Erykah Badu charged over Dallas nude video shoot

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

How is there no kamikaze video of this online yet? you're slipping Dallas, slipping. And
at traumatized. Anything that kid does wrong until the day he dies they will credit back to seeing Ms Badu naked.
There are pics out there, haven;t found unedited ones tho

dont know who said it... but they didnt get a permit. thats why they got in trouble initially. that was going to be the fallback charge if no witnesses came forward to complain or make statements.

but like i said before... she did it at the perfect time. on a wednesday, during a holiday. if this would have been on saturday... the knoll would have been PACKED with tourists.

any of my fellow dallas folks feel weird when they drive down main/commerce? its crazy, because there are always people there on the streets... sometimes they wave, so it feels like youre in a parade. kind of throwed feeling.
Why couldn't she have achieved the same message on a controlled set with actors, like a normal music video?

Idiotic if you ask me
I don't care, if I were a kid that is a loss I'm willing to take.
I would have killed to see a naked woman prancing around back in the day lol
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Was there a point to the video besides being controversial?

I'll google it to find her exact quote, but it's about groupthink and how people want so badly to be part of a group they put aside how the truly think and feel, and anybody who does fail to conform gets ostracized from the group for being themselves. The stripping was symbolic of stripping herself of the need to be part of a group at the expense of her own feelings as an inidividual.

really? is she STILL tryna be on that positive artistic vibe? Ms Erikah Badu I use to be a fan of yours......until you became another one of these low self esteem rapper groupie $##@@%...  

Wrong. So wrong. It's about her assassinating her true image that has been shaped by the critics in the media. Hence the JFK memorial shooting.
she assassinated her own image the day she thought it was cool to screw every rapper that moved...
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

so nakedness traumatizes children???


these are the same parents that have no problem buying and allowing their children to play violent video games and movies...( i have no evidence of this but still)

there is so much more wrong goin on out there that messes people up more than a naked woman...

go to any sporting event. trauma from the verbal tirades. from high school to college, to the pros, its all

Walking in any downtown streets, you may see or hear homeless doing all sorts of acts.. One should not shelter their kids.

That Ida Espinosa lady may be getting a lot coming her way as she was the only named witness
. Buzz kill anyone?
YO! DatZNasty is correct; as far as we know. But essentially asking "what's the point?" is silly outside of posing it as a rhetorical question. It isn't (shouldn't be) an artist's responsibility to explain his/her art. Some will get it, some won't. The discussion is more appropriate than anything else.
Originally Posted by lol

the dreadful singing prety much ruined it for me.


Originally Posted by Cz7

Why couldn't she have achieved the same message on a controlled set with actors, like a normal music video?

That is a fair question. One that only she can answer. My best guess, though, is that it's double dosed. One part economic - record company has to recoop video expenses. Guerilla filming is pennies. Other part; simply advantageous. All of the "discussion" about the video creates free marketing - which actually goes back to economics.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

really? is she STILL tryna be on that positive artistic vibe? Ms Erikah Badu I use to be a fan of yours......until you became another one of these low self esteem rapper groupie $##@@%...  

she assassinated her own image the day she thought it was cool to screw every rapper that moved...

That's completely unfair... if she worked at a Wells Fargo, would she be a "groupie" for dating relationship bankers? She's an artist, and obviously meets artists. In her 14 year career, she's dated 4 men - who all work in the industry that she works in. That shouldn't make her a groupie. Her current boyfriend wasn't on ANYONE'S radar when she began dating him 5 YEARS AGO.

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