Ever have evil thoughts?

I wanted to deck a random kid walking down the halls at schoool

Wanted to spear a kid in my bball team onto the floor because he is so goofy
Originally Posted by sn00pee

i thought about how it would feel to kill a person with my bare hands...

I know im not alone...

Definately not.
I also want to hunt, kill, clean, barbeque, than eat an animal, just to say that I did.

also with my bare hands (minus the bbq part of corse)
i get those kinda thoughts all the time
mine arent considered evil. but its like thinking about smashing other girls when youre in a relatoinship. I doubt im alone in this. but i would NEVER do thatto my girl. faithful ftw
lmfao...it happens. just dont act on it. i think about beating people up all the time...like brutally. like wherever i go i size the place up and look for theones who i would take out first and with what if necessary.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I'm having evil thoughts right now.
My sister used my hair clippers to cut my nephews hair and just left them on the floor in my room, she drives my car all the time but never puts any gas in it, and my Mom made some food that I bought for myself and now everyone in the house is going to eat it
you stingy
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