:::::::::: ENTOURAGE SEASON FINALE: "LOSE YOURSELF" 10:30pm ET ::::::::::

Damn, why did it have to end like that. I hope Vince is alright and hope Ari gets back on his feet. Planned all that out for Mrs. Ari and then she doesn't show.
Damn, why did it have to end like that. I hope Vince is alright and hope Ari gets back on his feet. Planned all that out for Mrs. Ari and then she doesn't show.
Adrian Grenier's acting is actually acceptable now. Homeboy has stepped his game up in the past couple years. IMO
Adrian Grenier's acting is actually acceptable now. Homeboy has stepped his game up in the past couple years. IMO
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

E bout to have problems with Sloan's family.
I think she'll want him to sign the prenup to, and he'll call the wedding off. OR she'll call it off when she finds out he's helping in the takeover

@ E continuing  to channel his inner Ari
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

E bout to have problems with Sloan's family.
I think she'll want him to sign the prenup to, and he'll call the wedding off. OR she'll call it off when she finds out he's helping in the takeover

@ E continuing  to channel his inner Ari
Here are my predictions for this season that I made in the season premier thread http://niketalk.com/topic/256713?page=7 on  06/27/10 at 11:38 PM.

My predictions for this season.

Ari gets close to having a nervous breakdown....or marital problems. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]DING DING DING!!!! SPOT ON![/color]

I suppose this broad will sue Turtle for sexual harrassment. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's kinda how it started, but I was off on this one.[/color]

E is going to have an issue with Scotty 24/7 (his coworker from last season) trying to worm his way into the Entourage to take Vince away. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]2 for 3 so far! You gotta give me this one. I had it mostly right.[/color]

This is just a guess, but I think Drama's deal will run out and when all hope is lost, he'll actually get a movie role (not TV). [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, I was close, but no cigar.[/color]

Vince is going to slip into some sort of depression, and I'm assuming will end up in rehab at some point. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]BOOM! as Ace Ventura would say...DAMN I'M GOOD!!![/color]

Now that I have that out of the way, on to the finale. First off....OH MY GOD! That ending, even though it was predictable, was freaking awesome. Adrien Grenier earned some points with me in the "can he act" department tonight. Kudos to him.

For those saying that they've never ended on a somber note before...um...what about season 4 when Medellin debuted at Cannes and was a bust? I know it wasn't quite the downer that tonight was, but it was definitely not happy.

Turtle and Drama were really the only two that had somewhat happy endings. Turtle got his girl and his funding. Drama got a girl (I guess) and a show. I guess E ended up pretty good as well. Being with Sloan on a bad day is better than hell I don't know...I don't have a creative analogy...it'd just be good to be with Sloan.

Who'da thunk Eminem would end up whippin Vince's $#$? I thought maybe Derek Jeter might come flying in to stick up for his girl.

Next season is going to be a damn long wait. I sure as hell hope they don't show us the 6 episode season and then make us wait another year for the movie. The movie better come right after the end of the season. Hopefully the movie will do gangbusters like the Sex and the City one did and they'll make 2 of them.
Here are my predictions for this season that I made in the season premier thread http://niketalk.com/topic/256713?page=7 on  06/27/10 at 11:38 PM.

My predictions for this season.

Ari gets close to having a nervous breakdown....or marital problems. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]DING DING DING!!!! SPOT ON![/color]

I suppose this broad will sue Turtle for sexual harrassment. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's kinda how it started, but I was off on this one.[/color]

E is going to have an issue with Scotty 24/7 (his coworker from last season) trying to worm his way into the Entourage to take Vince away. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]2 for 3 so far! You gotta give me this one. I had it mostly right.[/color]

This is just a guess, but I think Drama's deal will run out and when all hope is lost, he'll actually get a movie role (not TV). [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, I was close, but no cigar.[/color]

Vince is going to slip into some sort of depression, and I'm assuming will end up in rehab at some point. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]BOOM! as Ace Ventura would say...DAMN I'M GOOD!!![/color]

Now that I have that out of the way, on to the finale. First off....OH MY GOD! That ending, even though it was predictable, was freaking awesome. Adrien Grenier earned some points with me in the "can he act" department tonight. Kudos to him.

