Ex girlfriend left drunken vmail "fyi I hooked up with your brother"

Pics of face x2....
all those body pics were kinda :rolleyes Molemite status

:lol: 110 lbs with a c cup, face to match..just stop. @$% was flat as shhh but the head so good damn a $#@%% glad he hit. everybody used to thirst for her, little did I know my own blood was plottin.. :lol:
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now that yall both smashed, ask her if she's tried the eiffel tower. if she replies yes, invite her and your brother over. win/win situation.
Just because your calm and cool right now, don't assume you will be like this as time passes. You don't know how to feel yet because what happened probably hasn't hit you yet.
After I dead u, I don't have any desire to cuff again.

So I legitimately could not have cared less if this happened to me

Maybe I'm just not as close to my exes as u are

My advice: Have no reaction at all. Delete the voicemails and keep it moving.
OP said rep him

reminds me of HGF, dudes saying hit the thanks
qft haha

gotta love hgf though
It's dude's own brother though. Not a distant friend you haven't seen in a long time, or an associate that you just say what's up to every once and awhile, it's his brother.

So? They broke up. They're no longer attached to each other in any way shape fashion or form.

Truthfully, its just now dawning on me how bad she tried you. She knew your lameness would outwieght how much of an attention seeking, vengeful **** she is. She knew you the type of dude that would hurt. You'd carry on so much that no one would stop to realize she gave herself to someone just to piss you off.

As far as your bro, hes a dude. What else would you expect? Especially if she looked good. Just used this to roast. Next time yall go out to eat, dont finish all your food and offer it to him because you know he likes your sloppy seconds.
So? They broke up. They're no longer attached to each other in any way shape fashion or form.
Truthfully, its just now dawning on me how bad she tried you. She knew your lameness would outwieght how much of an attention seeking, vengeful **** she is. She knew you the type of dude that would hurt. You'd carry on so much that no one would stop to realize she gave herself to someone just to piss you off.
As far as your bro, hes a dude. What else would you expect? Especially if she looked good. Just used this to roast. Next time yall go out to eat, dont finish all your food and offer it to him because you know he likes your sloppy seconds.

You clueless..what she did does not make me sad, salty nothing. If I missed her so much I woulda patched it up in the spring..I was having more fun with 6 girlfriends, ya dig? Stop taking NT posts hyper literal. I made this thread because it's a good story and I was curious how normal people would react, conscious of the fact that my nonreaction isn't normal.
First of all, dont get all defensive. Im just telling you what it is. I never said you was a lame, but she did try you like one. Secondly, no one said anything about missing her except you.
what happened to da days where chicks was off limits if the fam or da homies dealt with  em u seem chill tho like it aint bout nothin to you i would be pissed but sometimes family will do you worst than a stranger will unfortunately smh
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