Everyone has that one girl that they can't forget about, how did you get over it?

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

People say time heals all wounds.

I'm still waitin...

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

In life in general and not just when it comes to women I think it is important to not have a dependecy on anything but yourself for happiness. Growing up the people that were closest to me died when I was young and I really never had someone to lean on and my relationship with my mother was really bad . I suffered from manic depression and had a $@$% load of friends, was popular, "cool" etc but I always felt alone. Eventually I had a few girlfriends and naturally my relationship with them would be extremely deep and close. My last girlfriend was someone I could never imagine not having in my life at any point. We were extremely close and we had been with each other through extremely tuff times for both of us. Eventually we started growing apart and we stayed together just out of lust and sexual dependecy. Within two months of us breaking up she was dating and having sex with someone else after our breakup and she treated me like I was just a @*%!+ off the street once she started getting pounded out. She would still call me crying still send me text emails and everything wanting to start over. I knew it was over because I just couldn't go back to a relationship wherein I wasn't being cultivated and appreciated. I had a hard time seeing myself ever investing that type of energy in another woman so I went absolutely ape $@$% in chasing my dreams down and beating them into a bloody pulp when I got my hands on them. Now I'm in the company of Kings and I'm laying the foundation for my kingdom and my ex sees it and hears about it and is salty. I have no feelings for her anymore and when I think about her my chest doesn't feel heavy and there is no pain. She hasn't changed, she hasn't matured or worked on herself she just hopped on the next penis and rode the wave. Don't be that guy or girl that has to be in a relationship or under someone else to get over someone else. Be that guy or girl that puts the magnifying glass on themself and with all intent and purpose dissects the ugly parts and cuts them out. Improve grow and become a independent self sufficient monster that is constantly evolving and changing as it pursues its victim which is life. Traumatize and brutalize life dont let it traumatize and brutalize you. Your life, your rules. God bless
          Swagged Out.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

In life in general and not just when it comes to women I think it is important to not have a dependecy on anything but yourself for happiness.

I went absolutely ape $@$% in chasing my dreams down and beating them into a bloody pulp when I got my hands on them. Now I'm in the company of Kings and I'm laying the foundation for my kingdom and my ex sees it and hears about it and is salty.

Be that guy or girl that puts the magnifying glass on themself and with all intent and purpose dissects the ugly parts and cuts them out. Improve grow and become a independent self sufficient monster that is constantly evolving and changing as it pursues its victim which is life. Traumatize and brutalize life dont let it traumatize and brutalize you. Your life, your rules. God bless

Wow that was very powerful
Haven't read posts but:

1. Hang out with your friends lots (you need people to keep you happy when you're down)

2. Surround yourself with other girls (takes your mind off her, and potentially meet new)

3.Get yourself in better shape than you are now (confidence)
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