Evelyn Lozada Vol. Chad Johnson winning?

Repped WISEPHAOROH. Real ****

I'm still trying to figure out why in the world Evelyn is relevant at all. 80% of the women that are posted in (pick a NT appreciation post) look 10 times better than this used up, sloppy, nothing *** female. And on top of that her nudes were wack as ****.
. Marriage is for the poor to middle class man point blank period no two ways about it. There is simply no possible way anyone can convince me otherwise. I know from first hand experience that rich men whatever their age constanly have a steady stream of women from all age groups willing to take care of them physically,mentally and spiritually. Women just by nature cannot deny a provider, it has nothing to do with being a gold digger or not. In our society where money is the mythical cure all for all wrongs and pains it ultimately becomes too inticing for most women of any caliber to deny a really well off dude. Chicks will serve a guy they have no genuine attraction to just off the strength that he has bread. So why in gods name would a man of any remote intelligence commit his earnings and livelihood to one particular woman? Some might say love, but I'll ask you. Do you honestly think a woman that genuinely loves you would force you to put a ring on her finger and if you refuse to she will leave you for good even though you are worth several million dollars? What one has to understand is that their are different levels of gold digger. Every woman is a gold digger, im sorry but it's their nature. What a man has to do is know what type of gold digger he is dealing with and establish the lines.Frankly most women just want to be fed,entertained, intrigued and feel comfortable enough to let their guard down with a guy. A guy worth millions can do all of these things with any woman but it's all about the expense. Keep in mind that 95% of the women that you date are going to have absolutely no clue to what a wealthy lifestyle contains so going above and beyond buying her bags and paying her rent is absolutely unneccessary. Hell most chicks have never eaten at a 3 star star restaurant let alone a 5. Broads think going to the cheesecake factory for their birthday is doing it for gods sake! Where Chad messed up is that he went after a seasoned vet in the gold digger game. This woman had already been spoiled and exposed to a lifestyle of material wealth. That is a no no. You be the guy that exposes chicks to the upscale lifestyle not the guy that gets the ones that have already been exposed. You set the tone and standard for what is exceptable to spend and introduce her to. The world is filled with "green" women that are fine as hell from every walk of life possible. Hell you don't even have to be rich for most parts of the world to be swimming in a sea of vagina but being rich pretty much is proverbial overkill. It's like, "hey, I'm in Barcelona I can sleep with this dime and I'm over here staying in a hostile with 3 other dudes." To, "hey I'm going to sleep with all of these dimes on the same night because I'm staying in a presendential suite and i have room,food, drugs and drink" . Either way you're getting laid money just allows you to get overly laid. Moral of the story, don't be a dumb ma****a. Women 9 times out of 10 are a liability regardless. That 1 out the 10 is the one you procreate with if you decide to because she actually has sense and brings things to the table.

Real N_ Sh**.
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Repped WISEPHAOROH. Real ****

I'm still trying to figure out why in the world Evelyn is relevant at all. 80% of the women that are posted in (pick a NT appreciation post) look 10 times better than this used up, sloppy, nothing *** female. And on top of that her nudes were wack as ****.

80%? lies, sloppy? lies

you sound hurt, she cute let her rock







Lucky bastard :lol :hat Twitter FTW!!!



Bonus :evil


I'm not sweating a 45 year old woman that's been passed around the NBA more than Spalding.

You're not checking any moderately attractive chick remotely connected to the industry then :rolleyes

Taylor swift is on pace to have more bodies than her :lol

I'm guessing yall never had a milf 40+ :evil

Short term Evelyn > Shanice.

She's more reserved and there's a higher chance of middle aged chick giving a young dude love vs a chick in her early 20s who's prob only checking for older dudes.

Plus her head is shaped like
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You're not checking any moderately attractive chick remotely connected to the industry then

Taylor swift is on pace to have more bodies than her

I'm guessing yall never had a milf 40+

Short term Evelyn > Shanice.

She's more reserved and there's a higher chance of middle aged chick giving a young dude love vs a chick in her early 20s who's prob only checking for older dudes.

Plus her head is shaped like
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