Ever put hands on your significant other?

sometimes u gotta do a show of force. you do something that shows overwhelming power/strength without actually DOING something to them. years ago, my then-girlfriend and me got into a fight in the car. real bad. REAL bad. long story short i was restraining her after getting punched twice. i let her go and she punched me a 3rd time. 

and on that 3rd punch.....

i snatched her wrist and squeezed. pulled her close and damn near growled at her that if the thought of her hitting me even looked like it was forming in her head, she was going through the windshield to get some fresh air. i squeezed her wrist so hard tho i surprised myself lol i thought i was about to snap her **** up. she never hit me again. ever. here we are 6 years later lol. i bet everytime shes ever thought about hitting me past that point, she thinks back and her wrist starts itching. 
Homie was finna GTAIV his girl
Sounds like half the time this is happening after shorty puts her hands on you. I don't think it's right to hit women but I think women done got outta hand tryin to smack they man up cause they're mad. That's some childish **** right there, and there's 2 courses of action:

Shorty gets loud and wild and starts slapping at you and ****. Nothing crazy or life threatening just her being stupid. Either your dodge game is like Muhammad Ali, or you just grab her by the wrists, home her down for a minute and let her know she ain't your girl no more.

2. She comes at you with weapons and ****. Bats, knives, ninja stars, whatever, you do whatever you have to do protect yourself with minimal damage to her, then you have her kick rocks. If it's her crib, get your **** and bounce. If you had to exert physical force to protect yourself, then YOU call the cops. If you're the one to make the call, and they show up they're gonna see how crazy this ***** is, even if she tries to make it seem like you attacked her.

Other than that, no reason to swing on a girl. She cheated? Kick her to the curb, cheat back, whatever. She went through your ****? Welcome to the club, every girl goes through your ****. EVERY girl. You just found out about this one. If you got that much to hide, you ain't ready for that serious a relationship. She shouldn't be to through your ****, but the convo should be "why you goin through my ****?!" Not, you explaining all the nudes in your text convos.
Taken from the pages of the great Aaron McGruder's magnum opus:
[h5]"The Boondocks: Tom, Sarah and Usher (#2.2)"  (2007)[/h5]
Tom Dubois: Uh, what's going on, guys? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Mr. Dubois, my name is A Pimp Named Slickback, sir, and this is an intervention. 
Tom Dubois: An intervention? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Your friends have reason to believe that you are suffering from Chronic b**** Dependency, Mr. Dubois. May I call you Tom? 
Tom Dubois: Is this some kind of joke? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Tom, b**** Dependency is no laughing matter. Addiction to a b**** can f*** with your friends, your health, and, scary enough, even your money. It's a disease, Tom. 

Tom Dubois: What was your name again? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Well, thank you for asking. My name is A Pimp Named Slickback. 
Tom Dubois: Wait, a pimp? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Named Slickback, yes. Please say the whole thing if you would? Yes, that includes the "A Pimp Named" part. Yes, Tom, every time. 
Tom Dubois: Look, Mr. A Pimp Named Slickback... 
A Pimp Named Slickback: No need for the "Mr." 
Tom Dubois: I don't think I need any help from someone like you. 
A Pimp Named Slickback: And by "someone like me," you mean a pimp? A bad guy? 
Tom Dubois: Now, look, I'm not trying to insult you. I just don't approve of what you people do to women. 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Oh, so I'm wrong, so I'm messed up. Well, which one of us is missing a b****, Tom? You don't see *me* running around looking for a b****. I know where all my b****es are, thank you very much. 

A Pimp Named Slickback: Now look at you, b****less. Sans b****, as the French in France would say. 

A Pimp Named Slickback: Did you know that at least 75% of b****es suffer from some kind of hearing loss? This alarming statistic means that, more likely than not, talking is not the most effective way to communicate with a b****. That's when you have to hit her. 
Tom Dubois: Whoa, what? 
A Pimp Named Slickback: You tell her what you want her to do. If she say no, hit the b****! Simple. 
Tom Dubois: But I couldn't hit Sarah. I couldn't hit *any* woman. 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Has *not* hitting the b**** been working? I mean, scientifically speaking, has not hitting the b**** achieved the desired result? 
Tom Dubois: No way! I just, I can't, I couldn't, I won't! 
A Pimp Named Slickback: Tom, take a deep breath. It's okay, people have phobias. Some n****s can't cross bridges, you can't go upside a b****'s head. Okay, we can beat this. 

and i say, Chuuch
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sometimes u gotta do a show of force. you do something that shows overwhelming power/strength without actually DOING something to them. years ago, my then-girlfriend and me got into a fight in the car. real bad. REAL bad. long story short i was restraining her after getting punched twice. i let her go and she punched me a 3rd time. 

and on that 3rd punch.....

i snatched her wrist and squeezed. pulled her close and damn near growled at her that if the thought of her hitting me even looked like it was forming in her head, she was going through the windshield to get some fresh air. i squeezed her wrist so hard tho i surprised myself lol i thought i was about to snap her **** up. she never hit me again. ever. here we are 6 years later lol. i bet everytime shes ever thought about hitting me past that point, she thinks back and her wrist starts itching. 

son Teen Wolfed ol girl!

Bruh that **** rustled the hell outta me this morning

It's just such a flawed argument it's funny.

Cheating caused her to hit him (perfectly ok)
Her hitting caused him to hit her (not ok?)

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You can give me little play slaps or whatever no biggie.

You actually try to swing or slap the boy when were arguing?

Nah b hold that.

Gonna grab ya arm and look into your eyes like I'm satan's little bro
:lol: I did this to one chick ...she used to like to poke n hit when she got mad...one time she tried to hit me n I caught her arm, grabbed it tight n just stared at her ...shorty ain't try me no more after that , she learned how to use her words when she got angry
sometimes u gotta do a show of force. you do something that shows overwhelming power/strength without actually DOING something to them. years ago, my then-girlfriend and me got into a fight in the car. real bad. REAL bad. long story short i was restraining her after getting punched twice. i let her go and she punched me a 3rd time. 

and on that 3rd punch.....

i snatched her wrist and squeezed. pulled her close and damn near growled at her that if the thought of her hitting me even looked like it was forming in her head, she was going through the windshield to get some fresh air. i squeezed her wrist so hard tho i surprised myself lol i thought i was about to snap her **** up. she never hit me again. ever. here we are 6 years later lol. i bet everytime shes ever thought about hitting me past that point, she thinks back and her wrist starts itching. 
son Teen Wolfed ol girl!

me and my girl would get into petty arguements while drunk, she'd get aggressive and start swinging on me but the thought of hitting her never crossed my mind

my mom raised me and my bro alone, her pops split on her mom when she was 15 or so...im too conscious of these things and knew that  me physically hurting her would hurt me more as a man deep down inside.

i never put hands on her...
Girl caught me cheating (going through my phone while I slept) hit me with a bat in my sleep and said to leave. I was drunk and confused but I was leaving then she blocks the door and said I can't leave until she gets an explanation, I had none. She punched me right in the jaw busting my lip and reflexively I punched her in the ribs hard. She fell to the floor crying and I left.

I regret nothing.

Great story

Would read again

You are disgusting. 

Trolling ain't easy
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