Ever just see people with disabilities at the mall and just appreciate your health?

Nov 18, 2007
happens to me all the time, I could be having the worse day ever but then it makes me feel like %%*+ it aint that bad, NT I want you guys to watch this pieceon tourettes really

I know what you guys are thinking this dude just posted two 9 minutes videos? HELL NAH!, but forreal I want ya to watch this, it really altered my view of life
yeah, it really does make you thankful for the state your in, and i always thank god for it and pray that the people with disabilities can make it through life
i'd watch em but no use..i got no audio here at work. but na i hear wat you saying. i be like damm yo thank god im ight. i jus thope i dont have childrenlike that
I'm sorry but I had to LOL at around 2:30 and on in the first video. I mean the girls all chill and shes like "Well, the only reason I do this isbecause I have a chemical ibn--aSK:JA:LKJWNHFRL:KQUBNEL:U@BNE$:IO!@BN$L:KEJ!B:KUJN!!"
There are 30,000 chromosomes or some @+$$ in ya body. if ONE is slightly imperfect you could be a simese twin joined and the %%#+.

The 95% of people who are normal...or even beautiful just have the configurations that perfect
It makes all the small things irrelevant, ie the harline jokes. I saw a dude at the gym with a limping disability and I had to give props to the homie forhaving the heart to go workout and not that let hold him down.
Yeah, it's all about spirit cause no one is perfect externally, and if you think you are you are a slave.
Yes, I am VERY thankful that I'm not disabled, have mental problems, or even something as little as being color blind. I've seen it be taken away frompeople all too fast, through sports mostly. Speaking of which, anyone else remember that video of the football player who tackled a guy head first and diedfrom the hit? That video right there, when I saw it years ago, made me appreciate everything I have.
allll the time. especially the ones with mobility problems
Damn she is pretty. 9.6 face

But yeah I made a similar post about the sympathy I feel towards people of disability last fall. There is a guy in my class, and his face and head is basicallysmashed in. But he is insightful, helpful and thoughtful person. It really hits me hard when I think of the problems these people face. I feel similar if notsame pain they feel but on a mental level instead of a physical.
Sad part is...I complain about #@+@ goin on in my life all the time... I only stop and appreciate the life I have when I see someone else's misfortunes. Ifyou don't see someone worse than you, you usually don't appreciate what you have......Awful that it takes viewing someone in distress to have to remindyou that you really have it good. Like dude said up top about seeing someone limping at the gym...You know how hard it must be for that person to go outknowing there are people constantly looking and stairing at him??? He obviously doesn't let it bother him now but I bet at some point it did.
I pray i dont become paralyzed by something outta my control such as stray bullet or drunk driver.
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