Ever get any dumb customers at your job???

Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

"okay sir your room number is 103, go through door B go down one flight and make a right, down the hall"

:: customer looks around::
"Uhmm so where is this?"

"go through door B go down one flight and make a right, down the hall"

::customer walks to door B looks down the stairs then hollers back::

"down here?!"


This happened to me a couple of times..

"Hey, do you work here?"

Me: "Haha, no sorry."

"Can you help me with this?"

Me: "Sorry, i don't work here."

"Oh, so you don't work here.."
ten minutes before we close we only let people who are returning in, so this lady walks up and im standing in the doorway.

her: excuse me
me: are you returning?
her: no
me: then you cant go in
her: why? i need to return my books
me: i just asked you if you were returning and you said no
her: oh i thought you asked if i was an attorney
me: why would i ask you that?
her: because i didn't go to law school
just go in and return

another time i was at my friends job waiting for him to get off from work. he was unpacking boxes in the back of staples not sure exactly what it was for. sowe are talking and this cute chick comes to the aisle right next to us and picks up a stapler and stares at it. me and him go back to talking and about twentyminutes later she has not moved still staring at the stapler, then she looks up asks my friend if he works here and then asks if what she is holding is astapler. when he tells her yes she puts it down and walks out the store. me and him were
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

when i use to work at a hotel in downtown chicago right by the EL train

customer: umm its really loud in my room the train is making a lot of noise.i cannot sleep. what can you do about that?


yea hold on let me just call the transit system and ask them to stop running so you can sleep

dumb !!++*%$ %!+!% asking me that #$%
hmmm I'm no customer service or hotel specialist....but perhaps you could have offered the customer a different room away from the tracks

i usually would do that but it was during the chicago marathon and we were fully booked.
I work at a cafe in the museum of flight In Seattle and get the stupidest people ever. some of the stuff ive gotten:

"hey does the veggie sandwitch have meat on it?"

"do you guys have fries or anything"?
"do you guys have pizza"
"well what do you guys have"
"I point to th big giant order board w/ everything behind me"
"so wait you said you didnt have pizza?"

"what is the hotdog bun made out of?"

I get so many people asking where stuff is they just immediatly ask without even looking around for themselves.
Aspecially when im on register at least 3 times a day people will orderstuff that we dont even sell. lol
Originally Posted by bamez

While i was working at toys r us last Christmas...

tryna sell a ps3 customer asks me
"the new playstation play the old games?"
me: "yeah"
"does it play xbox 360 games?"
me: "uh no"
"ohh i don't want it then."
tells his friend, "nah i dont want that, it don't even play xbox games."

well I work at the front desk of my building and I have people come in and ask me the dumbest questions. I'll get to those, but first, some words ofwisdom: when you walk up to a desk to ask a question, move with purpose. Don't just mosey up, accidentally stop, and then hesitate, and finally ask a dumb__ question. Like okay my job, its nothin I work at the front desk of a dorm. The dorm is directly adjacent to the school's "police station" oras we call it "Public Safety." At this place, we get id cards, buy parking permits, pay tickets, etc. If someone finds someone's id or somethinon campus, they should turn it in there. So, I get a girl who comes up to me, catchin me all off guard with this to ask, "Is this the lost andfound?" What!? I'm like yeah I dont think we have a lost and found. I'm just as confused as she is, but really want to help her with her quest tofind the "lost and found." I havent heard that phrase since I dont know when. Then she was like oh I mean public safety. I point her in thedirection. Any other day, I get about a dozen people who walk through the front door, having to pass the sign that reads, "Pickerl Hall," and ask me,"Is this Public Safety?" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I used to work at a Nike Outlet...

"Excuse me, where is your K-Swiss Section?"
me: "Um this would be a Nike Factory Store so only Nike products are sold here"
-customer walks away-
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

back in Highschool... i was working at small place at the mall that sells dog food, but it looks like cookies, but really its for dogs.

" How much is for dozen?"

"5 bucks"

"Is it good?"

"well, for dogs yeah."

(she had her daughter with her)

"Mom i want to try some"

i looked at her like %%%.. i told u its dog food,
she bought a dozen and give the bag to her daughter, :X
wonder how that went
Originally Posted by RyeNO

I used to work at a Nike Outlet...

"Excuse me, where is your K-Swiss Section?"
me: "Um this would be a Nike Factory Store so only Nike products are sold here"
-customer walks away-
for me it is usually the old people asking for new balance. I'm just wondering what people are thinking when they walking under the giantorange swoosh above the door, that its a Nike factory store that happens to also sell every other athletic brand?
Originally Posted by potus2028

Conversation C:
AJ: Hello, Philadelphia Public Defenders...
P: Yeah uh..I wanna find out when my parole date is...
AJ: Aight, I can do that...what's your case number?
P: 342817
AJ: *looks up case* Well, it say here that you in 4 triple murder, rape, armed robbery, and jaywalking...and it says you don't have a parole date.
P: Um...yeah, I know...but I was wondering if you could talk 2 sumbody about gettin me a parole trial.
AJ: Aint a whole lot I can do 4 you...
P: *silence*
AJ: *plays with SK*
P: Well what's up with you today cuz? I just need sumbody 2 talk 2...
AJ: *sighs, starts inane convo*
Originally Posted by ralph91

me - How can i help you?
idiot - I want these 6 rings in a 10....
me - Sorry all we have is a 8.5 and 12 left

idiot - Ok let me try the 12 on..
me - Ummm im pretty sure its not going to fit

idiot - I think it will...
me - Here you go sir

5 min later after wearing them on one foot...
idiot - They too big for me can i try the 8.5?
*shakes head*
*goes to back and sits down for awhile and talk with employees*
me - Sorry sir i got lost in the back its my first day
idiot - i cant even fit my foot in here *laughs*
me -

idiot - you think footlocker or champs has them?
me - they called us earlier and said they sold out
idiot - *gathers his friends* lets go check footlocker i think they got them
this is just one out of the 12241234 customers

