ever do a good deed for someone and they give you ......

Apr 23, 2008
10 bucks
got up this morning and went for the normal daily run around my area and i see a bag near a bench with no one around it. so i snoop in it and see alaptop a wallet with like 250 in cash and a few credit cards a cell phone and an ipod. the dude also had his passport and some documents in the bag. so i takeit back home with me and decide to do the right thing and dial the "'home"' number on the phone. the guy picks up and i ask him for his namemiddle name and social just to make sure it was him
he passes thetest and comes to pick up his stuff. the guy was happy as hell and thanked me then goes in his wallet and pulls out the smallest bill he had a 10
i dont really care about the money or i woul dhave just kept his stuffbut damn cheap freaking people on this earth
Big props, because half of these dishonest people on NT would have kept the money and the laptop and mailed him back the wallet and credit cards. A few dumbones would have probably tried to use the CC's to buy some SB dunks. Congratulations for doing the right thing.
If you don't care about the money, then why are you making such a big deal out of him only giving you $10?
Originally Posted by tmay407

If you don't care about the money, then why are you making such a big deal out of him only giving you $10?

im not making a big deal just saying how cheap can you possibly be. you just got atleast a g n change that u lost and you give someone 10 dollars
Originally Posted by nelly28

Originally Posted by tmay407

If you don't care about the money, then why are you making such a big deal out of him only giving you $10?

im not making a big deal just saying how cheap can you possibly be. you just got atleast a g n change that u lost and you give someone 10 dollars
I don't know what world you live in, but you're still caring about the money here.

but props on returning the guys stuff. That was the right thing to do.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Originally Posted by nelly28

Originally Posted by tmay407

If you don't care about the money, then why are you making such a big deal out of him only giving you $10?

im not making a big deal just saying how cheap can you possibly be. you just got atleast a g n change that u lost and you give someone 10 dollars
I don't know what world you live in, but you're still caring about the money here.

but props on returning the guys stuff. That was the right thing to do.
I get what dude is saying, its not about the money. It just shows that the guy is shady as hell....
Originally Posted by pastellove88

I would have took something. and told him this was all that was in there. new laptop FTW

lol nah i aint petty like that. its either take all or give it back, lucky his passport n stuff were in there or i might have thought twice of calling
I used to work for a national chain of storage properties that is no longer around, I once gave a girl who owed us money a pass and let her empty out her unit.The contents were scheduled to go to auction and most of the contents were her daughters things, crib, toys, etc. The girl who owed the money was pretty hotand had told me before that she worked in porn. For the most part she did video editing but told me he used to dance at the De Ja Vu, and in fact had done someamateur porn. Anyway in jest she said to me "Who do I have to blow to get my bill paid" I told her I was the manager. I was kidding, but about a halfan hour later I went up to her unit to check on ow things were going, and she went aHEAD and took care of the bill.

Was a great day at work.
Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

I used to work for a national chain of storage properties that is no longer around, I once gave a girl who owed us money a pass and let her empty out her unit. The contents were scheduled to go to auction and most of the contents were her daughters things, crib, toys, etc. The girl who owed the money was pretty hot and had told me before that she worked in porn. For the most part she did video editing but told me he used to dance at the De Ja Vu, and in fact had done some amateur porn. Anyway in jest she said to me "Who do I have to blow to get my bill paid" I told her I was the manager. I was kidding, but about a half an hour later I went up to her unit to check on ow things were going, and she went aHEAD and took care of the bill.

Was a great day at work.
yeah? that sounds like DUCKTALES to me my man...

(Unless by went "aHEAD" you mean wrote you a check)
Your a better man than I am... after that I would of just went on home and called it a day and rejoiced on the lick I just hit with no hassle.
Originally Posted by DomNator27

Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

I used to work for a national chain of storage properties that is no longer around, I once gave a girl who owed us money a pass and let her empty out her unit. The contents were scheduled to go to auction and most of the contents were her daughters things, crib, toys, etc. The girl who owed the money was pretty hot and had told me before that she worked in porn. For the most part she did video editing but told me he used to dance at the De Ja Vu, and in fact had done some amateur porn. Anyway in jest she said to me "Who do I have to blow to get my bill paid" I told her I was the manager. I was kidding, but about a half an hour later I went up to her unit to check on ow things were going, and she went aHEAD and took care of the bill.

Was a great day at work.
yeah? that sounds like DUCKTALES to me my man...

(Unless by went "aHEAD" you mean wrote you a check)

You can guess how much I care what you think if you want......... I can almost guaranty though, that your estimate will be high.
I returned a wallet to some chick once. And then she offered me a date to the movies. I'm sure some of you remember that thread.
I found a cellphone that ended up belonging to a security guard supervisor (work phone). I met him at a local gas station to return it and he gave me 5 bucks.
Found some dudes wallet at the mall one time, looked his name up on myspace, and he gave me $40
All my other good deeds must've been on the house since I didn't getanything from them
I wish the world was as nice as you are. I would have done that 5 years ago....but now.....
I would have kept it, it is karma telling you that you deserve that money and that dude must have did something bad.
props for not making a post 'wondering' what to do. yeah, i never expect a reward for stuff like that. 10 would've been cool with me.
if it wasnt about the money, then you should have been like, "nah thats ok". I mean, 10 isnt a lot, but hey, what did you expect? a blowjob?
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