Ever got G checked?

One time in 7th grade smh it was my first day at a new school and my mom had told me not to get into any trouble that year cause I was bad at my last school. I was in class and felt kinda awkward and didn't wanna get out of my desk. We were using glue, I put it on this Asian dudes desk and told buddy to put it back.. We got into a small argument and started cracking jokes on each other for the rest of the period. I got mad props for riding on dude until I walk out of class and dude got me outta nowhere and pushed me against the wall and got in my face wanting to throw hands.. I didn't even do anything smh embarrassing. The worst part is I woulda gave dude the hands if it wasn't in school though.. Never got in a school fight but plenty of out of school ones
yea you cant just stan their like a +%* at least at the very least say i know you see my *!% standing here in a stern manly voice
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable


blatant disrespect
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Once when I was like 14. A guy pulled up on us in the hood asking for directions to this girl's house that we all used to like. It was like 5 of us and we were like "Naw, we don't know where she stay." He said aight and drove off. As he was driving off I yelled out "Lame @@@ boy".  Son stopped the car, got out and was like "I didn't hear what you said, say it again so I can hear you this time. Huh?" I didn't say nuttin.  He just hit me with the "Yea lil boy that's what I thought". After he left I got clowned hard.

First and Last time ever. I'll die for my respect lol

if your gonna talk %+$% back it up.
I had just turned 14. I was a lil soft then even though I was in the wrong. Around 16, 17 I got tired of being nice and chumped off and just went on a crazy streak. Set the god damn school on fire I went so crazy.
  I'm 27 now
Damn I can only imagine the expression on OP's face when the dudes stepped in front of them.

damn...lol i thought i was wrong at first...lol had me feeling like a extra dunce.
Back in high school when i was in my addicted to sneakers phase, I just cracked open and wore my deadstock green bean 5's. Waiting in the hallway for gym class and a kid comes up to me and says, "they new? they're nice." Then flat out just stomped on them, and walked away. After a couple seconds of pure confusion I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt and sorta shoved him to the side, he pushed me back, then we got separated. Never fought in my life, adrenaline was a'pumpin though

That's about as close as I've come. I'm a respectful guy so I tend to get it mutually returned.

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Once when I was like 14. A guy pulled up on us in the hood asking for directions to this girl's house that we all used to like. It was like 5 of us and we were like "Naw, we don't know where she stay." He said aight and drove off. As he was driving off I yelled out "Lame @@@ boy".  Son stopped the car, got out and was like "I didn't hear what you said, say it again so I can hear you this time. Huh?" I didn't say nuttin.  He just hit me with the "Yea lil boy that's what I thought". After he left I got clowned hard.

First and Last time ever. I'll die for my respect lol

you are a straight clown for that one. i hope you learn from it homie.
Originally Posted by REDUCE523

I remember I caught a beating for having a smart mouth when I was 14, I crank called some store and the guy knew it was me. So he caught me a couple days later jumped out of the car, and chin checked me he was like 20 I think, I just fell on my #%%. Next day I threw a *#!!$** piece of concrete through his store window and said next time its your head. *#!!$** guy had the nerve to call the cops. I had to do a summer of community service.
My dude G checked you and and when you tried to clap back and didn't learn, he just said $%!# it and took it to the next level
Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

Back in high school when i was in my addicted to sneakers phase, I just cracked open and wore my deadstock green bean 5's. Waiting in the hallway for gym class and a kid comes up to me and says, "they new? they're nice." Then flat out just stomped on them, and walked away. After a couple seconds of pure confusion I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt and sorta shoved him to the side, he pushed me back, then we got separated. Never fought in my life, adrenaline was a'pumpin though

That's about as close as I've come. I'm a respectful guy so I tend to get it mutually returned.

ol boy lookin like



in the midst of disarray
I got literally G-checked at the jack-in-the-box drive thru years ago
. I was giving dude the money and he goes "you rep forks down?". I was like what? Then he points at a sticker on my side window that said NTB but in a graffiti font (it was just what we called our group, more of a joke than anything). I was so confused and my buddy goes naw we don't rep anything. He was like cool and gave us the food. Afterwards I was like maybe I should take this sticker off in case the wrong person sees it
Originally Posted by boogie bwoy

Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

Back in high school when i was in my addicted to sneakers phase, I just cracked open and wore my deadstock green bean 5's. Waiting in the hallway for gym class and a kid comes up to me and says, "they new? they're nice." Then flat out just stomped on them, and walked away. After a couple seconds of pure confusion I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt and sorta shoved him to the side, he pushed me back, then we got separated. Never fought in my life, adrenaline was a'pumpin though

That's about as close as I've come. I'm a respectful guy so I tend to get it mutually returned.

ol boy lookin like


in the midst of disarray

haha something like that.
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Once when I was like 14. A guy pulled up on us in the hood asking for directions to this girl's house that we all used to like. It was like 5 of us and we were like "Naw, we don't know where she stay." He said aight and drove off. As he was driving off I yelled out "Lame @@@ boy".  Son stopped the car, got out and was like "I didn't hear what you said, say it again so I can hear you this time. Huh?" I didn't say nuttin.  He just hit me with the "Yea lil boy that's what I thought". After he left I got clowned hard.

First and Last time ever. I'll die for my respect lol

if your gonna talk %+$% back it up.

Yea man, that was WAY worse than the OP story. I mean, dude got actually called out and he folded like origami. The skip in line thing
can happen to anybody and it aint nothin.
Me and my younger brother were at the drive thru in mcdonalds and these 2 cars pulled off behind us talking crap, i say something back and this little frail dude pops out of one of the cars and im thinking this is a sure beating for him when all of sudden like 12 dudes pop out of the 2 cars and my brother ask me if we should hit them with some bats we had i said no and got in my car and drove off

a couple days later i saw the frail dude riding a bicycle by himself so i almost ran him over and me and my brother got out the car and dude booked it and flew over a fence
Its a tough situation to be in. On one hand most men instinctivly want to stick up for themselves, but on the other hand things can escalate from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds. Ive been lucky I never got into serious trouble for all the times I never let %+*@ slide.

On the news the other day I heard a story about these 19 year old kids getting into a fight at the beach... one kid punched the other one time and the kid ended up dying. Now the puncher is looking at serious time. Just never know.
Half of the time "idiots" act tough is because they packing heat. and they are just looking for a stupid reason to use it. Nobody cares if you "stepped up" if they already crying and burying you in the cementary. Being a man is a state of mind you dont have to prove anything to anybody. Real men know when to walk away.
never checked cuuu...jk

back in 10th grade dude was acting mr hard ball during flag football! dude shoves me so im like boy pls grab him by the collar and tell him chill with that or else.....so after we all change to our regular close all my class and the other classes of that gym period are waiting outside...when i hear hey homiee i said homie i see dude with this 7 foot dude like 300 pound gangster friend coming at me needless to say i was scared cause one rule i learned from living in los angelese if you dont bang you never fight gangsters....anywho dude said to get ready to get my a** whooped so im like dam im a have to fight this dude....in the end dude walked me to class talking that mess luckly i had well connected friends so i got a pass....chooose my enemys carefully from then on!
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