Ever get pissed seeing people not appropriately dressed for winter?

It's funny because in Nor Cali chili to us is like 50 to 60. I was talking to a dude from Colorado yesterday, and it was 18 degrees where He's from.

So basically it ain't that cold.
i may find it odd, but everyone doesn't perceive 'cold' the same as i do. i really don't care what another person has on. they wear what theywant.
Originally Posted by jville819
Yep. One of my Caucasian friends was telling me how he tried to get a tan once during the winter in Ohio after it was snowing. Shirt off withone of those reflector things.

Question though: How would one dress if they were flying from somewhere tropical to somewhere cold? I already saw what happened in Cool Runnings.
Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Originally Posted by jville819
Yep. One of my Caucasian friends was telling me how he tried to get a tan once during the winter in Ohio after it was snowing. Shirt off with one of those reflector things.

Question though: How would one dress if they were flying from somewhere tropical to somewhere cold? I already saw what happened in Cool Runnings.
I knew someone was going to post that pic.
so in california the weather reach's that low...?

wow I thought you all had it good in a sense that i expected 70 + during the winter.
my friend came to my house last night
in shorts and a short sleeve shirt, im in cali but i still dont know what the %@## he was thinking, it gets cold in cali


Get this dude an ambulance. 40 degrees. Booooo hoooo.

No I'm not mad, 40 is still balmy for me
Me and my girl were in the line at Wal-Mart at 3am on black friday and this high school chick was in flip-flops and a vest..it was like 20 degrees and i had mynorth face parka on with a champion hoody and sweatpants and i was still freezin..she kept complainin to her parents that it's cold out..freakin idiot..

I wish i was in Cali all year round..i wouldn't mind wearin shorts and hoodies for when i get it's "chilly"

I live in upstate ny by the way..
Originally Posted by MvP07

so in california the weather reach's that low...?

wow I thought you all had it good in a sense that i expected 70 + during the winter.

where im from(fresno) its been about 40 degrees at night, with maaaaad fog cant see %+@+
imma die when im in ny, in a couple weeks
Um.. I live in Michigan and there is probably 5-6 inches of snow on the ground, and ice underneath the snow. It was 28 degrees outside today as well, and snowwas still falling from the sky.

I wore a hoody, jeans, and my XIX's. Does that make you mad?
I grew up in Long Island so seeing kids wear cargo shorts in the middle of january is common.

There was one idiot who would dress like that, but then wear his warm clothes toward the end of school
Well then one of my ex-coaches would make you angry. His legs got run over around the thigh area by a car when he was like 14. Since then he lost all heatsensation in his legs, thighs down. Dude wears shorts ALL the time.
Originally Posted by MvP07

so in california the weather reach's that low...?

wow I thought you all had it good in a sense that i expected 70 + during the winter.

You aren't that far off. Its hardly ever cold in San Deigo.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I grew up in Long Island so seeing kids wear cargo shorts in the middle of january is common.

There was one idiot who would dress like that, but then wear his warm clothes toward the end of school

Guilty on both counts. Not the warm clothes towards summer though.
if it means im going to get sick as a result then yes. i see kids in my classes that are sniffling, coughing, and sneezing wearing shorts or t shirts in 30degree weather, ill be somewhat upset.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Um.. I live in Michigan and there is probably 5-6 inches of snow on the ground, and ice underneath the snow. It was 28 degrees outside today as well, and snow was still falling from the sky.

I wore a hoody, jeans, and my XIX's. Does that make you mad?
5-6 inches!!!!!!! Where are you??? I live at woodward and 11mile and we have zero snow....
Michigan is the strangest state....

and ryair max 1 being cold does not give you a cold......people get sick this time of year because they dont go out as much and when they do they congregateindoors...more contact equals more chances at germs being passed......
I just laugh at people when I see them dressed in shorts when its freezing out
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