Everybody Needs to Answer this Question.

Mar 28, 2008
Let us say you had a child. You raised him up and have always loved him. However, he does not believe that you are his father. He is a regular human being whohas his faults but the only thing that he has ever done that made you furious and disappointed was that he denied your existence.

Now, the question is: Would you torture (Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.) infinitely (forever).

The reason i ask this is because I proposed this question to a RKO2004 who is a christian and he believes it is okay. I'm pretty speechless.

**it seems like most of you guys are not recognizing what i am alluding to**

you = god
denying existence = not accepting god
torture infinitely = hell
all of you guys, based on your own morals would not torture. i love you guys.
Like abusing him is really gonna make him believe you're his father...
Not forever...but if I wanted to prove I was his father, I would take the test. If it came out negative, that would hurt my whole soul.
I don't even know how I would react to that situation. I know for sure that I wouldn't inflict pain or wish any kind of pain upon him. I guess I wouldjust be mostly disappointed that I had done something to make him doubt me being his father.
well im glad you guys are fair, but i raised this question because likei said i was talking to RKO who is a christian. I'm basically putting you in charge of the afterlife.

Congratulations you are more fair than jesus himself.
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

no, i would not. what right do i have to inflict pain on another human being?

It seems to me that he's talking about a spiritual father and a human not believing. Not human-human. I could be wrong though
Let us say you had a child. You raised him up and have always loved him. However, he does not believe that you are his father. He is a regular human being who has his faults but the only thing that he has ever done that made you furious and disappointed was that he denied your existence.

Now, the question is: Would you torture (Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.) infinitely (forever).

The reason i ask this is because I proposed this question to a RKO2004 who is a christian and he believes it is okay. I'm pretty speechless.
A post about little ol me? I've made it to NT legendary status

You asked me if I was in that position would do it. I don't understand everything that God says. But I imagine if it is a slap in the face for us to haveour children disrespect us then our actions against God must be far worst. I told you what may seem like nothing big to us may be on a whole different scalefor him because there is a lot more riding on things. Our kids disrespect its a slap in the face. Now imagine if one of your children disrespected you plustelling your other children not to respect you and go against you. I told you what I thought about it and I stand by what I said. And like I said. His view onthings is on a greater magnitude than our views.

I see what you did there.
well im glad you guys are fair, but i raised this question because like i said i was talking to RKO who is a christian. I'm basically putting you in charge of the afterlife.

Congratulations you are more fair than jesus himself.
Oh I see what you did there too. I see.

Oh and has a post like this ever been created before? And by posting this, what did you hope to gain? NT'ers not liking me? People hating Christians more?To crap on me and have others do so as well?

Be my guest. I'll be your punching bag. I'll be your welcome mat. I still love ya.
A post about little ol me? I've made it to NT legendary status

no dude. this thread is not about you. i referenced you because like i said, this question was proposed to you. we talked personally through pmand that was fine. the thread is about the larger picture and that is, based on your moral upbringing, would you ever torture anybody forever.

i understand what you are saying. that god knows much more than us but if your god exists, then he gave me the same tools (since christians believe morallitycomes straight from one source, the bible) to decide whether something is immoral or moral.
I read this a couple times over and now I see what you did there. I wouldn't punish my kid. So I guess God doesn't punish his children?
Originally Posted by bangtcg

A post about little ol me? I've made it to NT legendary status
no dude. this thread is not about you. i referenced you because like i said, this question was proposed to you. we talked personally through pm and that was fine. the thread is about the larger picture and that is, based on your moral upbringing, would you ever torture anybody forever.

i understand what you are saying. that god knows much more than us but if your god exists, then he gave me the same tools (since christians believe morallity comes straight from one source, the bible) to decide whether something is immoral or moral.

No I would say God gave us a moral compass and the ability to choose our own destiny. He gave us free will to live however we would like to.

And I never said "Oh I can't wait to send them to hell". I would be crushed but if they spent their life cursing my name and deceiving my otherchildren then there has to be punishment. I wouldn't enjoy it.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

well im glad you guys are fair, but i raised this question because like i said i was talking to RKO who is a christian. I'm basically putting you in charge of the afterlife.

