see the show go man.....been a fan since the series premiere......even w/ entourage not being what it was the past couple seasons it was still my favorite show....
Originally Posted by dakid23

So do guys think they moved to NY or stayed in LA?


Turtle's Restaurant, Johnny's TV show, and Vince's wife all have ties to Calif. 

E however, will hold a office in both NY and LA, but will most likely stay primarily in NY.  
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

felt rushed but still 

Yeah the whole Vince gettin married after one date story is dumb. It was still a real episode though. Loved the last scene, that's a big win for Ari.
show has been buns for yearsss, watched the first two episodes of this last season and was over it, get around to finishing it someday, maybe
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

i swear like 2 seasons ago we got at least a hour finale smh

^ Yeah, that was the season finale where Vince reneged on Matt Damon and he called his phone buggin out
. That episode was 45 min, and we get 30 min for the series finale? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm going to miss the show thought.
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by dakid23

So do guys think they moved to NY or stayed in LA?


Turtle's Restaurant, Johnny's TV show, and Vince's wife all have ties to Calif. 

E however, will hold a office in both NY and LA, but will most likely stay primarily in NY.  
vince did say that Sophia was based in NY so he can spend time there and help eric out.
Melissa Gold is 
.  Seeing those cheeks is always a pleasure.  The word I think of whenever I see her is "tight".
ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:
my main gripe, this show turned into Sex & The City this season with all the love and romance
and went away from it's comedy  
This show is and always was Sex & The City for males, you're in complete denial if you think otherwise.

I was extremely disappointed with this final season, mainly because it was only 8 episodes and a lot of the stories were both rushed & forced. I will miss Entourage and will catch the movie when it comes out. I won't miss the hoard of whiny ++!%@#@ who complain like they're ovulating.

Like everyone else says, it was kind of a rushed but decent finale. Hopefully that offer from John Ellis to Ari opens the door to some kind of a spinoff or movie.
Great last episode.. It did feel rushed but it was still

Can't believe this series is over. Hopefully they make that movie
As a huge fan of Entourage since day one, I gotta say this was not what I envisioned for the last season and episode.

Someone in this thread posted earlier that the cast felt blindsided when HBO told them this was the last season so its the only reason I can find for why it felt so off.

I'll watch the movie if it ever happens but I might never watch the last 2 seasons again. I'll stick to my DVD's of the first 3
For fans of Mrs. Ari Gold, you should look her up, her name is Perrey Reeves, in the movie "Kicking and Screaming"
The show had a good run.

But yeah after season 6 the show was just begging to be ended.

I'm looking forward to How To Make It In America season 2 which starts up on 10/2
to be honest when i was watching it last night and knowing its going to be the final episode i was kinda sad/happy. im glad that they ended it in all happy mode, sad that was the best the writer/producer/director can come up with ending a show that i pretty much watched and looked forward to for the past 5-6 summers ago. i felt cheated. i like the idea of ari getting his own show but it'll be hard since i don't think i can watch him berate, yell, and curse for 30 minutes. i want to know what angle they going to do for the movie, i mean everyone has pretty much had their happy ending.

final say with each character

Ari - always loyal and it showed by sticking with his family and staying true with the boys
Lloyd - i wish he had more air time like 2 seasons ago, matter fact i wished that lloyd and ari had more air time together. ari + lloyd = laughter
Turtle - stay getting played with the women, but glad he stepped it up and finally cashed out and not mooching anymore from vincent
Drama - always creepy always funny, bout time he got another shot to make a name for himself
E - always a simp.
Vin - Grew up, became a man, took his boys to a new height.
Womens - love every girls that they showed from all the season, but this final season was lacking big time.
- The finale wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. There was 0 closure and all it did was set up for the movie.

- Entourage head honcho, Doug Ellin confirmed months ago he's writing the script for the film, Mark Wahlberg is behind the movie 100% and will push for it, so there is 0% it doesn't get made.

- That being said the finale was fine in wrapping up the E, Turtle and Drama story, those were plausible.
- What wasn't was this stupid, corny, rushed, and completely impossible story of Vince and Alice Eve. Vince hasn't had a meaningful relationship in 8 seasons, all of a sudden he is getting married. It's a cop out.
- The Ari quiting the firm story was predictable and we saw it from a mile away, for episodes on end now we saw how unhappy he was, he left Dana and all he wanted was really get back with his wife, so boom it happened.
- The ending scene where John Ellis offered him the studio sets up the entire film.

Here is what I think we see in the movie, which should come out by the end of next year, if not the next summer.

We fast forward 6-12 months, Ari is divorced as the big wig of WB, E, Turtle and Drama are in NY with Sloan and the baby, they find out Vince got divorced right away, and desperately look for a movie to shoot. Tons of cameos, look for it to mostly take place in New York.

That being said, the last few seasons of Entourage have been awful, many people agree, it's just fallen off, I'm against a movie, but now the way they ended things you have to have a movie, because there was no strings tied up.

We'll see what happens, Kevin Dillion is in a new stupid show on CBS, Kevin Conelly and Adrien Grienier are directing, Jerry Ferrara is doing a stupid movie with Kevin Hart and Jeremy Piven is doing a film with Miley Cirus and then a potential thriller.

Woo Hoo. Bright futures.
i got into this show like 3 seasons ago...thought the ending was rushed...woulda loved to see how the date went...and how the guys knew sloan as prego...

but here's what i didn't get...who was John Ellis ?

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wearing my flame suit...
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