Ever see 10lbs of food disappear in under 2 minutes?


formerly rafsjays
Oct 27, 2005
Each burrito is 5lbs, roughly (not weighed).
A buddy of mine tried it and it took him 1hr 15 mins.

I'm getting heartburn just watching.


They're at a place called Iguanas in San Jose. Burritozilla (what they call it), will run you about $15
Man, my roommate bought Burritozilla last year on a whim, lasted him 5 separate meals. I was going to get it, but I didn't even want to THINK about eating because I had just done the Smokeeater's Challenge (failed 7-8 wings in) and my intestines were melting...did manage to eat a cheesesteak from that place next door though.
Yeah, that smokeeaters challenge is no joke either. I did it a long time ago (when it was still cluck u) and did about the same as you. After 6-8 wings I was done and ran for some water/milk to cool me down.
Originally Posted by rafsjays

Yeah, that smokeeaters challenge is no joke either. I did it a long time ago (when it was still cluck u) and did about the same as you. After 6-8 wings I was done and ran for some water/milk to cool me down.
I went last night to do the challenge and they said they wont let you do it tuesdays or thursdays
Oh well, im gonna try it next friday
Wow that's disgusting.

Dude on the left just devoured that burrito in the first few bites
Originally Posted by iliketurtles

isn't dude on the right joey chestnut, a competitive eater 
looks like it. same dude that does the hot dog eating contest on espn every 4th of july.
listen to just the sound and its hilarious

"oh your'e so close!!"
"clean it , push it, slam it"
"i think it only counts if it goes down your throat right?"
Originally Posted by iliketurtles

isn't dude on the right joey chestnut, a competitive eater 
I like tootles. and yes it is Joey Chestnut
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