ever feel like you got no future?

Jul 12, 2004
Well, I won't make it long so I'll spare details, basically, I'm in my 2nd year of college, I started at arguably the #1 school in my country.
But $%&* hit the fan, and now, I'm at a crappy school, with a low GPA because of my grades from my 1st school. I intend to transfer, but it's just starting to hit me that my grades from my previous school will drag me down. Ever since I was little, I've always had mishaps, I thought going through that good school would have made up for everything, but I messed up again. FML. Now I'm having doubts about my future. FML.

Anyone else feel like you're destined for failure?
I don't like the direction my life is taking right now......I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.
Naw man, everyone hits speed bumps in life. Its a time in your life were you will look back and just laugh, as long as you got your health you have anopportunity to have a great future. Keep your head up
You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gainvaluable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world,just keep it up and it will work out fine.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i do, but i just take a cruise and listen to flight school, come home feelin great
That song always makes it better thats for sure....
First off, you need to realize that no matter how bad you have it, someone also has it worst. Second, you need to take responsibility for your own actions andset a plan in motion to correct your course. Low GPA? I think we all know how to combat that. Bad self esteem, once again, look at that good things, thoughthey may be few, still in your life.
Have no future? No.

I think I'm intelligent enough to do something promising with my life, and you should feel the same way.

Everybody hits that rough patch in life. Just begin to think positive, pick yourself up and continue you do what you have to do in order to make it...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Maybe not third world, though. Rural Europe would be perfect.


I would be completely and utterly happy if I lived and worked in a place like this:


I'm seriously considering picking up Italian or French, or just perfecting my Spanish, and moving to Europe.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gain valuable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world, just keep it up and it will work out fine.
Accounting or engineering?
its you what makes you who you are...there's no rule in this thing called life man...it is what you make out of it...and if you really want to feelaccomplish set short term goals instead of long term...
take your time dude
focus on whats important and what you want outa life
and dont regret your actions.
try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by jhobson5

You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gain valuable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world, just keep it up and it will work out fine.
Accounting or engineering?

Engineering my friend....
I never felt like that, but I know most of us had doubts and our share of worries.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't like the direction my life is taking right now......I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Man usually you irk me, but you aint NEVER lied. I was just day dreaming of this this morning. Why are we so afraid to "jump"?
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't like the direction my life is taking right now......I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Man usually you irk me, but you aint NEVER lied. I was just day dreaming of this this morning. Why are we so afraid to "jump"?
Because it's impossible to see where you'll land.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

You can raise your grades. And 9 out of 10 employers dont look at your GPA, they look at you degree and experience. Make sure you do an internship to gain valuable experience and you are fine. I have friends that graduated with 2.5 GPAs and they make 60k 1 year removed from school. Its not the end of the world, just keep it up and it will work out fine.
I always thought this is this really true...??
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