Event Planning / Concerts

May 30, 2008
OK, so I come here because it looks like there are a lot of entrepreneurial spirits here and Im hoping you can shed some light on the topic.
I am planning on beginning to organize small concerts but will usually have a big name as the header. So my questions are:

How much should I plan to pay for someone like Big Krit, Curren$y or Nipsey Hustle?

What should be the first step? I think (1)reserving venue, (2) Finding artists, (3) Marketing and Advertising event... Obviously very dumbed down

Should I expect to pay the opening acts? I plan to get local artist or people with only regional fan base (I know with the internet peoples fan bases extends nationally but I mean their main fan base is local)

I appreciate the help fellas... Also if this should be in the music section I apologize and urge the mods to move it.

Thanks in advance
let me get this straight, you want to plan events featuring big-name artists and you don't have the slightest clue as to how to begin going about this undertaking?

somehow I don't see this ending well for you sir, good luck in any case.
@SneakerHeathen Everybody whose good at something started off at the same place I am, Im not saying there wont be growing pains but the best way to learn is through doing so... here i go.

@tee eye ehm I know every opener will be different but if you had to guess an average minimum considering the types of acts I am looking at, what do you think I should expect?
Originally Posted by DutchMasterRoller

@SneakerHeathen Everybody whose good at something started off at the same place I am, Im not saying there wont be growing pains but the best way to learn is through doing so... here i go.
they certainly didn't start off on NT asking others to spoon-feed them a blueprint on how to be a concert planner/promoter. 
most of them started off in college, studying communications, or some sort of management. they paid their dues, worked concerts, networked, and learned their trade. something you should probably start doing. 

you should probably get your feet wet hosting some free concerts, perhaps something charity oriented. no big-names, just local, aspiring artists. you should be more worried about finding and paying a DJ than an actual artist the likes of Spitta or Nipsey. 

This %@*+ ain't easy bruh, peep what happened to the "Clubhouse" in Tempe, Arizona for hosting Nipsey. You ready to take on that type of responsibility? There's a whole lot more than meets the eye playboy. 
I don't know how much the acts your asking about charge, but you usually gotta include their minimum (I would guess at least 3-5 stacks) plus their airfare, transportation, etc. unless you got that homie discount or something haha.

At least that's what I have been told by promoters around my area.
You're going to have your work cut out for you.

Reserving a venue, ticket pricing, merchandise, securing licenses for alcohol and other items, security, actually securing the acts and having the capitol to pay them.

That's just a start. You also have to factor in marketing and competition with other ESTABLISHED venues (i.e. LiveNation/Ticketmaster or local popular bars).

If you don't have a network set up in place, I'm not sure how you plan on getting local acts to come out and perform. There are bars and karaoke halls that barely have a turn out.

Honestly, if I were you I'd start off interning or trying to work at an actual events area or something to that nature.
@sneakerheathen First I do agree that maybe I should start with small local artist and that was an idea i have been toying around with as well.

Second im pretty sure they did ask people how to get the job done, you are correct they probably didnt come to NT but this is also not the only place I have asked for advice, dont under estimate the work put in that you dont see. Humans learn through interaction and experience, this is the interaction just doing it will be the experience.

Third pretty sure the majority of people doing concerts and such did not go to college just to know how to do it but I would agree that they learned by doing it... which is what I am trying to do

Appreciate the help though man

@tee eye ehm appreciate the help man the plan is to catch them between shows in the area... that was advice from a friend of mines who does a lot of events like this
@kickstart this is true, I may take @sneakerheathens advice and start with small local acts to help get my network set up more and experience up. Luckily in terms of competing venues that shouldnt be a problem since I have a connect at one of the best spots in the area for small- medium large acts. Capital also shouldnt be too much of a problem since I do have a full time job and this will just be something I will do as a hobby and to keep me busy during my free time
def alot more involved than your thinking...i second the advice of starting off small and learning the ropes

-there are agents that will get you prices based on a bunch of factors like schedule, size of venue, popularity in the area etc...basically they need to see the most they can get out of you- i might call them and get a price of 20k then you call and its 15k then i call back and they say ok 18k  also with twitter and stuff like that alot of these artists will put you in touch with the right people directly...the worst is dealing with middle men who are taking a chunk before it even gets to the artist...actually i take that back the worst is when you pay somebody and you get nothing in return but run around

before you even get to the point of trying to market and sell tickets there is ALOT of work...then you have to sell then you have to facilitate these artists and most of the diva demands THEN at the end of the night if everything works out well you might have a profit

i never spoke to anybody regarding those 3 people specifically but depending on your location i would prob say no less than 10k
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