For those saying that they've never ended on a somber note before...um...what about season 4 when Medellin debuted at Cannes and was a bust? I know it wasn't quite the downer that tonight was, but it was definitely not happy.

Turtle and Drama were really the only two that had somewhat happy endings. Turtle got his girl and his funding. Drama got a girl (I guess) and a show. I guess E ended up pretty good as well. Being with Sloan on a bad day is better than hell I don't know...I don't have a creative analogy...it'd just be good to be with Sloan.

Who'da thunk Eminem would end up whippin Vince's $#$? I thought maybe Derek Jeter might come flying in to stick up for his girl.

Next season is going to be a damn long wait. I sure as hell hope they don't show us the 6 episode season and then make us wait another year for the movie. The movie better come right after the end of the season. Hopefully the movie will do gangbusters like the Sex and the City one did and they'll make 2 of them.
Was this a normal length episode or longer for the finale?

Waiting to find it online, no HBO for me
Was this a normal length episode or longer for the finale?

Waiting to find it online, no HBO for me
I just want to say that Ari's wife is a spoiled brat, but that is not surprising given her background (wealthy family, never really worked, was left a trust). Most women would kill for a husband that is as dedicated, committed, and successful as Ari is. She knew who he was when she married him, I think we can assume that. Wouldn't she assume as the more successful he got, the more busier he would be? Did she expect him not to work once they got married like her? Ari should just turn the tables on her and drop her like a bad habit, and then make up for all the action hes been missing out on because he's married, but he loves his wife and kids too much to do that.

Anyone scolding Ari for the outburst at the restaurant on the grounds that he embarrassed himself is dead wrong. Amanda is a sore loser, and its every bit her fault the tapes leaked, whether she sent them or not, since she initiated the snowball effect. Ari should he done with the NFL team like he had done with the studio job, told her that she will never get it and refuse to work with her. Anyone with half a brain would never work with someone like her after what she did to him. She is just a sore loser plain and simple, even when she had the chance to get the studio job all she had to do was agree to Vince in smokejumpers and she could have had it. Ari is right in that she is a wh*re, he's not being sexist, she did sleep with Vince and who knows how many other clients. One the other hand, as far as we know, Ari has never cheated on his wife.

When it comes to Eric, I don't even know why he's so offended that Murry is "worried about him", Eric got lucky that vince is his best friend but he clearly has no real talent to work in the business in any capacity. I have no idea what he would do for a living if Vince wasn't his friend, he takes his connections and position in Hollywood entirely for granted.

....into this show a but too much...

Last thing: this season was terrible because absolutely nothing happened. It's expect because where are you supposed to go once Vince has already made so much money that he never has to make another movie. Also, from a business perspective, the turtle/avion thing is completely unrealistic. Its not a public company so who owns it matters none at all, especially with the brother of the owner not being actively involved. Carlos is also clearly incompetent since its so easy to move the actual company's assets around and leave what is brother owns as a shell. If he sell on paper the Intellectual property as well as the manufacturing facilities to another company he creates, then his brother is left with X(whatever percent he owns) of a company worth nothing. Its a private company so there is no board approval or anything required to sell/transfer anything, and there's a million ways he could structure the transfer so that it could not be legitimately contested. Also, what does "5 million no strings attached to build the factory" even mean? He's just going to give him 5 million in exchange for nothing?

If nobody in the States knows about avion anyway, why not just buy ready made tequila distilled in bulk like most tequila brands do anyway (No one even knows what that crap patron is in Mexico, they just buy tankers of tequila from different distillers and just contract out the bottling) have someone bottle it, and just have Vince promote that? That could be done for a tiny fraction of what some small stake in Carlos' company allegedly is worth. Someone might say that avion, as fictionally portrayed in the series, is "authentic", but Patron is #1 by sales and its the phoniest tequila out there. So basically Turtle is a !%$%@@ businessman, same as Carlos? Pretty much.
I just want to say that Ari's wife is a spoiled brat, but that is not surprising given her background (wealthy family, never really worked, was left a trust). Most women would kill for a husband that is as dedicated, committed, and successful as Ari is. She knew who he was when she married him, I think we can assume that. Wouldn't she assume as the more successful he got, the more busier he would be? Did she expect him not to work once they got married like her? Ari should just turn the tables on her and drop her like a bad habit, and then make up for all the action hes been missing out on because he's married, but he loves his wife and kids too much to do that.