Sometimes it goes like this:
Customer: Do you have this in a 11?
Me: Let me check.
*checks backstock*
Me: Biggest I have is a 9.
Customer: What about 10.5?
. No just an 11.
I always have women ask me do I know how a pair of womens shoes fit customer: do you have these in my size?(holding a pair of shoes) me: -_- what's yoursz?
Originally Posted by shuhbonkboo

Originally Posted by ralph91

me - How can i help you?
idiot - I want these 6 rings in a 10....
me - Sorry all we have is a 8.5 and 12 left

idiot - Ok let me try the 12 on..
me - Ummm im pretty sure its not going to fit

idiot - I think it will...
me - Here you go sir

5 min later after wearing them on one foot...
idiot - They too big for me can i try the 8.5?
*shakes head*
*goes to back and sits down for awhile and talk with employees*
me - Sorry sir i got lost in the back its my first day
idiot - i cant even fit my foot in here *laughs*
me -

idiot - you think footlocker or champs has them?
me - they called us earlier and said they sold out
idiot - *gathers his friends* lets go check footlocker i think they got them
this is just one out of the 12241234 customers

Sometimes it goes like this:
Customer: Do you have this in a 11?
Me: Let me check.
*checks backstock*
Me: Biggest I have is a 9.
Customer: What about 10.5?
. No just an 11.
I've gotten both of those kinds of conversations. I hate covering the footwear section of my store.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

I always have women ask me do I know how a pair of womens shoes fit customer: do you have these in my size?(holding a pair of shoes) me: -_- what's your sz?
huf customers
This happened to me a couple of times..

"Hey, do you work here?"

Me: "Haha, no sorry."

"Can you help me with this?"

Me: "Sorry, i don't work here."

"Oh, so you don't work here.."

i get ask this question all the time. even if they see me a wearing a uniform and a name tag.

i work for a fitted store:

customer: (wearing a fitted) can i check out that hat
me: what size do you wear?
customer: i dont know
me: well, what size is the hat that your wearing?
customer: (customer gives me a dumb look and takes the hat off and checks the size)
Originally Posted by richierich781

This happened to me a couple of times..

"Hey, do you work here?"

Me: "Haha, no sorry."

"Can you help me with this?"

Me: "Sorry, i don't work here."

"Oh, so you don't work here.."
i get ask this question all the time. even if they see me a wearing a uniform and a name tag.

i work for a fitted store:

customer: (wearing a fitted) can i check out that hat
me: what size do you wear?
customer: i dont know
me: well, what size is the hat that your wearing?
customer: (customer gives me a dumb look and takes the hat off and checks the size)

co motherfreakin sign. i get that crap all the time. the thing that gets to me and maybe im asking for a little too much but i don't get howmost adults have trouble with the hat sizes. those are simple reduced fractions that we all learned in the 4th grade and seeing grown adults thinking that a 71/8 is bigger then a 7 1/2 just gets the
from me. i dont evenbother helping them figure that problem out anymore, if its a little kid ill help them figure out the size differences but if its a grown adult who thinks thatthe order from smallest to biggest is 7 1/2, 7 1/4, then 7 1/8 i just tell them to try them on until they find one that fits or to read the centimeter part onthe sticker to see when its increasing in size.
Retail is the worst for dumb people.

I have so many stories its mind boggling.

Like when Rudy Gay of the Memphis Grizzlies came in to add a line and when we asked him to write down his social he gave us an autograph instead.

Please.. dumb customers all the time!!! I used to work at a company that printed/designed flyers and also pressed mixtapes.

We have ads in the Source and XXL.. The amount of people calling who had no clue what they were talking about... I remember some dude wanted mixtape insertsprinted and he made them on microsoft Paint. The resolution was so bad and it looked like a kindergartner made it. But dude yelled at me because I said wedidn't want to print it

Then I had some guy always calling who every single time asked me if I'm black. (My name is Siobhan but pronounced Shavon)

Me: _____ This is Siobhan speaking how may I help you?
Him: Siobhan!?! Are you black?
Me: No.
Him: What!? With a black girl name like that? I got a cousin named Siobhan but its spelled another way
Me: Oh. Can I help you?

Or the random industry people calling to get jobs done who's names I won't mention

Me: This is Siobhan speaking how may I help you?
Her: Wasupppp Siobhan this is ______ how are you?
Me: Good, thanks how are you?
Her: GOOD.. You smoke weed don't you?

Wait, what? lol
Originally Posted by potus2028
all were funny...like the 2nd the best or perhaps the 3rd

i work PT at FinishLine so dumb customers are an everyday thing

favorite is:
Customer: can i get this in a 10
me:i go check and come back "we only have an 8 left"
Customer:so you don't have a 10
Customer: what bout a 9.5 or 10.5
me: we only have an 8 left
Customer: so you saying there's no 10
i just walk off
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