Congratulations you are more fair than jesus himself.
it isn't entirely fair to say that. Wouldn't the creator of the heavens and earth know SLIGHTLY more than a being he created? He knowswhat is best for us, considering the circumstances.
Consider THIS example: You have a young toddler. He, at his young age, is susceptible to a disease, let's say the flue. You bring him to the doctor'soffice to get a shot. He cries and moans and screams bloody murder as he gets the shot. Sure, he hates you for that hour, maybe even that day. But what ifhe didn't get the shot? Wouldn't a child blame his dad for not doing something to save him from the long and drawn out symptoms of the flu? Which isworse, the jab of the needle or the symptoms of the flu?
Juse because we don't understand what our Creator does for us, doesn't mean he is wrong for doing it. And by the way, as stated in the Bible, Hell wasonly created for Death and Satan, not for his beloved creation.
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by bangtcg

well im glad you guys are fair, but i raised this question because like i said i was talking to RKO who is a christian. I'm basically putting you in charge of the afterlife.

Congratulations you are more fair than jesus himself.
it isn't entirely fair to say that. Wouldn't the creator of the heavens and earth know SLIGHTLY more than a being he created? He knows what is best for us, considering the circumstances.
Consider THIS example: You have a young toddler. He, at his young age, is susceptible to a disease, let's say the flue. You bring him to the doctor's office to get a shot. He cries and moans and screams bloody murder as he gets the shot. Sure, he hates you for that hour, maybe even that day. But what if he didn't get the shot? Wouldn't a child blame his dad for not doing something to save him from the long and drawn out symptoms of the flu? Which is worse, the jab of the needle or the symptoms of the flu?
Juse because we don't understand what our Creator does for us, doesn't mean he is wrong for doing it. And by the way, as stated in the Bible, Hell was only created for Death and Satan, not for his beloved creation.
unfortunately, there is no good analogy for the concept of hell because it trumps all forms of punishment. not even death can save you from hell.

Luke 16:
22"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'

25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'
hell is punishment. your analogy does not work because first of, we tell our kid that they will get better because of the shot. secondly and mostimportantly, the kid's pain is not INFINITE.
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by bangtcg

well im glad you guys are fair, but i raised this question because like i said i was talking to RKO who is a christian. I'm basically putting you in charge of the afterlife.

Congratulations you are more fair than jesus himself.
it isn't entirely fair to say that. Wouldn't the creator of the heavens and earth know SLIGHTLY more than a being he created? He knows what is best for us, considering the circumstances.
Consider THIS example: You have a young toddler. He, at his young age, is susceptible to a disease, let's say the flue. You bring him to the doctor's office to get a shot. He cries and moans and screams bloody murder as he gets the shot. Sure, he hates you for that hour, maybe even that day. But what if he didn't get the shot? Wouldn't a child blame his dad for not doing something to save him from the long and drawn out symptoms of the flu? Which is worse, the jab of the needle or the symptoms of the flu?
Juse because we don't understand what our Creator does for us, doesn't mean he is wrong for doing it. And by the way, as stated in the Bible, Hell was only created for Death and Satan, not for his beloved creation.
Yeah that slipped my mine. Death and Satan go to the lake of fire. See I have to study more. And you made some good points.

See the thing is, with God He gives you chances to change your ways. He has given me many. I could have just got done sinning and could have died but I amforever thankful of His grace and forgiveness. When we accept Jesus we have to humble ourselves. People who think they know more than God are not humble.

To dwell on this earth and think you don't have a purpose is crazy. You all have a purpose. Do you think people just do whatever they want here and do notpay for it? Do you think the just will not be rewarded?
^^ I agree that my analogies are not the best, I'm not a preacher. But considering the fact that we have free will, it is upon our own heads if we dothings that God has specifically told us not to do. And not acknowledging God as the Most High is one of them
And to be honest I'm not 100% sure people go to the lake of fire.

Revelation 22:

14Blessed are those who (KL)wash their robes, so that they may have the right to (KM)the tree of life, and may (KN)enter by the (KO)gates into the city.

15(KP)Outside are the (KQ)dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
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