Anyone scolding Ari for the outburst at the restaurant on the grounds that he embarrassed himself is dead wrong. Amanda is a sore loser, and its every bit her fault the tapes leaked, whether she sent them or not, since she initiated the snowball effect. Ari should he done with the NFL team like he had done with the studio job, told her that she will never get it and refuse to work with her. Anyone with half a brain would never work with someone like her after what she did to him. She is just a sore loser plain and simple, even when she had the chance to get the studio job all she had to do was agree to Vince in smokejumpers and she could have had it. Ari is right in that she is a wh*re, he's not being sexist, she did sleep with Vince and who knows how many other clients. One the other hand, as far as we know, Ari has never cheated on his wife.

When it comes to Eric, I don't even know why he's so offended that Murry is "worried about him", Eric got lucky that vince is his best friend but he clearly has no real talent to work in the business in any capacity. I have no idea what he would do for a living if Vince wasn't his friend, he takes his connections and position in Hollywood entirely for granted.

....into this show a but too much...

Last thing: this season was terrible because absolutely nothing happened. It's expect because where are you supposed to go once Vince has already made so much money that he never has to make another movie. Also, from a business perspective, the turtle/avion thing is completely unrealistic. Its not a public company so who owns it matters none at all, especially with the brother of the owner not being actively involved. Carlos is also clearly incompetent since its so easy to move the actual company's assets around and leave what is brother owns as a shell. If he sell on paper the Intellectual property as well as the manufacturing facilities to another company he creates, then his brother is left with X(whatever percent he owns) of a company worth nothing. Its a private company so there is no board approval or anything required to sell/transfer anything, and there's a million ways he could structure the transfer so that it could not be legitimately contested. Also, what does "5 million no strings attached to build the factory" even mean? He's just going to give him 5 million in exchange for nothing?

If nobody in the States knows about avion anyway, why not just buy ready made tequila distilled in bulk like most tequila brands do anyway (No one even knows what that crap patron is in Mexico, they just buy tankers of tequila from different distillers and just contract out the bottling) have someone bottle it, and just have Vince promote that? That could be done for a tiny fraction of what some small stake in Carlos' company allegedly is worth. Someone might say that avion, as fictionally portrayed in the series, is "authentic", but Patron is #1 by sales and its the phoniest tequila out there. So basically Turtle is a !%$%@@ businessman, same as Carlos? Pretty much.
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

I just want to say that Ari's wife is a spoiled brat, but that is not surprising given her background (wealthy family, never really worked, was left a trust). Most women would kill for a husband that is as dedicated, committed, and successful as Ari is. She knew who he was when she married him, I think we can assume that. Wouldn't she assume as the more successful he got, the more busier he would be? Did she expect him not to work once they got married like her? Ari should just turn the tables on her and drop her like a bad habit, and then make up for all the action hes been missing out on because he's married, but he loves his wife and kids too much to do that.

Anyone scolding Ari for the outburst at the restaurant on the grounds that he embarrassed himself is dead wrong. Amanda is a sore loser, and its every bit her fault the tapes leaked, whether she sent them or not, since she initiated the snowball effect. Ari should he done with the NFL team like he had done with the studio job, told her that she will never get it and refuse to work with her. Anyone with half a brain would never work with someone like her after what she did to him. She is just a sore loser plain and simple, even when she had the chance to get the studio job all she had to do was agree to Vince in smokejumpers and she could have had it. Ari is right in that she is a wh*re, he's not being sexist, she did sleep with Vince and who knows how many other clients. One the other hand, as far as we know, Ari has never cheated on his wife.

When it comes to Eric, I don't even know why he's so offended that Murry is "worried about him", Eric got lucky that vince is his best friend but he clearly has no real talent to work in the business in any capacity. I have no idea what he would do for a living if Vince wasn't his friend, he takes his connections and position in Hollywood entirely for granted.

....into this show a but too much...

