ever do a good deed for someone and they give you ......

I find phones, and money all the time at my job.
I wait until their phone rings, (because its usually the owners who are calling their phone to find it) and I tell them they left it at the store (where Iwork.)

I found money a couple of times and kept it because no one claimed it. (except once when I found 40 bucks, and an hour later 2 little girls came in and saidthey lost it and I gave it back to them.)

It was the right thing to do on your part, and you will be rewarded in other ways in the future...its just how things work.
some of the responses on here are truly pathetic. your parents must have done a real *@$#+% job of raising you if you think it's okay to steal.

to the OP, you're lucky to have even gotten $10. i would have declined the $10 since, like you said, it ain't about the money. it's about relievingsomeone who worried all day about his belongings. it's a good thing you picked it up instead of another NT'er because apparently, this board is filledwith thieves.
Originally Posted by mynameaintG

i hate selfish people like you...

if your sole intention is for being a "good" person, the money shouldnt have even crossed your mind.

dumbest remark i herd yet. you clearly dont get it. if it were about themoney dont u think i would have kept it?
point is i rather u notoffer anything than offer 10 bucks when u were just down a mac, passport,important documents,ipod touch,and a blackberry curve
if it were about the money i would have listed all that on craigslist or ebayand made atleast a g n change
i guess most people complainingare just as cheap as that dude maybe cheaper
Originally Posted by nelly28

Originally Posted by mynameaintG

i hate selfish people like you...

if your sole intention is for being a "good" person, the money shouldnt have even crossed your mind.

dumbest remark i herd yet. you clearly dont get it. if it were about the money dont u think i would have kept it?
point is i rather u not offer anything than offer 10 bucks when u were just down a mac, passport,important documents,ipod touch,and a blackberry curve
if it were about the money i would have listed all that on craigslist or ebay and made atleast a g n change
i guess most people complaining are just as cheap as that dude maybe cheaper
seriously though, what were you expecting? just because dude has all that stuff doesnt mean he's a millionaire or something. Be happy withyourself that you did a good thing and keep it moving.
You did the right thing and for that you're a good dude. Honestly I would have atleast gave you fifty bucks if not more. But if he had of pulled out $10 Iwould have told him to just keep it and in my mind would have been like...you cheap bast*&d!
Guy leaves his Fanny Pack on a bench in Ceasers Palace... I pick it up
Bad angel (left shoulder)
"Look in it!!!!", Bra had like$400 in US money and some other weird foreign money
Good Angel
Take it to lost and found booth.

As i take it there he's there to ask if anybody has found it. The attendent points at me and is like YA this guy just dropped it off.
Homeboy reaches in pulls out all the money...

reaches in the middle and gives me a Starbucks gift card!
with 3 dollas on it!!!
Good angel FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would have came up on a new cellphone/wallet/& $250. the ipod would have went to the marketplace or to the dude that youngdro scammed.
What exactly did you expect?

"You did what any other decent human being would do, just keep everything for yourself."

There's absolutely nothing "shady" about him giving you "just" ten dollars.
Happened to me also, but the lady had 350 and cards. I gave it back cuz karma sshhh bites hard!
Found a wallet with 100 bucks...returned it and I got 20 bucks...
Pretty cool..and no guilty conscience
glad you did the right thing. karma will reward you

one time i was at virginia beach and found a parasail ticket. i was gonna use it, cuz the tickets cost like $50, but i decided to do the right thing and turnit in to the guy at the parasail booth. right as i turned it in, a young girl and her husband were asking all of the people at the booth if they could get areplacement. they told them i turned in the ticket. no reward, but it was still worth it.
what's up with the nt'ers who think it's cool to keep someone elses stuff. watch your reaction when someone keeps something that was yours.

my most recent event was when i found a guy's wallet on the bus with his id , cash and cards in it. i emailed him and gave him back all his stuff and heslipped me a $20.
Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

I used to work for a national chain of storage properties that is no longer around, I once gave a girl who owed us money a pass and let her empty out her unit. The contents were scheduled to go to auction and most of the contents were her daughters things, crib, toys, etc. The girl who owed the money was pretty hot and had told me before that she worked in porn. For the most part she did video editing but told me he used to dance at the De Ja Vu, and in fact had done some amateur porn. Anyway in jest she said to me "Who do I have to blow to get my bill paid" I told her I was the manager. I was kidding, but about a half an hour later I went up to her unit to check on ow things were going, and she went aHEAD and took care of the bill.

