ever feel like you got no future?

Sometimes, I'm a junior in high school and grades aren't as good as i want them to be. I have no extracurricular/clubs or teams at all
thanks NT

surprised at the good advice
its you what makes you who you are...there's no rule in this thing called life man...it is what you make out of it...and if you really want to feel accomplish set short term goals instead of long term...
Thanks man, I'm such a dreamer and am so impatient, if I could set my mind to set short-term goals that would really help alot.
where did you go thats said #1 school in the country?
Ateneo De Manila, I got the #1 from the THES-Q rankings.
I used to feel like that, then I've discover why I'm here.

I was born to help people. So in result, I've decided I'mma be a doctor.

I know it's an extremely long process, but it's worth it.
Through all this I've discovered a lot about myself as well, although I still have no clue what I want to be, good luck to you.
Originally Posted by I am StewRat

Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...
please do, i need to feel better about myself

i dont blame u bro. i hate me too sometimes
Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...

son ur mom bought u a bmw life aint that hard
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by lil rell

try this.

- license suspended since july 08.
- mom has a 3 series bmw waiting for me outside but wont hand me the keys (well duh..)
- owe about $1500 in tickets.
- been single since august 08 (i wonder why...)
- been out of work since october 08
- only landed 2 interviews in the past year.

- never knew how it feels to have at least a 2.8 GPA but can prove that i was one of the smartest in most of my classes on a consistent basis.
i can go on...

son ur mom bought u a bmw life aint that hard

guess my humor was misunderstood
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Maybe not third world, though. Rural Europe would be perfect.


I would be completely and utterly happy if I lived and worked in a place like this:


I'm seriously considering picking up Italian or French, or just perfecting my Spanish, and moving to Europe.
i can't tell if its hot or cold in that pic but either way looks great to live in lol
as the whole failuer thing..
at times i feel like college takes too damn long because im the kinda guy that wants too much too fast..
i wanna have a house already and im still 19..and at a community college workin for the damn sh*t *** county. (los angeles county)..that aint happenin soon lol
dont feel too bad, keep your head up and get your sh*t together
Originally Posted by SoCalBoy23

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

AntonLaVey wrote:

I just wanna move to a third world country, marry a native, and live off the land.

Maybe not third world, though. Rural Europe would be perfect.


I would be completely and utterly happy if I lived and worked in a place like this:


I'm seriously considering picking up Italian or French, or just perfecting my Spanish, and moving to Europe.
i can't tell if its hot or cold lol

I wasnt really going for the sounds of music feel. Somewhere in france could be nice, by a river. Spain could be a good look. South America...maybe. Argentinaor something.
Stop being so self critical, just chase your goals and dreams and everything will take care of itself. Like most of you have already stated "you onlyfail when you quit."
Originally Posted by mustbefire

Stop being so self critical, just chase your goals and dreams and everything will take care of itself. Like most of you have already stated "you only fail when you quit."
when things aren't going so well...you got to sit back, find out what went wrong, and like nas said "destroy and rebuild"

i like this thread
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