Last thing: this season was terrible because absolutely nothing happened. It's expect because where are you supposed to go once Vince has already made so much money that he never has to make another movie. Also, from a business perspective, the turtle/avion thing is completely unrealistic. Its not a public company so who owns it matters none at all, especially with the brother of the owner not being actively involved. Carlos is also clearly incompetent since its so easy to move the actual company's assets around and leave what is brother owns as a shell. If he sell on paper the Intellectual property as well as the manufacturing facilities to another company he creates, then his brother is left with X(whatever percent he owns) of a company worth nothing. Its a private company so there is no board approval or anything required to sell/transfer anything, and there's a million ways he could structure the transfer so that it could not be legitimately contested. Also, what does "5 million no strings attached to build the factory" even mean? He's just going to give him 5 million in exchange for nothing?

If nobody in the States knows about avion anyway, why not just buy ready made tequila distilled in bulk like most tequila brands do anyway (No one even knows what that crap patron is in Mexico, they just buy tankers of tequila from different distillers and just contract out the bottling) have someone bottle it, and just have Vince promote that? That could be done for a tiny fraction of what some small stake in Carlos' company allegedly is worth. Someone might say that avion, as fictionally portrayed in the series, is "authentic", but Patron is #1 by sales and its the phoniest tequila out there. So basically Turtle is a !%$%@@ businessman, same as Carlos? Pretty much.

I think it was the standard length (waits for manhood jokes...), it started at 10:32 and ended at like 11:01 even though it said it was until 11:05, they just showed previews for boardwalk empire, bored to death, etc.
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

I just want to say that Ari's wife is a spoiled brat, but that is not surprising given her background (wealthy family, never really worked, was left a trust). Most women would kill for a husband that is as dedicated, committed, and successful as Ari is. She knew who he was when she married him, I think we can assume that. Wouldn't she assume as the more successful he got, the more busier he would be? Did she expect him not to work once they got married like her? Ari should just turn the tables on her and drop her like a bad habit, and then make up for all the action hes been missing out on because he's married, but he loves his wife and kids too much to do that.

Anyone scolding Ari for the outburst at the restaurant on the grounds that he embarrassed himself is dead wrong. Amanda is a sore loser, and its every bit her fault the tapes leaked, whether she sent them or not, since she initiated the snowball effect. Ari should he done with the NFL team like he had done with the studio job, told her that she will never get it and refuse to work with her. Anyone with half a brain would never work with someone like her after what she did to him. She is just a sore loser plain and simple, even when she had the chance to get the studio job all she had to do was agree to Vince in smokejumpers and she could have had it. Ari is right in that she is a wh*re, he's not being sexist, she did sleep with Vince and who knows how many other clients. One the other hand, as far as we know, Ari has never cheated on his wife.

When it comes to Eric, I don't even know why he's so offended that Murry is "worried about him", Eric got lucky that vince is his best friend but he clearly has no real talent to work in the business in any capacity. I have no idea what he would do for a living if Vince wasn't his friend, he takes his connections and position in Hollywood entirely for granted.

....into this show a but too much...

Last thing: this season was terrible because absolutely nothing happened. It's expect because where are you supposed to go once Vince has already made so much money that he never has to make another movie. Also, from a business perspective, the turtle/avion thing is completely unrealistic. Its not a public company so who owns it matters none at all, especially with the brother of the owner not being actively involved. Carlos is also clearly incompetent since its so easy to move the actual company's assets around and leave what is brother owns as a shell. If he sell on paper the Intellectual property as well as the manufacturing facilities to another company he creates, then his brother is left with X(whatever percent he owns) of a company worth nothing. Its a private company so there is no board approval or anything required to sell/transfer anything, and there's a million ways he could structure the transfer so that it could not be legitimately contested. Also, what does "5 million no strings attached to build the factory" even mean? He's just going to give him 5 million in exchange for nothing?

If nobody in the States knows about avion anyway, why not just buy ready made tequila distilled in bulk like most tequila brands do anyway (No one even knows what that crap patron is in Mexico, they just buy tankers of tequila from different distillers and just contract out the bottling) have someone bottle it, and just have Vince promote that? That could be done for a tiny fraction of what some small stake in Carlos' company allegedly is worth. Someone might say that avion, as fictionally portrayed in the series, is "authentic", but Patron is #1 by sales and its the phoniest tequila out there. So basically Turtle is a !%$%@@ businessman, same as Carlos? Pretty much.

I think it was the standard length (waits for manhood jokes...), it started at 10:32 and ended at like 11:01 even though it said it was until 11:05, they just showed previews for boardwalk empire, bored to death, etc.
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