Was a great day at work.

Real or fake, that's an incredible story. To OP, you're a good man. I would've done the same thing too.
@ 10 bucks. But I would look at it like this. If I expected a large reward, Iwould've kept the stuff. You gave it back out of the goodness of your heart. I'm sure a reward wasn't the first thing on your mind. I commend yougood sir.
you are one dumb @$+$**%*!#** one friday night in flushing i get off the bus and theres a guy laid out at the bus stop i grab his wallet and the bag with abrand new 6pack of coronas head out to my boys crib and chill ended up having 5Bills .. i was deffin chillen that weekend one time i found some kids walletthat went to my school .. had a 100 dollars .. i aint give it back .. i knew whose it was also cuz of his school id another time i found a green jacket with300 dollars inside of it in a mcdonalds bathroom .. i went shopping that same day not my fault you left your money around for me to take .. imma grimey dudeand i dnt give a +%$!
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

you are one dumb @$+$**%*!#** one friday night in flushing i get off the bus and theres a guy laid out at the bus stop i grab his wallet and the bag with a brand new 6pack of coronas head out to my boys crib and chill ended up having 5Bills .. i was deffin chillen that weekend one time i found some kids wallet that went to my school .. had a 100 dollars .. i aint give it back .. i knew whose it was also cuz of his school id another time i found a green jacket with 300 dollars inside of it in a mcdonalds bathroom .. i went shopping that same day not my fault you left your money around for me to take .. imma grimey dude and i dnt give a +%$!

lol a grimey dude wont brag you're more of a herb than a grmey dude imo.
lol nah i aint petty like that. its either take all or give it back, lucky his passport n stuff were in there or i might have thought twice of calling

I hate the Mets.
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

you are one dumb @$+$**%*!#** one friday night in flushing i get off the bus and theres a guy laid out at the bus stop i grab his wallet and the bag with a brand new 6pack of coronas head out to my boys crib and chill ended up having 5Bills .. i was deffin chillen that weekend one time i found some kids wallet that went to my school .. had a 100 dollars .. i aint give it back .. i knew whose it was also cuz of his school id another time i found a green jacket with 300 dollars inside of it in a mcdonalds bathroom .. i went shopping that same day not my fault you left your money around for me to take .. imma grimey dude and i dnt give a +%$!

i know who i'm not buyin from in buy and sell...
so ya i was the mall working my seasonal job at macys and went on my lunch break wit my co-workers... i only met this kid thru macys so i knew dude for 2-3days tops...so its me, him and this other chick that works at macys also we all go to the food court to grab a bite and my coworker finds 5 bills on our waythere... he scoops it up and pockets it....he then asked me if i wanted some money i was like nah fam im good... i thought it was a setup for some reason...then i was jokin wasnt even serious i was like ya slip me 2 bills so he gave me 2 bills... for some reason though it was fake so i was shook to use it... iended up givin the 2 bills to my pops to pay for my student loans... but ya not really grimey cuz i aint find the money it was givin to me lol... honestly if isaw the 5bills i wouldnt pick it up... i would think its a setup... id prally just walk rite by...
One time me and my boy were slap boxing in the mall parking lot and as I went behind a car I saw 2 $100 bills on the floor.
I could've kept them both but since my homie was there I gave him one and kept one for myself, had a great weekend after that.
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