Ever feel kinda sad when the cashier doesn't greet you or say goodbye?

if i see a cashier and under his name tag says "cashier in training", i dont say a damn word.
Originally Posted by Orangatrang

What's worse is when you're the cashier/employee and you try and greet them but get denied.

"Hello ma'am, how're you today?"
"Oh, no thanks. "
yep, i hate it when i greet customers and they dont say anything back. im like
it makes you feel sad?

Man, if they don't say hi to me I either:

a. be real nice and chatty to make them guilty as hell
b. I'm a complete +#+#*, screw them, I tried to be nice in the first place.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Wow I thought I was the only one. What's worse is when you hold the door for someone and they don't say a word.

I be like
this. i feel like a %++$+ after like.. "why did i just hold open a door for that ungrateful basterd?"
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Damn, that makes me feel like crap. You walk up to the register expecting a greeting..... and nothing. You think about breaking the ice but too many seconds have passed and it would just be awkward. So then you think, "Oh, they're saving it til after the transaction." You finish up your transaction anticipating a friendly sendoff....... and nothing. I'll remember this forever, dogg.

The real kick to the stomach is when you try to be the bigger person and say "thank you, goodbye." and they STILL say nothing. This happened to me at the coffee shop today. And they had the nerve to put a sign on the register that read "NO CELL PHONES AT REGISTER". Why? You ain't talking to me, dogg. I cannot endure this again.
this is why i greet my customers
Originally Posted by Orangatrang

What's worse is when you're the cashier/employee and you try and greet them but get denied.

"Hello ma'am, how're you today?"
"Oh, no thanks. "
No thanks to a how are you
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Damn, that makes me feel like crap. You walk up to the register expecting a greeting..... and nothing. You think about breaking the ice but too many seconds have passed and it would just be awkward. So then you think, "Oh, they're saving it til after the transaction." You finish up your transaction anticipating a friendly sendoff....... and nothing. I'll remember this forever, dogg.

The real kick to the stomach is when you try to be the bigger person and say "thank you, goodbye." and they STILL say nothing. This happened to me at the coffee shop today. And they had the nerve to put a sign on the register that read "NO CELL PHONES AT REGISTER". Why? You ain't talking to me, dogg. I cannot endure this again.
whoa deja vu this exact scenario happened to me today. I was more pissed then sad though.
Like just because you are a career cashier don't take it out on me, Quisha
I'm always ending up feeling bad for them instead. I always think that their lives are miserable, which is why they are the way they are.
I hate greeting customers only to have them ignore me. So when they come back around for service I just ignore them or tell them that the next available personwill get them. To me its like once I extend the hand and you smack it away $**% you
I kinda feel the same way when someone sneezes and you say bless you and they don't say anything back.

In my head I'm just thinking they're not religious, but they could at least say thanks right?
It's completely the same other way round.

Me: Hi there, how are you?
just looking!

rude customers FTL
I greet every single customer that comes to my register with a how you doing and a smile every time
. And it usually sparks some kind of convo. The onlytime I dont greet customers is when Im in a bad mood or they give off that stank like vibe that I hate.

Sexy wimminz who dont say anything back
I don't get sad I just kinda find it rude because it's their job to greet the customer. It's not a big deal though.

But I co-sign with the dude who mentioned people not saying thank you when you hold the door for them. Now that pisses me off.

i do enjoy when they are friendly. most cashiers always seem like they're having terrible days tho.
Originally Posted by Orangatrang

What's worse is when you're the cashier/employee and you try and greet them but get denied.

"Hello ma'am, how're you today?"
"Oh, no thanks. "

1. im not working in retail anymore and my treat people the way they treat me attitude is why.

if i asked someone who they were doing today and they said something along the lines of, "im just looking" or "no thanks" i wouldrespond back with "i asked how your day was going, not what your looking for"

then when i would greet people and they would ignore me i would be like "i see how it is then" and then when they asked for help i would ignorethem and when they asked why i ignored them, i would just tell them then when i asked them how they were doing they ignored me so i figured they had hearingproblems.

i was nice to the friendly considerate customers and even the friendly inconsiderate customers who weren't intentionally being inconsiderate but i wouldalways engage in a contest of who can be the bigger jerk to the jerk customers. i got alot of complaints made about me but nothing ever happened, i justcame to the realization that working retail isn't for me.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

let me guess ? you just came back from TARGET? i swear their employees are the rudest people ever..
for real? not the target i used to work at, they used to stress that %$& on us
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