Entourage (final season 8 ) thread Vol. The End (9/11 10:30PM EST) SERIES FINALE =[

Turtle slimmed all the way down.....good for him.

First epi was alright, would've liked it to advance a lot more considering it's the last season and it's only 8 episodes, but we'll see what happens.

Till I Collapse
This was a good first episode, what was bad about it? There are already a few story lines to followup on: Vince's movie idea, Ari's marriage, E's cancelled engagement, Drama's show, and Turtle with his love interest. And again, it's the FIRST episode of the season lol...
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

fingers crossed for some nude scenes


I'm pretty sure she's not in this season...

back in April
@DaniaJRamirez Dania Ramirez

Entourage Season 8, All I've been told to say is " Alex's presence will be felt." : )

my guess is she's gonna screw Turtle over...

First Lauren London just disappears now her
Originally Posted by trak1sh

I thought the episode was good, some of your expectations are entirely too high.
Maybe you're right...
trak1sh wrote:
The best line was comparing E and Sloans relationship to ronnie and sammie LOL

Was this episode great? No

Was this episode better than most are making it out to have been? Absolutely.
it was a good episode to get us back into the characters and who they are and their tendencies, a nice setup episode...i mean they were gone for a year and a half i believe so...it was a great welcome back episode
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

Was E wearing Atmos 95s in the beginning of the episode? At the ocean side restaurant and then at the crib?

Episode was AIGHT. and I'm one THE biggest Entourage fans. Not saying it was horrible but I would've liked more from the final season's first episode.

Ehh...looking forward to next week.
I noticed that too. It was def a 95 but not sure the CW. 
Good episode to start the new, final season off, even if Sloan was barely on-screen

So, now we only have 7 more episodes huh?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by HankMoody

That was terrible.

I was honestly considering turning it off 15 minutes in and re-watching Curb... could not have been a worse episode to start the finale season.

I think watching this after Curb just makes the show seem even worse than it actually is. 
 going from a nice steak to ground beef. 
You know its a new season of Entourage when all the haters flock back. If you hate the acting, plot, and story lines so much, why are you still watching the show?
coming back with a season premiere that weak tells it all.

theyre ending this series 2 seasons too late

they need to pull the plug on this show ASAP.

that was pretty brutal
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