EWD's Tech Start-Up Company Vol...Iono

Son, I'm wheezing between the drone driblbing the ball and the "fluid hip boosters" gifs :rofl:

Back to back with greatness.

Hope the business venture works out EWD. Congrats on taking the first steps toward making it a reality.
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Going after venture capital money now
Maybe OJBJ or Lobo can put EWD or some drone stuff into this pic
Nothing is better than a friendly battle btw top photoshop posters @lobotomybeats and @ogbobbyjohnson773.

Thread officially hijacked. Bravo gentlemen
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Your boy is officially in the UAV game. From surveying, to agriculture, to aerial videoography. I self-invested in everything you see in the pic. Going after venture capital money now. They like it better when you startup on your own dime...they know you are more likely to respect their money. More details tomorrow.

Literally the SAME day he is released from suspension, Brian "EWD" Williams gets right back at it. 


You can't make this stuff up.
EWD knew everyone would roast and joke.. it's all in good fun. I'm kind of interested in hearing what his company's plans are... just out of my own curiosity. 
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